Monday, August 8, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 8/8/11

As I suspected, the current Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune has coincided with alot of confusing/deceiving information, communication, business decisions, etc. Case in point #1 being the downgrading of US treasury bonds from "AAA" to "AA" rating. The markets have lost all they gained this year, yet the reality is the economy never really did recover - it was all sleight-of-hand numbers based on false jumps to the economy that only a very few benefitted from. Now, the truth of the numbers has sent the markets reeling, along with the inability of the government to negotatite any meaningful debt/budget deal. Last week I warned that the budget deal being signed on the day Mercury went retrograde would show it would be fraught with miscalculations ultimately - that it was not based upon our reality. Less than a week later, we can already see this is the case. Because of this downgrading of US debt, expect interest rates to go up on debt, thus the debt payments of the US on these bonds will go up and blow the numbers of the budget. In our personal lives, we may be feeling this now too: little to no clarity on what moves to make next both creatively and in business/career, lots of missed or misunderstood communications, having to hold off on plans for now and let situations play out/develop. On Monday, Mercury Retrograde ingresses back into Leo and opposes Neptune Retrograde for the 2nd time during this period. This will be a very hard week to grab onto anything solid. With Mercury back in Leo, we may have an urge to display our numbers, plan ,creativity, uniqueness, yet it seems like the world around us is too lost in confusion of other bigger issues to even notice - frustrating for sure. Once again, it's best to perhaps keep your ideas close to the vest for now: develop them from within, keep an eye on the bigger/long term picture of how they may fit in later. Part of the problem now is there is so much coming at us from every angle imaginable that it's difficult to keep it sorted and tidy in our minds. At the same time, we are receptive to more subtle signals from the Universe, which ultimately only adds to the confusion for now. The sub-concious mind is very active, yet what seems like Truth one day can seem like foolishness the next. Abstract work, artistic endeavors and spiritual pursuits are the best use of this energy. With Mars in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces today also, there is opportunity to work with subtle or emotional energies to bring healing to self or others.

The challenges only get tougher the rest of the month. Several weeks ago, we watched both Mercury and Venus sojourn through Cancer and complete a cardinal Grand Cross with the Cardinal T-square among Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. Now we have Mars in Cancer, the sign it is weakest in, doing the same thing: on Tuesday it squares Uranus, on Wednesday it opposes Pluto, and on August 25th it squares Saturn, thus a Grand Cross for the rest of the month. So much will be coming at us from every direction that it can be downright overwhelming. Yet, with Mars in Cancer, our normal actions are weakened in trying to respond to the issues. It's a "wheels stuck in the mud" (and not even spinning too quickly) scenario. We are in need of alternate solutions is what this Grand Cross is trying to tell us - the way we have taken care of ourselves and the world has broken down and is in need of fixing, yet the tools we've used in the past are not fit for this job today. We may need to invent some new ones to get the right fit/fix. A more gentle and receptive approach is required, something that is hard to achieve when one is feeling so distraught. Tuesday's Mars square Uranus could have you jumping out of your skin/pushed to the brink with the same old, same old. You may take some out of character snap decision to try and break up the morass, but it could end up doing more damage then good. This is your ego screaming for a change, but not considering the implications of jumping in without much forethought, so many of the things you start/try today will end up being short term in nature for some reason or another. Also, be aware that the frenetic energy that this aspect brings can fray the nerves and set you up for an accident from moving too fast. Tuesday evening through Wednesday are also the time this week when the Moon (in Capricorn) joins the Grand Cross too, so emotions are going to feel very stifled during this time from all you go through. Using this energy wisely may be difficult, but one constructive way would be to use modern technology to increase our connections to others so that we all realize we are floating in the same boat, so that maybe dialogue can be created and cutting edge ideas that nourish all can be shared.

Wednesday's Mars opposite Pluto should have us aware of being on guard in any potentially dangerous situations/environments today, as it is easy to become a victim (or a ruthless perpetrator). Oppositions usually bring conflict with others when these two get together and those with short tempers or uncontrolled ones may find themselves in some type of battle usually based upon the old adage "At that point I had no choice..." - try not to let it get to that point! The underlying tension come from knowing deep inside that something must change - that old systems that have outgrown their usefulness must be wrestled from their top of the pyramid positions/status and be forced to make wholesale change. Many times the source of our restlessness is hidden from us - this is a good time to get a deep look within and see if we can determine what it is. Rather than forcing change upon others, force it upon yourself first, and gain self-empowerment which opens up other doors not accessible before. Wednesday is the day Ceres Retrograde also ingresses back into Pisces - I blogged about this several weeks back. We can see the confusion over resources due to debt issues has fully gripped the world, and with Ceres in Pisces the rest of this year, I believe confusion and deceit will continue to surround resource issues both mundanely and in the "Main St" world, which relates to all of us individually somehow or another.

Thursday's Mercury Retrograde semi-square Saturn and Sun sesiquadrate Uranus only re-enforce the general energy of these times: feeling stuck/wanting to break free, but how and when? Ditto with Friday's Venus sesiquadrate Uranus and Sun sesiquadrate Pluto.

Saturday is a Full Moon at 20* Aquarius opposite Mercury Retrograde and Venus. On the Leo/Aquarius axis, this Full Moon will have to do with the need and desire to be unique/an individual with your own unique talents/gifts/flair versus the need of the greater good of the Collective and what our duties and contributions to it are, and the emotional need to feel connected to others through doing something that is bigger than any one individual can. It recognizes the excitement of recognizing the specialness of the people in our world and of all people in general and can tear open one's heart if one allows it to. This is a time when we can take these lessons deep within and really move some blockages to our connections with others through mutual respect and then a renewed desire to deepen relationships. The ground is ripe to bring across the board change to our lives and to the world. Each has a part to play. Each is equally important. Love is an endless source that can drive it. Opening the heart accesses it, and thus opens the mind. Look to which 2 houses 20* Leo/Aquarius are in in your chart to see where you will connect with this energy in your life, and if any planets or points aspect those degrees (only 1* orb) and will influence the archetypal energy. Pluto square Juno and Venus sesiquadrate Pluto could rock close relationships this day too, especially if tension in them has been high lately.

This week brings the heaviest weather during this Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune Retrograde period. It could be very easy to get discouraged this week. Remember these things too will pass. There is much work to do in the meantime. Try to find a different perspective within. Doing this enables the smallest shifts to occur and the outer world will begin to respond to you in new manners.

1 comment:

Jacqueline M.G. Pollard said...

I am curious- my experience can sometimes be, that my life aligns with these forecasts a day ahead. Is it possible that the energy felt from Mars square Uranus, and such, can be felt in advance? Thus, speeding up our experiences of time/space development? For instance, Monday was my Sunday- and Tuesday, my Monday.

Thanks, as always for the guidance!