Monday, February 14, 2011

Egypt & Tunisia: Signs of Things to Come?

Egypt and Tunisia: Signs of Things to Come
Part 1: Egypt
by Matthew Lauten

Egypt and Tunisia have been in the news lately due to the revolutionary attempts by their citizenry to take the power from entrenched leaders so that resources and wealth are shared more evenly, as many of the people can no longer afford food nor find gainful employment. The oncoming ingress of Uranus into Aries to form a long term cardinal square to Pluto through 2015 has many astrologers expecting a global revolution surrounding these issues. Is this a sign of things to come for the rest of the world? Historically, when Uranus has been in Aries, there have been national crisis’ over very divisive issues that have led to extreme actions by both sides. Some of these issues have been choice of religion, the right to print money, taxation, slavery, and the bastardization of different races within nations. (I will be giving a lecture on the mundane effects of Uranus in Aries in the past and what to expect this time as part of a Tucson Astrologers Guild Meeting on Friday, March 11th, at the Bio-Touch Center in Tucson – it’s free and all are welcome – contact me for more info if interested.)

Back to Egypt and Tunisia: I will try to keep this summarized and not go super deep, as this blog would end up going on for pages! I have a chart for the Republic of Egypt from Nick Campion’s “The Book of World Horoscopes.” It is dated June 18, 1953 at 23:30 GMT in Cairo after military officers had overthrown King Farouk the year before declared the Republic officially. (see below)

The first thing I noticed in this chart is that the five outer planets (Saturn through Pluto including Chiron) are all giving long term transits to key inner planets/points – the perfect storm. Uranus, the planet of revolution, is partile square the Sun, which represents the nation and its executive leader. Here the crisis is revolution against the leader: transiting Uranus is in the 12th house of subversion and large institutions. With both the Sun and natal Uranus in the 3rd house, this revolution shut down the internet and cell phones because it was fomented through them, has intimidated media reporters with beatings, shut down normal everyday commerce, and has been full of official announcements from both sides - more a war of words rather than destructive violence (Uranus is still in Pisces, so each side shows compassion for each other but is firmly entrenched in their belief system). The desire is for a better society and an easier life, so that all may achieve their hopes and wishes (Uranus co-rules 11th; .Sun rules 5th). The other outer planet of big change, transiting Pluto, is opposite Mars. This indicates a decision having to be made by the nation because of some large physical event that is highly charged with active energy and has the potential to explode into anger driven violence. Obviously, that event is the large protests, and there has been some sporadic violence so far, but there are a few factors that indicate it may not spread into wide spread physical violence. First, this transit is already separating and Pluto will not retrograde back to an exact opposition when it goes retrograde later this year. Second, natal Mars in Cancer in the 3rd house is in a weakened condition and is not the type to fight back physically, but to look for alternate solutions. Third, the main houses involved in the transit, the 3rd/9th axis and 5th are not typically ones involved with widespread violence. Fourth, Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto, is intercepted in the 7th house. The transit in the 3rd/9th axis re-iterates similar issues mentioned above about natal Uranus being in the 3rd, and also shows the change people want to see is in value systems, morals, and laws. It also indicates that the universities and law and the health care system may actually support the people when push comes to shove, although it may take them several weeks to months, and also shows widespread support from other nations. The result of this uprising will be a success: with Mars ruling 1st house, the face of this nation is bound to change, and with Scorpio intercepted in 7th, new alliances undreamed of prior to this will form, as old ones die. Transiting Saturn just stationed at 17* on January 27th just as the protests started in a partile square to the aforementioned natal Uranus in 3rd at 17* Cancer. This is almost pinpoint timing as to why now. This is frustration that has built up over the slow progress of a better life and the manifestation of something groundbreaking in this physical world. Transiting Saturn is also within orb of a square to natal Mercury conjunct I/C indicating the seriousness of the situation in the minds of the common people. Natal Saturn and transiting Saturn both in the 6th (and Mercury ruling the 6th) shows it’s the common workers who initiated the protest and that the soldiers side with them, as they are all burdened by the current regime. With Saturn ruling the 10th and 11th, their main demand will be the stepping down of the Executive and Legislative branches of the government, as they see them as the blockage to achieving their common goals and hopes, and a fairer distribution of wealth (Mercury ruling 2nd). Note also, later this year, will be the 2nd Saturn return of the nation - and talk about cycles: Mubarak became President on October 14, 1981 during the Republic’s first Saturn return! No doubt, it’s time for him to move on and this nation to turn the page on the last 30 years. Chiron was still in Aquarius when the protests started at the critical 29th degree: more timing precision there. Neptune and Chiron have been conjunct for a few years now, so they are aspecting other planets/points together. In the chart of Egypt, they are sextiling the Ascendant and trining the Sun. Observing this conjunction at work in peoples’ individual charts these last few years I have seen it play out as a calling to attempt to help heal each other’s wounds based on the experiences one has had in the past. It has not promised any material gains, but spiritual ones. From what I’ve seen, it seems to reject the way the physical world is working right now. It is hard to determine which the illusion is mentally. It’s a calling to live to your highest ideals and accept the mess we are in and the long climb required to get out of it. Once accepted, it seems to attract those to you who need to hear your words, which can be a very empowering experience for both parties. With these two flowing aspects of this conjunction to the Ascendant and Sun, is this the archetype Egypt faces now? Surely, the opportunity exists, but the illusion and idealism questions will make it murky. Leadership issues will surely linger a long time.

