Monday, December 26, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 12/26/11

It's the last Astrological Winds Blog of 2011 - up and running about a year now - a successful New Year's Resolution for 2011 on the personal level! Got to get going on the website for 2012! It's a pretty quiet week to end the calender year (Aside: not the astrological year however - I believe that began anew on the Solstice last Tuesday. Other astrologers believe it starts on the Equinox in March), so I'm going to get my annual look at the Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC into this blog too. I have successfully used this method for several years to get a taste on what's ahead for the USA in the next calender year.

You can be feeling a little bit of a holiday hangover mentally especially on Monday as Mercury semi-squares Saturn while the Moon is squaring Saturn, however it should be relatively minor and will not last long as Moon ingresses to Aquarius and makes 3 positive planetary aspects throughout the rest of the day: a holiday for many of us and these 3 aspects will feed that (square Jupiter, sextile Uranus, conjunct Venus) and have us wanting to continue the party with family and friends for another day.

Wednesday has the biggest event of the week with the Sun making its annual conjunction to Pluto. This is the anniversary week of the beginning of the uprisings that began in Tunisia and quickly spread across the Arab world and subsequently across the globe throughout 2011. Sun/Pluto speaks of power: personal power, power struggles, increased aggressiveness to get what one wants, transformative revolution, breakdowns, birth/life/death/rebirth, ego defense, violence/crimes/areas & people swept under the rug by society. We can use this energy on a personal level to focus like a laser beam on things that need to change in our lives - things that need to be moved out in order to let new things in., but we can easily fall into one of the negative power uses listed above or become a victim of someone else's. Mercury's sesiquadrate to Jupiter shows that a battle of big ideas that may not be well thought out for details could be what enflames some type of disagreement today into a full on battle.

Saturday, New Year's Eve, has a Mercury square Mars, making it a challenging day for communication with others, as people are touchy/irritable, and likely to blow up verbally in order to let off some steam. Many times who or what they blow up on are not the causes of their irritability, but are familiar faces and thus safer to go off on. However, this type of attitude can spill over into our public lives when intoxication fuels inhibition which is more likely to occur on New Year's Eve - so be careful in your interactions, stay away from those who shoot firearms into the air as part of their ritual, and be aware the level of rowdiness this NYE will be even higher than normal. Slow down and be safe(r).

Like I said, a pretty quiet week, and as I mentioned in early December, a pretty quiet 2 months of astrological weather until Mars goes retrograde, which I will get into more extensively soon here.

Winter Solstice Chart: An Indication of What’s Ahead for USA in 2012

Before reading this blog, it might be interesting for you to review my blog on this chart set for last year and how well it give a picture for USA for the year now that we've been through it.... It's here: ...
pretty amazing how well this chart can tell the story in general! So here goes for 2012:

The Solstice chart set for Washington, DC on December 22nd at 12:30 AM EST has a 4* Libra ASC and 5* Cancer M/C with the Moon in Scorpio at 26* in 2nd house, so the ruler of the chart is Venus, at 1* Aquarius (where it only has a very minor dignity, ie - face) in the 4th house at the top of a mixed modality t-square, squaring exalted Saturn in Libra in the 1st house and stationary Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house. I believe the Venus/Jupiter square is more potent here as it is quite tight and both planets are in fixed signs. This is a year of questioning value systems and beliefs for the United States. This is a year when we may begin to realize how extravagant/indulgent our lives truly are and how we let excess materialism drive many of our decisions and lead to incredible amounts of waste. In other words, the party may be ending and the bills are due, thus the crisis in value systems/beliefs. Once again, many citizens' biggest investment, their home (Venus in 4th; Saturn ruling 4th) will take the biggest brunt of past exaggerations, overvaluations, overly optimistic asset schemes, etc. that were driven by investors/financiers/banks (Venus rules 8th; Jupiter in Taurus). In effect, this will be depressing the mood/outlook of the country as a whole (Venus square Saturn in 1st; Saturn ruling 5th) and will keep people very conservative with their finances, entertainment expenditures, income to spend, and will lead them to continue to press the government/the Nation/authorities to re-consider their systems/services/laws and how it is depressing the country as a whole. People are literally feeling inhibited in their own homeland by those in authority!

