Monday, February 28, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 2/28/11

A relatively quiet week astrologically.

Tuesday Venus is the key player as she moves into Aquarius and relationships that are about community, furthering ideals, mental ideas, and the use of electronic forms of communication take precedence for the next month. A great month to connect with groups and to make plans for change together. However, it can also widen the gap between groups with different approaches/philosophies about how things should be, as neither is willing to back down from entrenched, stubborn positions. Investments in technology related businesses is best now. Venus sextiles Uranus this same day and gives us the opportunity to connect with people who are outside your social circle. They may bring some new energy to your life that can be quite enticing/exciting, but most of the time is short-lived. It's also a good time to hash out differneces with others, as new approaches will appear via collaboartion.

On Thursday, Mars sextiles Pluto, giving the strength/power/confidence/purpose to tackle any issues/projects/problems that come your way with much energy and zeal. Things you start today can have far-reaching consequences, and you are able to either work well alone or with others.

Friday is a new Moon in Pisces, a time we need to trust our intuition and absorb all we have learned lately to make deeper connections with the inner parts of ourselves, our spiritual path, our creativity, and our connections with all those around us and the world in general. Look to see if any planets or points in your chart are at 13*, as they will be revved up by this New Moon. Also, look to see what house it falls in in your natal chart to find what area of life will be affected most: this is where you can make a new start and trust your inner guidance will connect you to something more profound/deeper. A deep emotional connection/at-one-ness with something greater than ourselves will be the pull of this New Moon. Repressed emotions need to be seperated from/released somehow now, so you can do a reset. Don't allow the old standards and their vanguards to drag you down, as they may feel threatened by this dissipating energy, that they may lose their grip on you. So be it.

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