Monday, November 21, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 11/21/11

The quieter astrological weather of last week and Sunday's Sun/Neptune square lasts one more day, Monday, before we hit the fronts again.

Tuesday, the holiday season starts to kick into high gear with the Sun's ingress into Sagittarius. Being that it is one of the more religious signs, and that the holiday season of the Age of Pisces has its roots in religiously significant events (supposedly), I've always found that to be one of those amazing coincidences connected to astrology: that the energy of the Archer is what dominates this time of year. Here, people openly display their faiths (lately in the religion of consumerism more than any other) and bring in the new to their lives (many times just through new things they get during this time of year), push their value systems to extremes, become the life of the party, act with zest, etc. Yet, the Sagittarius archetype speaks of wounds - usually ones that are carried inside and covered with things from the outside to keep the pain away. Is this what the reduction of the significance of these religious holidays to the god of materialism has wrought upon us? A hollow feeling inside that has an insatiable appetite for things to cauterize deep pain and raw emotions that we fear, yet must face in order to learn the lesson, so that we may release creativity that we were unable to access before and become the wise ones for the world. With Mercury stationing retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday until December 13th, and remaining in its retrograde shadow until January 1st and in Sag until January 9th, it seems we will have much time to contemplate this archetype and where and how it may apply in our life. Tuesday also has a Venus/Saturn sextile: this is a great aspect to stabilize relationships with. People will be open, yet conservative/grounded in judgement, and will be able to work on details of projects well together, which should be mutually gratifying. This is also a good day to seek out advice and business deals.

Besides Mercury going retro on Wednesday and all that usually entails: travel delays during holidays, insert-foot-in-mouth disease, miscommunications, technical issues, etc., there are two very dynamic trines that should have the energy just flying along. First is a Sun/Uranus trine: a time when our pushes for more independence/freedom/individuality are in the flow and do not create the normal backlash they could. Thus, it's a great time to make progressive changes in your life. Most likely we will all be revved up/excited about our holiday plans, parties, chances to connect with others we normally don't see as frequently, etc. Mars trine Pluto is super dynamic energy that goes on and on and can make some long lasting changes/transformations. This is a great day to clear out the old stuff in your life on all kinds of levels: clean the _____ (fill in the blank), psychologically purge, clear the air with others, make sustained efforts and great progress on long standing endeavors. The one danger of this day is the pace of the energy perhaps - with Sun square Chiron we have to be aware of moving too fast and hurting ourselves or others. This shows it will also be difficult to maintain a good balance with all that's going on, so you could tarnish your image a bit.

Thursday, Thanksgiving (Happy Thanksgiving!!!), has a New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 2* Sagittarius. Go back to what I mention above about Sun's ingress into Sag...and continue here: all this energy in Sag now has us personally and Collectively in a state of questioning/re-assessing our value systems/judgements/philosophies/belief systems/culture. This has us asking the deeper questions of what our true purpose is here individually and as a race. The New Moon's quincunx to Jupiter, ruler of Sag, shows that we are misaligned in our judgements and that these areas require some serious adjustments - that we need to re-assess our values and live them more truly and see that when we exaggerate that it only exacerbates situations into endless disagreeable philosophical pursuit - the snake chasing its own tail, so to speak. It's interesting to note that Sag, the Archer, is also Chiron, which this New Moon squares. Thus, the two main planetary connections to Sagittarius both are aspecting the Sun/Moon in Sag. It may seem redundant, but the key to unlocking this archetype is to learn from our wounds so that we may become the teachers - the new leaders on the cutting-edge. This New Moon/Solar Eclipse wants us to wake up! Look to the house it falls in in your chart, and any tight aspects to planets in your chart (1-2* orb) to see where and how it will effect you. Otherwise, there is an ultra sweet Venus/Neptune sextile on Thanksgiving - it doesn't get more fitting than that for this holiday: lazing around eating food and imbibing with close company in thanks for all we have.

Venus is very active this week too, with its sextiles to Saturn and Neptune above, it is also the main event this weekend. On Saturday, it ingresses into Capricorn, where it has very little dignity (just diurnal trplicity ruler). I've always felt that the Goddesses energy is a bit repressed in Capricorn - that relationships become serious and dutiful; that resources must be managed more conservatively; that creativity becomes less inspired; emotions are stifled. It's a good time to spell out details and responsibilities in our relationships however. Venus picks up a square to Uranus Saturday also, so this more conservative/serious stance may be challenged immediately by someone, some surprising event socially, or by exposure to new people. It's easy to get flippant/sarcastic with loved ones if they are irritating you. On the other hand, it may be you who is restless - if so, go out today and do something different that stimulates the mind/your individuality. You need some excitement today, as do others - repressing that can lead to edgy conversation/arguments. Expressing it some other way can be a zesty attitude boost. Venus sextile Chiron should help you out in choosing a postive expression, as it reminds you of your caring side (and how much better you look when you're smiling!).

Sunday, Venus wraps up its aspects of the week with a wonderful trine to Jupiter. This is considered the single luckiest transit there is (if you believe in that kind of stuff!). In earth signs, luck may be measured more pragmatically than usual. The tendency is to be passive when these two benefics meet harmoniously, but if you go out, the Universe should respond to you in kind manners. A great day to socialize, be entertained, romance, resource decisions, harvesting, etc.

Next week, Venus will catch up to Pluto, and the Sun/Mercury Retro/Mars will tussle.

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