The Moon, representing the common people and their current opinions, shows the dour mood of the populace, as it is in Scorpio (Fall) in the 2nd house. People are seriously concerned with their personal resources and it is boiling beneath the surface in rage and ideas of vengeance. The people literally feel betrayed by their financial leaders and corporations and large institutions. There is literally a powder keg brewing in the mass conciousness of the populace now and if I was the Court Astrologer for any politician I would HIGHLY recommend that they start to address this or they may end up losing more than they could have ever imagined to the wrath of an enraged people. The Moon ruling the 10th shows that President Obama is not safe from this anger - if he does not start caring for the people, he may be swept away by the tides of history and the electorate come November. The Moon is square the Neptune/Chiron conjunction in the 5th house. I think people really need to be aware that this aspect says our huge entertainment industry in the USA keeps us hypnotized/distracted/escapist/deluded and our attention away from the real problems that are seriously wounding the common people, and will continue to hold sway over large segments of the population. In a certain way, we are fighting this tendency in ourselves and others before we can bring any healing to the nation - we have to decide in our own minds first that the things we do for fun/escapism/"a break from reality" must become secondary to what is needed for fixing our decaying civilization. This aspect indicates we may not be up to that challenge yet in general. The Moon's trine to Uranus in the 6th shows there are many brilliant ideas among the populace/workers/civil servants/the military on how to redefine public service so it benefits all, but the question is, will they do what's necessary to turn ideas into actions?

The Sun's annual conjunction to Pluto straddles the I/C in this chart: simply put - a crisis in the homeland over power and who we give it to: politicians and corporations and banks. This aspect is literally calling the USA to kill/let die the parts of its system that no longer work so that we can rethink our society from the ground up (literally = I/C is low part of chart) and transform it into something much more aligned with the current evolutionary path of humanity and our relationship to the earth. Once again, expect many dark secrets to be revealed about those who truly have the power in this country. There is a true danger here of fascism being bred and instilled across the homeland, as we will be forced to face our Collective shadow and many will not be able to admit to their shared wrongs (including what they believe is just patriotism/love for their country). The other danger is to the political leaders and corporate/bank leaders facing the wrath of the populace and violent revolution breaking out in retaliation to their either perceived or real wrongdoings. Once again, this indicates President Obama is not safe either from the anger of the people/voters. The Sun right at the mid-point of Saturn/Neptune indicates the nation is sick as a whole. However, the Sun's sextile to Chiron in the 5th house indicate opportunities will be available to make progressive changes across society, however it hinges on the leaders of the country, and specifically the President, acting on these opportunities or they could all just go to waste or just fester in "idea" stage. The hope of the nation rests in the Sun trine stationary Jupiter in Taurus. This would indicate the leadership/President could start acting in harmony with the people's desires to make progressive changes to values/belief systems/the Law/justice and to change the way education, wealth, prosperity, and banking are done. It also continues to show that the rest of the world, especially our allies, work well with the President on foreign policy matters, and that he may finally be able to get Congress to go along with him on some issues (Sun rules 11th showing the President may have more power over Congress this year due to shifting political circumstances). It also seems the President may continue to guard an open internet (Jupiter rules 3rd) and works well with the military (Jupiter rules 6th).

One last planet to look at is Mars in Virgo in the 12th house squaring the Nodal axis in the 3rd and 9th houses. This is a weakened Mars and shows that we are quickly losing our military might/influence throughout the world. It also indicates the military will be busy meticulously covering up mistakes/secrets about itself that it does not want revealed, or have to create lots of subversive press releases to get the media off their tails. There's also a danger here of the police and military being used in their own country as soldiers against their own people. This could greatly weaken their standing/public opinion of them and create quite a backlash. It also shows students/universities may have a larger role in revolting against society as it is now and that many local protests could break out far and wide across the country due to poor economic conditions (Mars rules 2nd), where the police/military can be perceived as the enemy (Mars rules 7th) by the people.

