Monday, December 12, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 12/12/11

This is another quiet week astrologically. The biggest event is Mercury in Sagiattarius going direct on Tuesday. It will remain in its retrograde shadow until January 1st and in Sagittarius until January 9th, so the effects of the retrograde phase will begin to untie over the rest of the month. Remember, Mercury in Sagittarius is traditionally a weak place for the Winged Messenger to be. Here, we have big plans/ideas but a tendency to overlook details; big words that stretch the truth; big committments that we are unable to live up to; big thoughts that can easily turn into narrow-minded fanaticism.

Friday may find us in the frantic last stretch of the race to the holidays and all we need to do in order to make what we want to do happen with Mars sesiquadrate Jupiter. We will have the energy to go out and do what we must, but will run into all the problems that rabid consumption, excess, indulgence bring us afterwards including having to deal with your fellow human beings in the same state of mind and everyone jostling to get in the position they desire. You could easily cop an overly self(ish)-righteous attitude and get testy with others. Ego energy will be running on high octane and daring/impulsive actions are likely. This energy could also combine with the Mercury in Sag energy described above and have you make rash decisions or overextend yourself somehow. You are driven by the desire to get "more" into your life today, but circumstances may frustrate/slow that down.

Neptune is conjunct Vesta on Friday also. This is an excellent transit for the holiday season as we merge with groups of whom we share spiritual/religious/mystical rituals and celebrations at this time of year, and this aspect will facilitate that on much deeper levels than normal. Perhaps with all the economic troubles of these times, we will be able to (re)discover much deeper meanings of these holidays on spiritual and relationship levels that the consumer-driven world has pushed to the side.

Saturday's third quarter square of the Moon in Virgo to the Sun in Sagiattarius could help facilitate this less material/more spiritual bend to the holidays and keep us practical while shopping for gifts with Mars/Jupiter tugging on us to push up the credit card balance.

Sunday has the second biggest event of the week with Venus in Capricorn square Saturn in Libra. This will cool off personal relationships and have us in a conservative/practical mind frame when connecting to others. This day might be best spent alone or with close family. It's easy to see the faults in others this day, so take it easy and bight your tongue when you're feeling ready to criticize. You can also be manipulated/victimized by others close to you or with authority over you, which can be depressing for sure.

As little activity there is this week, we will be on opposite side of spectrum next week with many aspects perfecting as we head for the holidays.


Last week I mentioned that any plan that the European Union would try to agree to would fail due to it being forged during Mercury Retro in Sag. Well, they couldn't even get all the members to agree, but what's quite distressing (to me anyway) is how willing these supposedly democratic societies are handing their freedom over to a bunch of private bankers to the point where they are naming some of these bankers as the newly "appointed" (NOT elected) leaders of the countries because they are going to be the ones to "force austerity on the people." HOW'S THIS FOR COSMIC IRONY: on the day the agreement was made between France and Germany, it was "Lux Mundi" or "Liberty" - a FRENCH festival derived from Roman times. "Lux Mundi" in Latin translates to "the Light of the World", the epitaph for the goddess Liberty whose "burning torch of hope shines even in the darkest hour." AND THE ULTIMATE IRONY: in New York City's harbor is the gift from the French people to the American people representing this Lady Liberty - the Statue of Liberty itself, yet here is two of the most powerful countries in the world handing over their freedom/liberty to a bunch of private bankers and pushing others to do the same. Get me a bucket to puke in! Disgraceful! But even in this darkest hour of world history, common people around the world are uniting and protesting bringing the "burning torch of hope" in this dark hour. May they be successful in reminding us that the government is supposed to serve the people, not an exclusive group of them only.

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