Monday, September 3, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 9-3-12

Monday can be a challenging day for relationships: normally a day best mainly spent alone if possible due to a Venus/Saturn square and a Sun/Saturn semi-square, it is a holiday where many of us will be interacting with others. This can have a cooling effect on relationships where we feel conservative/reserved when with others or have to deal with heavy handed authorities intent on spoiling the fun for everyone. Relationships that are weak can also hit their breaking point under this energy, or we may have challenging situations come up with our elders. Internally, there will be disappointment with others that we’ll have to process alone. Mars sextile Pluto and trine Chiron today will give us the opportunity and desire to use these disappointments to take action on changing ourselves in creative/innovative ways. This combination gives us a strong drive to work on something hard that is self-beneficial and transformative. Mars also quincunxs Uranus/Pallas Athene today (and the Moon is in Aries, which Mars rules), so no matter what, these mixes of energies are going to make this an odd day: actions may be off, tempers may flare, accidents could happen, disruptions may arise, etc. Really, despite it being a holiday, the more alone time, the better today – expect interactions to be annoying at times at least.

Tuesday, Mercury aspects the same three bodies Mars aspected Monday: the Winged Messenger trines Pluto, opposes Chiron, and quincunxs Uranus/Pallas Athene, which are exactly conjunct this day. Normally, a Mercury/Pluto trine can use the mind like a scalpel/laser to get to the heart of matters, depth of thoughts, cut out what’s superficial, etc, and is also great for study of detailed subject matter especially about the mind. However, the opposition to Chiron and quincunx to Uranus will mix the energy up a bit as an inability to be more broad in our viewpoint can trip us up, get us in serious disagreements with others, scatter our mind, overload our nervous systems. I still believe this day would be best used similar to Monday: if you can really focus this energy upon yourself somehow, yet realize the path will be slippery at times, it would be best, as these energies can really agitate our interactions with others especially if this energy acts through us – we could really end up upsetting others and vice versa. This is a week where the theme seems to be the ability to look within to change ourselves because outer events may be preparing to become more extreme, and we need to clear up our own issues and intentions before we can handle what may come next externally. The ability to make some of these changes is more reachable this week if we can mix the resources of the material and spiritual worlds together well. Uranus conjunction to Pallas Athene (and square Pluto on Friday) is a calling: to all warriors for the defense of the female archetype, for the use of technology for the betterment of all people and the earth itself, for social reform and individual rights, for the acceptance of equality between the sexes and over different sexual orientations, and for the unique creative vision that each one of us has – a calling to stand up now for our individual rights together – to use our knowledge to create solutions and win these battles. Each of us is capable to contributing to this energy in our own way, but it is a Collective mission.

Wednesday continues this very same theme as Mercury perfects a sextile to Mars, while the Moon in Taurus opposes Mars and trines Mercury. By today, it will start to be a bit easier to interact with others, and it is an excellent day for getting work done of either mental or physical (or a combination of both ideally) type. This also favors all communications, short trips, and making plans of action.

Thursday Venus ingresses into Leo and immediately semi-squares Jupiter: Venus in Leo really wants attention lavished upon her and will do things to draw attention to herself that can get to voyeuristic levels – and she can get snotty when not getting that attention. Still, the bright side of us shines as we desire to interact with others, especially friends/lovers/children now. We can easily be attracted to other beautiful people, however we define that term. We may get too selfish in our dealings with others however. The semi-square to Jupiter will really push this energy off quickly and we may indulge today in some excess/creature comfort with others. There is also a more subtle Pluto/Chiron sextile, a very Collective aspect that will feed this deep inner desire to learn about our own innermost workings which will help us understand others around us and perhaps transform how we relate to one and other to healthier versions. There is also a Mercury/Saturn semi-square late this day that can get us into a serious mind zone a bit, and perhaps feeling a bit isolated/on our own island with difficulty communicating to others. Heavy thoughts may come in a bit.

Friday’s Sun square Jupiter may have us feeling good and ready for the weekend in some big, celebratory way.  We can use this energy to push ahead today, but just remember costs/bills are sure to follow. We may easily over-schedule our time/overtax our resources too, and fall into arrogant/righteous behavior in loud ways. Venus quincunx Neptune can give us a bit of delusion in our relationships, especially romantic or spiritual ones, but can be used for some unique creative/artistic inspiration. You can get a bit too martyr-like in relationships or need some empathic support from others also.

Mercury square Jupiter on Saturday continues the Sun/Jupiter energy of yesterday as our minds may be filled with grandiose schemes that have not been checked for details yet that can trip us up later on.  It’s easy to jump to conclusions too and get too subjective in our thoughts and words. Still, this will keep us in an optimistic frame of mind that may naturally draw in some lucky breaks.

Mars sesiquadrate Ceres is the most significant aspect of Sunday: this could bring some frustration and crisis surrounding resources, or if you are a parent, a child/your children, that is irresolvable today, and must be delayed to act upon.

A New Moon in Virgo highlights next week, while Mercury will dash off to Libra.

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