A weakened Mars in Virgo ruling the 2nd shows that frugal times will continue for most of us resource wise in general. Stable Jupiter ruling the 3rd shows that the electronic gadgetary of this age will continue to expand by leaps and bounds. An exalted Saturn ruling the 4th shows real estate prices may finally stabilize enough that npeople will start at least talking deals again, but could also bring the hard arm of the law (martial???) onto the homeland. Exalted Saturn ruling the 5th shows the entertainment industry could help foster in the new age by introducing cutting edge ideas on society through media channels like movies/music. Stable Jupiter ruling the 6th, also would seem to indicate that unemployment should stabilize too.  Weak Mars ruling the 7th also shows our decline of military influence both over enemies and with allies even! Venus in Aquarius ruling the 8th shows new ideas about how to deal with international banks and corporations so that behave more equitably will be introduced this year. Mercury, in Sagittarius (detriment) and conjunct the North Node in the 3rd house and ruling the 9th, may help to push universities/students/professors to become the voices for the ideas of change. Cancer ruling the 10th shows the President better take care of the people or he could wind up not being President by end of year. The Sun ruling the 11th shows Congress will continue to wield their power for themselves and their cronies and disregard the will of them majority of the people, perhaps to their own demise. Mercury ruling the 12th shows that a completely new ways of dealing with institutions/bureaucracies will be introduced.

In summary, this seems to be a very key year for the USA and the road it chooses to travel. It seems if we follow our current one, that we risk a complete breakdown of society with martial law/police state/military used against its own people, and many subsequent consequences to those who push this route. However, there is opportunity for broad change to be discussed, and just starting to be implemented - there will not be alot of progression this year, but just getting the conversation going and slowing the momentum of the way things have been may be the best outcome we can hope for this year. It will require the President to be strong and the people to be also, and to back him up when he's trying to be, and to challenge him when he is not.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 12/19/11

Although never quite perfecting before Saturn goes retrograde on February 8th, Saturn and Neptune are in a trine to each other these days. I bring that up because the Sun is at the mid-point of that trine this Monday (when it exactly sextiles Saturn) and Tuesday (when it exactly sextiles Neptune). This should highlight the Saturn/Neptune mix this early part of the week. This reminds us to be aware of maintaining our health and good habits in a time of year full of indulgences and relaxation, or otherwise we can weaken our immune systems and allow colds/flus/etc in. Monday actually has a harmonious mix of Sun/Moon/Saturn energy with the aforementioned Sun/Saturn sextile but also Moon conjuncting Saturn and sextiling Sun also. This should be like having a good conservative balance/approach emotionally and actively with the Libra Moon/Saturn not allowing it to sink into negativity/pessimism/depression. An excellent day for efficiency, planning, balanced work that gets ahead and pays attention to details and relationships well, coordinating, taking the leadership role (if even only in our own life), production, and stability emotionally. Remember last week I mentioned Vesta conjuncting Neptune and how that was a lovely aspect for the coming holiday season? This asteroid goddess has been in the news lately with a spacecraft exploring it. Today, it ingresses into Pisces (and then sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday), only enhancing what I said about its energy last week: a time when those who celebrate ritualistic behavior will merge together as groups and find unity.

The Sun/Neptune exact sextile on Tuesday may put us into a more intuitive/meditative/inner space type zone and perhaps afford us an opportunity at some deeper inner understanding of ourselves. Our faith may be re-kindled in some way by both giving and receiving acts of compassion/empathy. We may find ourselves floating on clouds of idealism, imagination, etc. This is enhanced by Venus' ingress into Aquarius, as relationships rally around those we share ideals, values, causes with. This is a time of connecting with others on intellectual/mental levels. Social engagements buzz, but are mainly on superficial/surface levels that perhaps are protecting or hindering us from making deeper emotional connections. This is a time when we want to honor our own and others' uniqueness and maintain a degree of independence from others. This is also good for group projects or drawing different people into our lives. Venus also sqaures Jupiter and sextiles Uranus Tuesday night - two great aspects to get into the holiday festive zone with. Venus/Jupiter is definitely about enjoying life extravagantly with as much indulgence that's possible (or even then some with the square!). Actually, the danger here is going overboard with what one can afford on the credit card, for the body, your schedule due to unbridled enthusiasm/optimism with a belief that nothing can go wrong to break the reverie. This is a great transit for personal relationships, but has low self-discipline in general. Venus sextile Uranus may bring someone or something new into your life that is both surprising and enticing. This is a good night to go out and do something different. People will be gregarious, flirtatious, attractive, exciting.