A couple other very interesting points about this chart and time: the full moon of January 19th at 29* Cancer/Capricorn was partile square the ASC of the Republic’s chart: a cardinal t-square with ASC at point! The whole world watches the people take action to an apex/release point. In cardinal signs, it is about their very survival – there is no longer any choice – they can not survive as is, so the crisis ensues. Only when the scales of justice (Libra on open end of t-square) are balanced will they be satisfied. Note also: the lunar eclipse/full moon of December 21st at 29* Gemini/Sagittarius is partile sextile/trine the ASC: this can be interpreted that the riots in Tunisia that started several days later were the impetus that pushed the Egyptian people to rise up too. The Gemini Moon sextile the ASC speaks of news/media/computers being the vehicle of information about Tunisia, and the trine from Sagittarius Sun was the will to take the risk to “where no Egyptian had gone before.” The moment was ripe to burst forth soon.

The fixed stars at the time of the start of the revolution (January 25th) are amazingly revealing. I am finding them to have incredible influence on political events occurring in specific places. Once again, I focus on the parans the fixed stars are having in relation to the planets. The three outer planet parans are in effect for several months and can help show why the event occurred when it did historically. Uranus speaks of the public’s opinions at the time and their expectations. There are three parans to Uranus and the one most interesting is Uranus culminating as Archenar is rising. According to Bernadette Brady (all following quotes on fixed star parans are from Bernadette Brady’s Starlight program), this combination gives “sudden changes in public opinion.” Indeed! A little background on Archenar is fitting too: it is found in the constellation, Eridanus, the River. This constellation and star are associated with large cataclysmic events that are quite fateful. Many times they are seen when large natural disasters occur, and everyone nearby is swept into the river of fate. So the enormity of this event in Egypt cast a wide net until it was seemingly taking the whole country with it. Neptune parans speak of the hopes and fears of the nation during this time period. All three parans to Neptune at this time can be seen in this event, but I’ll focus on just two of them. Neptune is rising as Markab, in the saddle of Pegasus (Markab is one of the four corner stars of the
Great Square
in Pegasus), is rising also. Brady says of this: “…a change in the make-up or laws of society.” This is a star of steadiness, especially in times of turmoil, and we see that the people of Egypt refuse to back down and maintain a steady vigilance in this case. Neptune is also rising as Antares, the heart of the Scorpion, is culminating. Brady says of this: “Corruption becomes evident.” This is what has fueled this revolution: the corruption of Mubarak and his cronies. One of the four Royal Stars of Persia, Antares speaks of great successes due to one’s actions, and once again is a very fated star: that is, people get swept along with this one as if there is some higher power they must adhere to. Pluto’s parans represent the crisis or changes that occur. There are seven parans to Pluto during this time period over Cairo and all are so descriptive of the situation it’s hair-raising. Pluto is setting while Alnilam, the belt buckle of Orion, is rising. Alnilam usually pulls things together or pushes them apart. Brady says: “A polarizing time; us versus them.” Diadem, the Woman’s Crown in Coma Berinices, is culminating as Pluto is rising: “A lone sacrifice that can change a nation.” Diadem speaks of those who work behind the scenes for the betterment of all society without desire for personal fame. I feel this fits this story as the young man who started the idea of the march with a small group of others by using Facebook. Pluto is rising as Mirach, in the Princess, Andromeda, is on the nadir. Brady says: “…the finding of new levels politically…” Mirach has a naïve receptivity associated to it. It is the most receptive star archetypically. Here, the people were open to this big change at this time. Canopus, the Great Navigator, in the modern constellation Carina, makes two parans to Pluto: it is on the nadir while Pluto culminates and vice versa. Brady says: “change of an establishment leader.” In ancient days, Canopus was part of the older and bigger constellation, the Argo. He was the captain of the ship, and was looked upon as a leader who took others to new places, but could also become a ruthless tyrant/dictator after being entrusted with this power. This represents Mubarak in this event: a man given great power in a tumultuous time to lead his people through a calamity, but then refused to give up his power, and actually became more ruthless and dictatorial as time went on. Now, with this star in opposition to Pluto, he is forced by others to make the decision to leave. It is interesting to see how he has played out the archetypes of both Jason and Ouranus in this situation over the years. Pluto is culminating as Denebola, the Tail of the Lion, is setting. Brady says: “A breakdown in the administration or the Establishment’s power.” Once again, the archetypal energy of Denebola is very fitting, for this star represents the anti-Establishment/the alternative, which is what is causing this administration to break down. Finally, Pluto is setting as Betelgeuse is rising: “Benefits or breakthrough achieved in the wake of disaster.” Betelgeuse, the Right Shoulder of Orion (the Pharoah in ancient times!), is possibly the most beneficial star in the sky astrologically. It guarantees success, and it seems that this is the case as Mubarak stepped down two days ago (I’ve been writing this article over a period of a week or so, so I’ve actually been able to watch these energies unfold.)

