Monday, November 26, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-26-12

We are in the midst of Mars locking in exactly with the Uranus/Pluto square these days – events can be quite intense right now. While Israel and Hammas fired missiles at each other as we built toward the exact Mars/Uranus square, on the day of the exact Venus/Neptune trine, they negotiated a cease fire, while the people of Egypt are again in the streets, this time against their newly elected President, and protests spread all over Europe and other parts of the world in earnest. Here in the US, on the day before the exact Mars/Uranus square, we had a 100+ car pile up on I-10 in Texas from people driving too fast and recklessly (sounds like Mars/Uranus behavior to me). The exact Mars/Pluto conjunction is on Tuesday can make life very difficult this week – the problems that arise can be quite hard to handle without losing your !@#^ somehow! Anger will arise to the surface and violent physical manifestations both large and small may occur in our/the world. This is the energy of personal power – wanting it and going for it. This can be good if it spurs us to acts of courage and confidence we would normally fear taking. It can be quite bad if you abuse any power you have however, as people can become dictators under this energy and heavy-handed in approach. This will also give extra-ordinary physical energy to most this week, so it’s a great time to get some project done/work hard. And Pluto will help you sort out what’s useless and discard it easily. The potential for power struggles is highly likely this week – things can easily spin out of control, if so. Be aware, be careful.


Monday is a very active day: it starts with a burst of innovative/excited energy from Sun trine Uranus. This can make progressing/changing quite easy. You also want to do or be with something/someone different. Awareness is strong and you can make an individualistic mark on the environment/scene around you. This is also good for studying/working with new technology, numbers, science. The Sun is also square Chiron, which is likely a response to Sun/Uranus leaving us feeling a bit imbalanced, especially in our habits or behaviors rooted to the past, when we can see we can be so much more than that. So the challenge this square is asking is “how do you get there?”. It can end up upsetting others when you make a move toward that also.


Mercury Retrograde also stations direct on Monday and will slowly start to pick up forward motion. Many of those traveling this weekend may get one last dose of inconveniences as Mercury stations. Its retrograde effects will still be strong for a few days before it slowly releases them as it moves through its retrograde shadow over the next 3 weeks. Monday ends with a Venus/Saturn conjunction. This will turn relationships to serious and sober levels. Many people will prefer to be alone during this evening. We may also get reality checks on any new people we connected with during Sun/Uranus or Venus/Neptune trines. This is also a sign many people won’t have the money/resources they need to fill out the holiday gift lists.


Tuesday is the exact Mars/Pluto conjunction I opened this blog with commenting on above.


Wednesday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 6/7* Gemini. This Full Moon is usually about overstimulation, trying to do too much, information overload, superficial interests, focus on the Big Picture while overlooking details, many stimulating connections/communications, new knowledge, travel, etc. However, the eclipse makes this Full Moon even deeper, as it shines a light into our psyche to reveal things previously unseen perhaps, or not seen as clearly.  Here we may see some of the surface ways the mind reacts and creates duality as a reality, yet realize that underneath that is unity and that’s where our path must lie – that we need to filter out the trivial, unimportant information for the true nuggets of wisdom that come our way to help us find a higher path, live towards higher values, and welcome in what breaks us free from the habitual mind. What Gemini seeks is inside and so close, not so much out there in the world. The Moon is conjunct the planet that rules Sagittarius, Jupiter, thus the Jovian one gives an extra push to the Sun and pushes us to take some new big step in our path, some risk that can change our lives in big ways. The Moon sextile Uranus will offer the opportunity to do something different, the choice is yours. Look to the houses in your chart this eclipse falls in to see the areas of life it will be affecting most for you. Any planets in your chart that makes tight aspects to it will also add to the energy for you. Venus is also sextile Pluto Wednesday: this can deepen relationships significantly if you wish to. Emotions are felt on transformative levels also under this transit.


Thursday has a sweet Venus sextile Mars. Creative energy is high, love may be in the air, friendships are important, and there’s a balance between male/female energies that can be tapped into. People express themselves easily under this transit. There may also be financial opportunities available you can act upon.


Mercury moving slowly forward bumps back into its sesiquadrate with Uranus Friday. The tempo of this day may get nerves jittery, or your ideas may be blocked somehow. Communications can also be difficult/frustrating today.


A yod forms on Saturday as both Venus and Mars, still sextile quincunx Jupiter. Couples or others in relationships with each other may come to some serious philosophical disagreement here, and it may be a matter of principles giving both parties the inability to adjust, but that is what’s required. This can also make some relationship get really big/out of proportion, but also fateful, and thus in need of playing out/going along despite the overkill in it. Neptune trines Ceres, a long term transit that will help perhaps shifts humanity’s values into a more giving/compassionate/understanding tone. It may be much easier to relate to others/put ourselves in other’s shoes, and thus shift our attitudes toward giving now.


The Sun makes its annual opposition to Jupiter on Sunday continues this week of expansion – if there was a week this year we are being called upon to take some risk and reach for some new horizon, this is it. Optimism may be able to fuel success now. If there has been something building up in your life over the past few weeks and its decision time now, it is time to take the chance. As long as you are not over-extending yourself too far or are blinded by your own sense of righteousness, it is a good day/week to take a big step/chance in your life.


Next week is a very quiet week astrologically - after the intensity of the past few weeks, a welcome respite.

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