Wednesday is Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (and the 1st night of Hannukah) as the Sun ingresses into Capricorn on this shortest day of the year. That is Jupiter in the eastern sky at nightfall and Venus in the western sky. Venus is due to get quite high in the sky and incredibly bright over the next few months: as bright as we will ever see it in our lifetimes literally!  Eventually, Jupiter and Venus will meet up in the sky in the spring and summer - what a spectacle that will be! Plus, Venus will be transiting across the Sun on June 5th. The solstice is of course a marker day when the Sun has reached its greatest declination south at about 23* (the Tropic of Capricorn on a globe) and will now reverse its course and head back towards the celestial equator. All of the modern holidays of these times have their roots in the ancient astrologers' recognition of the importance of this day of the year when the promise of light and sun and life begins to return from the underworld. Many sacred sites around the world were built as calenders that measured when this exact day was. This 4th station of the calender year marks when light is reborn in the womb of darkness.

Thursday the Sun trines Jupiter and squares Uranus. The trine fits right in with the season as it makes us generous, big-hearted, optimistic, happy, have an eye on the Big Picture, postive, eager, etc, however the square to Uranus could make it difficult to extend this out to certain others at times who are not in harmony with you but are rather disruptive actually. Your tendency will be to rebel against them and to seek some freedom from their presence. Also, events could get quick and or jagged and throw you out of rhythm and have you spinning in a bit of a tis. Expect something unexpected, and you'll likely get through it OK, but if you are too rigid, it could get quite challenging at times. This could lead to some anger/frustration/tension in close relationships as Venus sesiquadrates Mars. Watch what you say off the cuff today to loved ones, or just give them their space/support if they are all worked up about something. Also, be careful of going too fast/trying to do too much today and getting yourself into some type of accident.

Friday is a Sun/Chiron/Vesta day, as Chiron conjuncts Vesta and the Sun sextiles both. See what I said about Vesta earlier and last week as these aspects continue that energy. This is a time of year when many get emotional healing through close relationships like siblings or friends that you consider family - sometimes this is the only time of year you get to see some of these people, so these aspects should act like an emotional salve on any wounds/pain/discomfort brought by any form of seperation from them and the support that you can lend one and other when in each other's presence. This is a time when each individual can lend the unique gift they have to others so that the sum becomes greater than the parts and offers an opportunity for healing for all involved on some level or another at least.

Saturday has a New Moon at 2* Capricorn. This is a ripe time to take control of our own lives - to set new goals and the plans on how to achieve them - to discipline ourselves to do what we must to succeed in what we wish to do. Part of this means accepting the reality we are in and to work within those structures and to meet our responsibilities to help further society with the wisdom that we have. This New Moon locks into the Cardinal T-square by conjuncting Pluto and squaring Uranus. This is a time when we must examine how we use our personal power in our lives and challenge ourselves to make some radical changes if we find ourselves being abusive when we are in power in any way. Intuitive insights are likely and may be shocking, but they are meant to be guideposts on this road of change, therefore do not discard them or you could find yourself stuck under the thumb of others dictating the course of your life, or you will invite in disruptive events that could shake your life's foundations. The New Moon's trine to Jupiter should give you a good view of the larger reality you are dealing with and what needs to addressed in order to move forward. This New Moon should also put a lens on all the countries of the world that are having issues with leadership and big business now - we will continue to see our world transform radically and the acceleration of change pick up pace and produce both shocking and irreversible transformation. All that is being hidden from the public is being dragged out into view - expect more and more upsetting revelations of naked abuse of power to continue/accelerate. This New Moon is reminding us that even in the darkest moments, light/life is reborn, but it must struggle in order to survive, and that there is a yearning inside which pushes it ever onward through all trials to do so, so that new forms may manifest and continue the unfolding of evolution on earth; to use the wisdom of our experiences to further this aim. Look at the house in your chart where 2* Capricorn falls in order to see the area of your life where you need  to take control and set and work towards new goals. Any planets from 1-3* in your chart will also be aspecting this New Moon and coloring the energy of it for you personally.

