Monday, December 19, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 12/19/11

Although never quite perfecting before Saturn goes retrograde on February 8th, Saturn and Neptune are in a trine to each other these days. I bring that up because the Sun is at the mid-point of that trine this Monday (when it exactly sextiles Saturn) and Tuesday (when it exactly sextiles Neptune). This should highlight the Saturn/Neptune mix this early part of the week. This reminds us to be aware of maintaining our health and good habits in a time of year full of indulgences and relaxation, or otherwise we can weaken our immune systems and allow colds/flus/etc in. Monday actually has a harmonious mix of Sun/Moon/Saturn energy with the aforementioned Sun/Saturn sextile but also Moon conjuncting Saturn and sextiling Sun also. This should be like having a good conservative balance/approach emotionally and actively with the Libra Moon/Saturn not allowing it to sink into negativity/pessimism/depression. An excellent day for efficiency, planning, balanced work that gets ahead and pays attention to details and relationships well, coordinating, taking the leadership role (if even only in our own life), production, and stability emotionally. Remember last week I mentioned Vesta conjuncting Neptune and how that was a lovely aspect for the coming holiday season? This asteroid goddess has been in the news lately with a spacecraft exploring it. Today, it ingresses into Pisces (and then sextiles Jupiter on Tuesday), only enhancing what I said about its energy last week: a time when those who celebrate ritualistic behavior will merge together as groups and find unity.

The Sun/Neptune exact sextile on Tuesday may put us into a more intuitive/meditative/inner space type zone and perhaps afford us an opportunity at some deeper inner understanding of ourselves. Our faith may be re-kindled in some way by both giving and receiving acts of compassion/empathy. We may find ourselves floating on clouds of idealism, imagination, etc. This is enhanced by Venus' ingress into Aquarius, as relationships rally around those we share ideals, values, causes with. This is a time of connecting with others on intellectual/mental levels. Social engagements buzz, but are mainly on superficial/surface levels that perhaps are protecting or hindering us from making deeper emotional connections. This is a time when we want to honor our own and others' uniqueness and maintain a degree of independence from others. This is also good for group projects or drawing different people into our lives. Venus also sqaures Jupiter and sextiles Uranus Tuesday night - two great aspects to get into the holiday festive zone with. Venus/Jupiter is definitely about enjoying life extravagantly with as much indulgence that's possible (or even then some with the square!). Actually, the danger here is going overboard with what one can afford on the credit card, for the body, your schedule due to unbridled enthusiasm/optimism with a belief that nothing can go wrong to break the reverie. This is a great transit for personal relationships, but has low self-discipline in general. Venus sextile Uranus may bring someone or something new into your life that is both surprising and enticing. This is a good night to go out and do something different. People will be gregarious, flirtatious, attractive, exciting.

Wednesday is Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (and the 1st night of Hannukah) as the Sun ingresses into Capricorn on this shortest day of the year. That is Jupiter in the eastern sky at nightfall and Venus in the western sky. Venus is due to get quite high in the sky and incredibly bright over the next few months: as bright as we will ever see it in our lifetimes literally!  Eventually, Jupiter and Venus will meet up in the sky in the spring and summer - what a spectacle that will be! Plus, Venus will be transiting across the Sun on June 5th. The solstice is of course a marker day when the Sun has reached its greatest declination south at about 23* (the Tropic of Capricorn on a globe) and will now reverse its course and head back towards the celestial equator. All of the modern holidays of these times have their roots in the ancient astrologers' recognition of the importance of this day of the year when the promise of light and sun and life begins to return from the underworld. Many sacred sites around the world were built as calenders that measured when this exact day was. This 4th station of the calender year marks when light is reborn in the womb of darkness.

Thursday the Sun trines Jupiter and squares Uranus. The trine fits right in with the season as it makes us generous, big-hearted, optimistic, happy, have an eye on the Big Picture, postive, eager, etc, however the square to Uranus could make it difficult to extend this out to certain others at times who are not in harmony with you but are rather disruptive actually. Your tendency will be to rebel against them and to seek some freedom from their presence. Also, events could get quick and or jagged and throw you out of rhythm and have you spinning in a bit of a tis. Expect something unexpected, and you'll likely get through it OK, but if you are too rigid, it could get quite challenging at times. This could lead to some anger/frustration/tension in close relationships as Venus sesiquadrates Mars. Watch what you say off the cuff today to loved ones, or just give them their space/support if they are all worked up about something. Also, be careful of going too fast/trying to do too much today and getting yourself into some type of accident.

Friday is a Sun/Chiron/Vesta day, as Chiron conjuncts Vesta and the Sun sextiles both. See what I said about Vesta earlier and last week as these aspects continue that energy. This is a time of year when many get emotional healing through close relationships like siblings or friends that you consider family - sometimes this is the only time of year you get to see some of these people, so these aspects should act like an emotional salve on any wounds/pain/discomfort brought by any form of seperation from them and the support that you can lend one and other when in each other's presence. This is a time when each individual can lend the unique gift they have to others so that the sum becomes greater than the parts and offers an opportunity for healing for all involved on some level or another at least.

Saturday has a New Moon at 2* Capricorn. This is a ripe time to take control of our own lives - to set new goals and the plans on how to achieve them - to discipline ourselves to do what we must to succeed in what we wish to do. Part of this means accepting the reality we are in and to work within those structures and to meet our responsibilities to help further society with the wisdom that we have. This New Moon locks into the Cardinal T-square by conjuncting Pluto and squaring Uranus. This is a time when we must examine how we use our personal power in our lives and challenge ourselves to make some radical changes if we find ourselves being abusive when we are in power in any way. Intuitive insights are likely and may be shocking, but they are meant to be guideposts on this road of change, therefore do not discard them or you could find yourself stuck under the thumb of others dictating the course of your life, or you will invite in disruptive events that could shake your life's foundations. The New Moon's trine to Jupiter should give you a good view of the larger reality you are dealing with and what needs to addressed in order to move forward. This New Moon should also put a lens on all the countries of the world that are having issues with leadership and big business now - we will continue to see our world transform radically and the acceleration of change pick up pace and produce both shocking and irreversible transformation. All that is being hidden from the public is being dragged out into view - expect more and more upsetting revelations of naked abuse of power to continue/accelerate. This New Moon is reminding us that even in the darkest moments, light/life is reborn, but it must struggle in order to survive, and that there is a yearning inside which pushes it ever onward through all trials to do so, so that new forms may manifest and continue the unfolding of evolution on earth; to use the wisdom of our experiences to further this aim. Look at the house in your chart where 2* Capricorn falls in order to see the area of your life where you need  to take control and set and work towards new goals. Any planets from 1-3* in your chart will also be aspecting this New Moon and coloring the energy of it for you personally.

Sunday, Christmas Day, has Jupiter going direct in Taurus, where it will spend the next 6 months before heading off to Gemini. This will bring a sense of stability over the holidays where we can be comfortable in what is familiar. We will be seeking stability with our resources during this whole period - be happy with what we have and do our best to hold onto it. Things that we can get tactile with will bring us comfort/joy. Seeking security by maintaining what's practical will be important to us now. The downside of this is being overly possessive about certain things and having a hard time letting go of anything you are fixated on. Real estate prices may begin to  finally creep up.

I'll try to get a quick analysis of the Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC up soon to get a sense of what's in store for USA in  next few months/year. Next week's astrological weather is much quieter.

Happy Solstice/Holidays All!
Peace on Earth, Good Will to All Humans!

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