Monday, March 28, 2011

Aries Ingress Chart

I have found the four seasonal ingress charts set for Washington, DC to be quite revealing of what to expect as a nation for the next few months. An added benefit is not having to decide what natal chart fits USA best and look for transits to it. I feel the Capricorn Ingress sets the tone for the next calender year, but the other three can fill in the picture with more detail in the three months afterward. The Aries Ingress set for Washington, DC (March 20 at 7:21 PM EST) had a few factors jump out at me. The Ascendant is 1* Libra and there is a Moon/Saturn retrograde conjunction in Libra in 1st house rising. In a nutshell: the mood of the people/face of the nation is somber due to restrictions that we face and responsibilities that we have. This speaks of civil servants being under attack by their own citizens (via stripping them of their bargaining power and pensions and benefits) and an inability to get open negotiations going. It also speaks of our image as world policeman and the expectations that the rest of the world has on us to help in places like Libya even though our resources are tightly constricted.

Pluto is conjunct the I/C in the 4th house: if there ever was an astrological sign that there is nuclear/radioactive "rain" falling on the homeland, then here it is. No matter what is being said in the press, this leaves no doubt that this invisible nightmare is occurring. Pluto square Uranus conjunct the Descedant shows its source is an accident from an ally!

The Sun/Uranus conjunction on Descendant also indicates surprising actions by our allies and enemies, and with Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house, hasty actions by all involved may have big repercussions among allies later. This could be an apt decscription of Libya and our NATO allies forcing us to do something about it.

The Nodal Axis is right on the M/C-I/C axis, so our Collective karma as a nation will manifest into some concrete events this quarter. Our leaders may be seen as weak and ineffective and we may be feeling the best course of action is to withdraw from so much involvement in other nation's business.

This is a very brief look at this chart, but some very interesting points.

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