So the three outer planets parans show what energy was in the air when the events unfolded, but it’s only part of the fixed star story. Every year in any given place for a period of about two weeks, the Heliacal Rising and Setting stars are the same, and they give an annual “feel” to what the energy is like. This is not strong enough to cause events to occur at this time alone, but when other parans to outers and planetary transits to natal charts align also, then this annual energy will be the backdrop that supports these more acute energies. The other annual backdrop is parans to the Sun, which are also the same every year at a given time and place. The Heliacal Rising Star for Cairo every year in late January is Facies, the feared Face of the Archer. Brady says: “The shadow of war; the darkness of cruelty or aggression.” The cruelty of Mubarak’s regime and the fear it invoked in his people were a background fact of life in Egypt. The Heliacal Setting Star(s) are the Twins, Castor and Pollux. Brady says of these: “New ideas; new knowledge being honored.”, and “A painful truth coming to light.” Once again, both of these descriptions are quite fitting. There are five annual parans to the Sun at this time of the year in Cairo also, and four of them are worth noting. Sun culminating as Zuben Elgenubi is setting. Zuben Elgenubi is the Southern Pan in the Scales (of justice in Libra) and speaks of those who are into issues of justice and equality for no other reason than desiring that for all. There is no personal aggrandizement being sought with this star. Brady says: “A time of salvation; a leader is sacrificed.” Sun setting as Sirius, the Dog Star, is rising: “The potential for great and immortal events to unfold.” The archetype of Sirius is so fitting for the small group who started this (purported to be less than 100 people). It speaks of seemingly small actions that when initiated capture the fancy of the masses, and become a rallying point for massive societal change. Finally, we have Sun rising as Menkar is on the nadir: “A time of extremes of action…”. Menkar, in Cetus the Whale, can be the most difficult star in the sky to deal with astrologically, as it exposes all that is hidden subconsciously and denied by humanity in our individual selves, by focusing it on one person who becomes the fall guy for the Collective’s unconscious guilt and fear.

The other five planets’ parans will show energy that is in effect for about a week, but I believe they can also mark the event with an initiating type of energy that can ripple out beyond that. Mercury usually tells of the media and business at the time. There are five parans to Mercury and all help describe the way Facebook, the internet and cell phones have become the main media of today. Mercury is rising as Capella is setting. Brady says: “Working outside of the system; a maverick.” Indeed, that’s exactly how the internet worked: rallying people via means outside the established media. Also, this was initiated by one individual through Facebook purportedly, the maverick, so to speak. Capella’s archetype is also quite fitting, as it has a desire for freedom but within physical reality’s (ie – Earth’s) bounds.
Mercury is setting as Ras Algethi is setting. Brady says: “A pressure point is released with new levels found.” Enough said there. Sirius has two parans with Mercury: it is culminating as Mercury is on nadir and vice versa. Brady says of these two: “A publication, or the words of a person, have far-reaching repercussions.” This fits right in with the one young man starting it on Facebook again. Mercury is setting with Denebola on the nadir. As I mentioned above, Denebola represents the alternative (view). Brady says of this combo: “The Contraire.”

