Monday, May 21, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-21-12

More on Venus retrograde as many seem interested: relationships from the past will also be a major theme in your life during this time – having to deal with the consequences of being related to others in your past, or people who you’ve known longer will take a more prominent role again, and it may not be easy to deal with most likely.

And more on Uranus/Pluto square tightening up for first exact hit: if you’ll recall it was on the day of Uranus ingress into Aries and the square became active by mode that the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster in Japan occurred. This apparently was the birth of a catastrophic event that is continuing to occur and the information on how serious the situation really is being withheld from the public. See: (; In other words the ugly head of Pluto in the square is slowly transforming the world beneath the surface via radiation and deception of the public during a worldwide crisis situation brought on by a quick natural disaster (Uranus). Also, as mentioned last week, revolutions in the streets seem to be sweeping the planet. What a stressful time in general, and when we get the personal planets getting involved too, like Venus going retrograde, we all get to feel the stress in some personal way. Like I said last week, this eclipse/New Moon/Venus Retro/Sun ingress to Gemini says info must be spread from the bottom up and far and wide. Info like the above could get a groundswell going to stop the madness of nuclear energy eventually, hopefully before any more catastrophes, as this one obviously has already permanently altered our world and it may be just the beginning of dealing with it.

Mercury is very active this week starting it off with a conjunction to Jupiter this Monday. There will be (too) much to do today/this week – it may not be physically possible to keep up with it all. This is an excellent transit to take more in intellectually/mentally, to make big plans/long term goals, to take on new mind expanding courses of study, to tackle new business projects, to be introduced to new concepts/values/philosophies, organize events, etc. The biggest danger is overlooking details or taking on more than you can handle or perhaps adopting a smug attitude towards some. Mercury’s quincunx to Saturn and sesiquadrate to Pluto shows you may bump heads with superiors/authorities over you ideas that can slow down the process, force adaptations to plans, leave you powerless to move ahead, struggle to convince them of your point, uncover mistakes, question your own thinking/views obsessively, cause arguments, and/or bring up hidden fears. The Moon’s square to Mars will fuel the above and could bring up much anger/irritability today.

Tuesday is pretty quiet with positive Moon in Gemini aspects to Venus retrograde and Saturn.

Wednesday, the Sun squares Neptune, which can bring some form of considerable confusion, deception, discouragement and/or a general draining of energy on all levels. This is not a day to make important decisions or negotiations. We can easily fall under the spell of others, addictions, escapism, idealism, and may be overly sensitive to others/our environment. If you could take this day off and just contemplate/meditate/relax, that would be best, but for most of us we will have to be out in world and dealing with nebulous energy today. Tonight is the night this week the Moon (in Cancer) locks into the Uranus/Pluto square too with a square to Uranus and opposition to Cancer. You may feel like just running away to hide to avoid others or big decisions.

Thursday, Mercury ingresses into a sign it rules, Gemini, joining the Sun and Venus. The balance between Taurus/Earth and Gemini/Air will now be tipped more in air’s direction which will get communications, info sharing, networking up to a more fevered pitch. Minds will be curious, restless, prankish, superficial, easily bored, nervous. Info may come at us so quickly that we may never seem to finish what we started before going on to something else. People will be very chatty, but subject matter will remain on light side. This is also a time where focus may be on travel, getting around, transportation, neighbors, siblings, education and local environment/region.

Friday, it’s Mercury’s turn to square Neptune, which is similar and continues the energy of the Sun/Neptune square and the New Moon/Eclipse square to Neptune earlier in the week. This can bring confused thinking, irrational idealism/ideas, mental deceptions/secrets by self or others, a lazy attitude, misunderstood communications, drifting thoughts, etc. Once again, not a good day for making deals or negotiating. The best use of this energy would be spiritual/metaphysical/religious study or fantasy/creative writing.

Saturday is quiet. Sunday has more Mercury action with the Winged Messenger conjuncting the Sun and sextiling Uranus. This would be an excellent day to seek out some form of mental stimulation that excites/entices you. A short adventure trip of discovery would be perfect, or a lively debate with witty company! Ideas will be exchanged rapidly and everyone will want to get in their say, yet will maintain supportiveness of others. Also a good day to just do something different or approach old problems in new ways or initiate new projects.

Next week, Mercury catches up with Mars and Venus and Saturn to complete aspecting every planet in solar system these two weeks!

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