Sunday, Christmas Day, has Jupiter going direct in Taurus, where it will spend the next 6 months before heading off to Gemini. This will bring a sense of stability over the holidays where we can be comfortable in what is familiar. We will be seeking stability with our resources during this whole period - be happy with what we have and do our best to hold onto it. Things that we can get tactile with will bring us comfort/joy. Seeking security by maintaining what's practical will be important to us now. The downside of this is being overly possessive about certain things and having a hard time letting go of anything you are fixated on. Real estate prices may begin to  finally creep up.

I'll try to get a quick analysis of the Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC up soon to get a sense of what's in store for USA in  next few months/year. Next week's astrological weather is much quieter.

Happy Solstice/Holidays All!
Peace on Earth, Good Will to All Humans!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 12/12/11

This is another quiet week astrologically. The biggest event is Mercury in Sagiattarius going direct on Tuesday. It will remain in its retrograde shadow until January 1st and in Sagittarius until January 9th, so the effects of the retrograde phase will begin to untie over the rest of the month. Remember, Mercury in Sagittarius is traditionally a weak place for the Winged Messenger to be. Here, we have big plans/ideas but a tendency to overlook details; big words that stretch the truth; big committments that we are unable to live up to; big thoughts that can easily turn into narrow-minded fanaticism.

Friday may find us in the frantic last stretch of the race to the holidays and all we need to do in order to make what we want to do happen with Mars sesiquadrate Jupiter. We will have the energy to go out and do what we must, but will run into all the problems that rabid consumption, excess, indulgence bring us afterwards including having to deal with your fellow human beings in the same state of mind and everyone jostling to get in the position they desire. You could easily cop an overly self(ish)-righteous attitude and get testy with others. Ego energy will be running on high octane and daring/impulsive actions are likely. This energy could also combine with the Mercury in Sag energy described above and have you make rash decisions or overextend yourself somehow. You are driven by the desire to get "more" into your life today, but circumstances may frustrate/slow that down.

Neptune is conjunct Vesta on Friday also. This is an excellent transit for the holiday season as we merge with groups of whom we share spiritual/religious/mystical rituals and celebrations at this time of year, and this aspect will facilitate that on much deeper levels than normal. Perhaps with all the economic troubles of these times, we will be able to (re)discover much deeper meanings of these holidays on spiritual and relationship levels that the consumer-driven world has pushed to the side.

Saturday's third quarter square of the Moon in Virgo to the Sun in Sagiattarius could help facilitate this less material/more spiritual bend to the holidays and keep us practical while shopping for gifts with Mars/Jupiter tugging on us to push up the credit card balance.

Sunday has the second biggest event of the week with Venus in Capricorn square Saturn in Libra. This will cool off personal relationships and have us in a conservative/practical mind frame when connecting to others. This day might be best spent alone or with close family. It's easy to see the faults in others this day, so take it easy and bight your tongue when you're feeling ready to criticize. You can also be manipulated/victimized by others close to you or with authority over you, which can be depressing for sure.

As little activity there is this week, we will be on opposite side of spectrum next week with many aspects perfecting as we head for the holidays.


Last week I mentioned that any plan that the European Union would try to agree to would fail due to it being forged during Mercury Retro in Sag. Well, they couldn't even get all the members to agree, but what's quite distressing (to me anyway) is how willing these supposedly democratic societies are handing their freedom over to a bunch of private bankers to the point where they are naming some of these bankers as the newly "appointed" (NOT elected) leaders of the countries because they are going to be the ones to "force austerity on the people." HOW'S THIS FOR COSMIC IRONY: on the day the agreement was made between France and Germany, it was "Lux Mundi" or "Liberty" - a FRENCH festival derived from Roman times. "Lux Mundi" in Latin translates to "the Light of the World", the epitaph for the goddess Liberty whose "burning torch of hope shines even in the darkest hour." AND THE ULTIMATE IRONY: in New York City's harbor is the gift from the French people to the American people representing this Lady Liberty - the Statue of Liberty itself, yet here is two of the most powerful countries in the world handing over their freedom/liberty to a bunch of private bankers and pushing others to do the same. Get me a bucket to puke in! Disgraceful! But even in this darkest hour of world history, common people around the world are uniting and protesting bringing the "burning torch of hope" in this dark hour. May they be successful in reminding us that the government is supposed to serve the people, not an exclusive group of them only.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 12/5/11

