Monday, November 7, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 11/7/11

This week Mars and Neptune/Chiron steal the show - how fitting that it is raining this Monday morning in AZ as Mars opposes Neptune! This aspect can dissipate physical energy having us feel tired/worn down & out/discouraged/confused that our actions are not yielding the results we expect/stuck in the slow lane/etc. However, this is a good day/early week to partake in some slowed down activities physically like hatha yoga/tai chi/choreographed dance, etc. You may find yourself in some conflict with others due to wanting something done now while they resist or vice versa. This is best used for acts of compassion in regard to others instead, or producing art from inspiration in a balanced manner.

Tuesday can be a frustrating day starting off with the Sun sesiquadrate Uranus: if we move fast today, we are bound to trip ourselves up. You may be feeling extremely irritated with others or circumstances and take impulsive actions that just compound the isssues and land you on a dead end street. It's best to give yourself and others space today to be your unique self and to just expect lots of minor issues. The urge for freedom/independence is strong - it may be best to do something alone, but be aware you could be accident prone, so let someone else know what you're up to if it's anything extreme. With both Mercury and Venus semi-square Saturn, it just adds to the frustration level and may get us down mentally/emotionally and frustrated with loved ones/friends/others we interact with regularly.

Wednesday's big event is Neptune going direct at 28* Aquarius. This will be the last 3 months of its traveling through Aquarius for approximately 150 years! On February 4th, 2012, it will re-enter Pisces, the sign it co-rules, and remain there until April 2025. I will get much more into that journey in February, but for the time being, it is time to finalize and start action on any plans you have to join with others who share your vision of equality, brother/sisterhood, spirituality, and inspired creativity in order to help usher in a new world over the next 15-20 years.

On Thursday is the Full Moon in Taurus at 18*. The Taurus/Scorpio axis has to do with material resources and security. The Moon in Taurus has a need for emotional fulfillment simultaneously with a need for material resources/creature comforts. Right now, it is very difficult to satisfy both of these desires for most people in the world, so this Full Moon is going to shine a light on that issue: how do I feel emotionally well and materially secure at the same time?? The Sun in Scorpio says we must confront some very deep issues about money, wealth, power, fear, and our own physical mortality in order to find some answers. It's quite possible the way we view resources will have to die in order to be reborn and rise from the ashes with new creative ideas that could shift our conciousness permenantly. Right now we stand on the brink/cusp of new potential worlds/human developments, but old material attachments must be sacrificed in order for them to be born. A deeper merging with others opens unforseen solutions and possibilities and fosters individual brilliance that collaborates over issues and creates new realities on the ground and running, but it means facing many personal demons that require slaying on the path - ie, a mirror is required! (as is quick feet [thoughts]). On a more mundane scale, be aware of being stubborn or having to deal with stuck others, and don't expect finances to improve. Look to the house this Full Moon falls into in your chart to see where it will most effect you, and see if any other of your planets aspect it to color the flavor for you (1-2* orb).

Also, on Thursday, Mars ingresses into Virgo and Chiron goes direct. This can give us some keys to unlocking the Full Moon issues above. Mars in Virgo says every action should be well-measured and all details must be taken care of first in order to have success. He says we can do more with less if we are careful with the harvest. This is also a good time to get active for some health regime you may be considering, to get involved in projects with others with common values, and to do deatiled work.
Chiron, partnered with Neptune for a few years now in Aquarius/early Pisces, also going direct indicates it is time to act on methods of healing and teaching that we have gained from our own personal experiences/life path that is for the common good and breaks down the barriers between self and others.

Saturday could be challenging with Mars opposite Chiron and quincunx Uranus. Be very careful with your actions being too quick/sudden and getting yourself injured/in an accident. You could very easily overdo it physically, possibly in reaction to strong feelings of needing to do something to alleviate frustrations. There's a very strong need to assert yourself today and you could also end up in conflict with others, especially if mutual decisions must be made.

Sunday's Sun semi-square Pluto can indicate some uncomfortable reflecting on what's going on in your life these days and continuing power plays with others. Things going on within and without can be quite disturbing and you will feel challenge that you may not be able to do much about. There may be breakdowns of relationships or even things/machinery. A good day to keep your thoughts to yourself and reflect on how you got to here and what that can mean.

This is a week to get well-measured with our actions, to eliminate uneeded waste, and collaborate with others on ways to change, so that humanity can move forward on its evolutionary path. Next week, Mars and Neptune continue to be main players.

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