Venus tells of the social conventions at the time. There are three parans to Venus, and all three can be seen at this time, but I’ll mention just the most significant one. Venus is setting as Regulus is on the nadir: “The role of a leader becomes of prime importance.” We are back to Muburak here especially in relation to Regulus, another of the fateful Royal Stars of Persia, and the Heart of the Lion. Regulus speaks of great success and fame, many times due to military victories. The pitfall is using the success one attains for seeking revenge upon enemies. This is bound to bring a great fall. Muburak came to power via the military, and his abuse of that power now leads to his fall.

Mars’ parans tell us of the actions of the event that day/week. There are three parans to Mars and all are significant in relation to that day/week. Let’s look at just the two most significant ones. First, Mars is setting while Archenar is culminating (see the archetype of Archenar above): “Accidents or turbulent events; times of uncertainty.” Once again, Archener and its big fateful events, that suck all in all those around the event, is prevalent on the day the revolution started. Second, Mars on the nadir with Alphecca rising: “Action to resolve hardships; an impasse.” The actions the people took were a result of their hardships and they sat in the square until the event became an impasse.

Jupiter parans represent the actions that are most favorable for the time. In this case, Jupiter is the people and Saturn, which represents the law and order, is the Muburak government. Each has two parans and all of them describe the two sides. Jupiter is rising as Zosma is setting. Zosma, the back of the Lion, speaks of those who have been victimized by society and/or those who work to help those who have been victimized by society. Brady says of this combo: “The weak and victimized are assisted and become strong.” We couldn’t summarize in general terms the results of this revolt any more succinctly. Then there’s Jupiter culminating with Alhena rising. Alhena’s, the One Who Marches, is one of the feet of the Twins, and represents one who marches for a cause even if it exacts a price. Brady says of this combo: “Acting with strong belief.” The Egyptians belief in a need for a better life was so strong that they were willing to pay the price. Meanwhile, Saturn, representing the government, was on the nadir while Murzims, the Announcer, was rising: “A leader speaks; serious words.” Indeed, both Muburak and his Vice-President initially tried to quell the revolution through serious words. Murzims is the archetype of someone who has something he must say. Also, Saturn was culminating as Aculeus was rising: “A new practical policy that seeks to deal with a social problem.” Aculeus, one of the Stingers in the Scorpion’s tail, speaks of attacks that can be physical in nature: the government being attacked by the protestors. Fortunately, it seems practicality won out and massive violence has not occurred as a result.

One last thing with fixed stars that I like to check in events now is the chart of when the Heliacal Rising star first rises, as usually I find very significant planetary aspects tied into the cross of matter (see chart below). Once again, this is true, as there is a Sun/Pluto conjunction right on the Ascendant (Sun partile conjunct!) and it’s part of a stellium with North Node/Pallas/Mars/Ceres: a fated usurping of and transforming of power in the nation from those acting over a common cause about scarce resources. The Neptune/Chiron conjunction (see description above) is partile trine the M/C showing a release of pent up energy about ideals and healing of wounds in a harmonious manner. Also, the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is partile quincunx the M/C, showing the revolution goes the people’s way, and major separations from their leaders and adjustments of who will lead will occur.

It never ceases to amaze me how descriptive the archetypes blending together can be seen in events. I am working on a system even deeper than the transits and fixed stars to hone down timing and location on major events like this. I am starting to believe that an astrologer could forewarn of big events if one had the time to actually focus on specific countries or cities actively always – now that would be an interesting new government position! Anyway, I also saw some very interesting connections between Egypt and Tunisia that I’d like to do a part 2 of this article on time permitting. It’s already spreading to Algeria now too and I only expect it to continue to do so given the oncoming Uranus/Pluto square and Uranus ingress into Aries. Come see my talk on that if you want to hear more.

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