Looking at the next 2 months ahead, it's actually a relatively quiet time astrologically. I know the Uranus/Pluto square is in orb and is obviously affecting our times (they-are-a-changin') on large scale/Collective ways, plus we are currently dealing with Mercury Retro in Sag (another big effect I'm noticing of this Mercury Retro period is the "will you make up your mind? [usually reserved for Geminis and Libras] effect." Even when we make up our minds, it seems like someone or some circumstance forces us to change it. And it's also eclipse season. To me however, the next big event in the heavens will be Mars turning retrograde in Virgo on January 25th. I, personally, have a very hard time when Mars goes Retro every two years or so for about two-and-a-half months - much harder than Mercury Retro periods. I noticed the world does too, but I'm not sure if most are aware why/what type of energy we are dealing with, and what to expect and how to proceed. I'm definitely concerned about this one coming up and plan to do a full blog on it, so stay tuned.

That all being said, this is a quiet week, but it does feature a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on Saturday and Uranus turning direct.

Monday starts the week off with a stable, harmonious trine between Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Virgo. This should amp up our creativity and our desire to relate to others/the opposite sex, but in grounded/practical ways. This is also a time when we find it easier to put what we value into action, and plans we make for doing so will be well thought out/methodically approached. Our social interactions should run smoothly today, if nothing else.

Tuesday has  Jupiter in Taurus in a gentle sextile with Chiron in Pisces which could afford us some opportunities to learn about ourselves in new ways by absorbing the lessons others bring us and prodding ourselves to look at things in a different light.

Thursday's Sun sesiquadrate Jupiter warns you may be trying to take too much on as the weekend approaches. It will be easy to overextend yourself, make promises you can't keep/boasts that exaggerate reality, overbearing philosophical discourses, take bad risks/gambles, etc., as the good feelings you are having can easily turn into over-exuberance.

Friday has Uranus turning direct in Aries.  As its Promethean energy starts to move forward and pick up pace over the weeks (and head for the 1st exact square to Pluto), expect individual acts of rebellion/revolution around the world to increase, and don't be surprised if authorities strike back with violence/a fight. In fact, this can easily turn into a conflagration of violent revolution wherever tension has been building up in the world. The same can be said in our personal lives: you may find yourself striking out assertively/aggressively for your own independence in acts of rebellion.

The big event of the week is the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 18* Gemini, whose ruler, Mercury, is retrograde right now. On the 3rd/9th axis, this Full Moon will be about information and what we do with it; value systems and how they must be stretched; expanding our horizons with what we now know; to take some kind of daring leap towards the new future. The danger is to lose yourself on superficial levels emotionally on all the new things/views being brought to you these days and really not doing much with it personally but just basking in the ideas of it. The key is to grasp onto what inspires you the most and push it out to some new edge where you will find a new creative self/outlet. Look to the houses in your chart where 18* Gemini/Sagittarius are to see what areas of life this will most affect personally for you and to any planets from 17-19* in your chart that may be aspecting the Full Moon and thus coloring its energy for you.


Remember back in late July/early August when Congress held the US captive over its indecision to come up with a budget/deficit plan? I had noted then that any strategy they'd come up with would ultimately fail due to the Mercury Retro period they were making the agreement under. That agreement was to create the Super-Committee to come up with the needed plan. Well, we just saw how that failed, just like the bail out plan that was made during a Mercury Retro period after the stock market crashed in October 2008 that was supposed to rescue the US economy also failed (the 99% anyway). This week we have another financial crisis in the world coming to a head over at the European Union. If they make some decision/agreement this week or during Mercury Retro in Sag, just stamp "Fail" across it in big red letters! I believe after the holidays, especially with Mars going retrograde too, there's a good possibility we'll see another downturn in world's economy.


