Monday, June 18, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-18-12

This week starts off relatively quiet on Monday, although a Moon square Mars and trine Saturn in the evening may find us working late or taking on active duties/responsibilities.

Tuesday is a New Moon in Gemini at 28/29* - it is time to seek out new ways of communicating, gathering information, educating ourselves, relating to others – to move on/graduate from older/outdated/worn out ways -  the mental/intellectual side of us will dominate. It is a time when we can learn from listening to others and to what our very life experiences are trying to tell/teach us. Look to where this degree falls in your chart and it will tell you what area of life you will experience it the most. Any planets at 28-29* in your chart will also be aspected by this New Moon and blend in with its energy.

Wednesday is an odd mix of energy as Mercury squares Saturn, Venus quincunx Pluto and sextiles Uranus later, and Mercury semi-squares Venus also. Mercury/Saturn can make it a heavy day mentally where you feel burdened down by responsibilities, are stuck in a narrow viewpoint, can see the shadow side of life easily, and can be highly critical. It’s best to use this energy for heavy mental work or working on details, and if you can do it alone, it would be preferable. Venus quincunx Pluto will make it hard to get along with others anyway during the day (as will Moon square Uranus and opposite Pluto) as power struggles/disappointments may ensue. By evening the other two aspects will liven you up: Venus sextile Uranus desires new experiences through others. You may be bored with the usual lot and seek stimulation via new people/places/things/creativity.  Mercury’s semi-square to Venus re-enforces that we’ll want other people involved also to bang our ideas out to and receive their’s too. This is also the day of the Summer Solstice when the Sun slips back into southern direction by reaching its furthest point north latitude. This is a time of the year when summer kicks in full on and extra time may be spent with family, friends, vacations, home projects, on nurturing, emotions, instincts, etc. All in all, a day of heavy weather/much to process/deal with.

Thursday’s Mercury sextile Mars (and Moon conjunct Mercury/sextile Mars) will have minds moving quickly and expertly this day. A good day to get work done – it will likely be busy, but you should be up for the challenge positively.  It is best to work on projects you have a personal interest in however to maintain enthusiasm. Confidence should be high today and you may have a convincing voice around others. Mercury is also sesiquadrate Chiron today, so our quest for learning/info may be thwarted here and there.

Friday is on the quieter/positive side with sweet aspects of Moon to Venus/Jupiter/Uranus.

Saturday’s Sun trine Neptune may diffuse energy but in positive ways for the most part. You will likely be in touch with your idealistic/spiritual/imaginative side. This is an excellent day to spend in some type of contemplative/meditative retreat, doing charitable/volunteer work, spending the day on a romantic jaunt with your lover, or tuning into psychic/hidden messages. Venus sesiquadrate Saturn will likely have you feeling a bit anti-social/conservative socially anyway. Ceres also ingresses into Gemini joining the party there currently, where we will get nurturing through learning, communicating, being listened to, competence.

In a way Sunday can be looked upon as a day of reckoning for our age: the first of seven exact squares  between Uranus and Pluto that I have been blogging about here for months. We have gotten a good taste of this aspect already as soon as it moved into orb when Uranus went into Aries. The keyword is revolution in its broadest sense across all segments of society: politics, art, religion, values, technology, - anything you can think of will be shook up in these next four years. Strap in, for our world will be changing rapidly and permanently, over these next few years. If you just look at all that has gone on surrounding the word revolution in the past few months alone you’ll get a taste of what’s coming: the Arab Spring, Tea Party, Occupy Movement, scandals in Church/government/sports, fall of Eurozone, revolutions across Asian way of life, etc. Now we will be in among the seven squares fully and change will pick up and become more intense – many things will have to give. Saturn also stations direct: it is time to be responsible for what we truly believe in – to take concrete steps in backing that up and build the alliances we need to make it happen.

We are fully immersed into an age of revolution now and for next several years – it will not be boring!

Next week, Jupiter squares Neptune and Venus finally goes direct!

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