Next week, Mercury goes direct!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Syria: Hard Times Ahead

It’s simply amazing (to me anyway) how well astrology can show us the types of energy that a person, entity, or country will experience due to upcoming transits from outer planets to inner planet and points. Although there is a seemingly infinite amount of possible manifestations that an archetypal energy can form into, it seemingly always fall into the broader swath of what that archetype actually represents. Take the current
Cardinal Square
between Uranus and Pluto and the way it is affecting certain individuals, entities, and countries that have inner planets or points in the early degrees of cardinal signs. They are the ones that will most likely feel this
Cardinal Square
the hardest over the next four years. Case in point: Syria’s current political crisis.

Since last December, we have seen revolts and revolutions firing up across the world. It started in Tunisia and spread to Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, Greece, Italy, the USA, England, etc. Now, there is a big focus on Syria, a country that has been ruled as a dictatorship by the Assad family since November 13, 1970. Syria, as a modern country, was born on January 1, 1944, when the French finally agreed to British and American demands to grant independence to the country.The first thing to note is that Syria’s Sun is at 9* Capricorn conjunct the I/C, and that it has a Cardinal cross of matter (13* Libra ASC; 14* Cancer M/C) – so that puts it right into the scope of the Cardinal Square.

When comparing it to the current day transits, three things jump out at me right away and they all relate directly to the leader of the country. First, Pluto is slowly approaching an exact conjunction to the Sun. The Sun, in mundane astrology, represents the executive leader of the country, and of course transits from Pluto represent transformation usually through some type of death-like experience, only to have something new burst from the ashes. We have seen the pressure on President Assad building more and more – so far he is resistant, but his fall seems inevitable just based on this transit alone! The fact that Pluto will then conjunct the I/C of Syria afterwards (the I/C represents the actual homeland) shows big changes in store for the country as a whole. With the Sun ruling the 11th house of the society’s hopes/wishes/ideals and Pluto co-ruling the 2nd house or resources, one can surmise that the people’s hopelessness for better economic conditions and opportunities is what is spurring this revolution. Second, transiting Pluto is also applying to an exact quincunx to natal Pluto in Leo in the 10th house. Once again, the 10th house and any planets in it represent the executive arm of the government, an executive who has ruled like a power hungry monarch (Pluto in Leo in 10th), who is about to be released (quincunx) through a period of violent transformation/change/revolution (transiting Pluto)! Third, transiting Pluto is also in an exact quincunx to the North Node in the 10th house.  The North Node  speaks of shared destinies – combined with Pluto in a negative aspect this speaks that Assad’s leadership has become a burden to those common hopes that has led to widespread suffering. The result is the massing of people sharing a common and disastrous destiny.

So we see this revolution has started and Assad has resisted, yet it seems inevitable he will fall. When will this happen? Pluto does not reach the exact conjunction to the Sun until March 13, 2012 and immediately goes retrograde – it’s a five exact hit conjunction with the last one not occurring until October 28, 2013. However, Pluto moves at the speed of long drawn out change, so going back to Uranus, the planet of sudden /unexpected/chaotic change, it will square the Sun three times beginning on April 13, 2013 and ending January 29, 2014 (while trining Pluto/North Node in 10th  concurrently). It seems like sometime during 2013 is the most likely time Assad will fall/the crisis will reach its peak. If we consider  in the following few years that Pluto will conjunct the I/C (and oppose M/C) and that Uranus will conjunct the Descendant (oppose ASC) and square the M/C & I/C, one can surmise there will be fundamental changes to the whole structuring of the country during those years (2014-19). Uranus/Desc is a bit worrisome for sure: the Descendent represents allies and open enemies in mundane astrology. With Uranus right on it, there could be sudden new alliances forged that may be unusual in nature, or an attack of old enemies by a new regime (Israel could possibly be a target if a more conservative Muslim government took control).


Next time I get into some mundane blogging, I'll look at European Debt Crisis and/or Progressed Mars Retro in US Chart and how it may relate to upcoming Mars Retro period and how that relates to how the authorities are treating the Occupy Movement.