Monday, June 11, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 6-11-12

This week starts off with Mercury in Cancer locking into the cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto and forming a cardinal T-square, so the Uranus/Pluto will rev up a notch higher in octave as it approaches its first exact touch on June 24th. A cardinal t-square shows issues of survival are at the base of the tension. People’s emotions and reasoning may be at a frothy boil that is impossible to separate. Adding to that is a mutable T-square among Sun in Gemini, Moon Pisces, and Mars in Virgo. It’s an emotional drive for some depth/connection in our lives versus the superficiality of the society our selves/egos exist within. It will be easy to be critical of others today and to have our spinning emotions dictate what we are saying. Perhaps the best way to use this energy would be to use new revelations/technology/ideas to seek long term solutions by looking into depth at possibilities now. Collaborating/partnering with others could be important too, but everyone needs to be able to express their unique side.                                                                                                                                                                                                           These T-squares will likely be in the middle of many of the world events of the early part of the week. 

Topping off a very busy Monday is a big annual shift as Jupiter ingresses into Gemini, a sign it is quite weak in (detriment). Why? Because here Jupiter brings expansion to a sign that is already always seeking more input/stimulation/interests to the point of scattered-ness/frenzy at times – it’s overstimulating the nervous system, superficial communication/knowledge/information/big ideas with no grounding.  We’ve already been overstimulated in Gemini energy this month from Venus Retrograde located there, so this combines with a weakened Jupiter can bring out the shadow side of Gemini: lack of depth/spread too thin/trickery/over-reliability on mental processes and intellect/too detached of an outlook. I am concerned with this weak Jupiter adding fuel to the fire of the Uranus/Pluto square: I don’t think it will be good for business, investments, big business, law and order issues, higher education issues. The best use of this energy is maintaining an objective mind perhaps, advances in communication type technology, alternative education and medicine and value systems. Things will continue to change very rapidly in our modern world – strap in!

Chiron also turns retrograde on Monday – a subtle shift to favoring learning/healing from within – working on our own stuff so to speak for the next few months. Mercury trines stationary Chiron on Tuesday – the ability to find the right words to help others is accessible today, as are leaps in understanding about how you think: what’s influenced your thinking, and an objective view that allows you to think more for yourself. Hopefully, this will help with the emotional tension set off by Moon conjunct Uranus and square Pluto Tuesday also. We may realize we can’t follow through with some plans and it may have us quite put off by self and others.

The Sun trine Saturn is the perfect middle of the work week aspect as we are in  a great flow with whatever our daily duties (most of us work) are. This is an excellent day to deal with authorities/superiors as you will get favorable results in what you seek from them most likely. Other favorable activities include organizing/planning, cleaning stuff up, working on detailed jobs, finding cost/waste cutting measures, honestly assessing your life.

Thursday and Friday are quite quiet.

Saturday has Mercury semi-square Jupiter in Gemini, which stimulates the above Jupiter in Gemini energy by the ruler of that sign in frustrating ways – this mat be a day of overstimulation that could have you overdo it and say something that can damage a relationship, especially with Venus retrograde square Chiron retrograde also. Weak relationships may not survive this energy and troubled ones are stirred up.

Mercury sesiquadrate Neptune is a lazy Sunday type aspect. This can be a day of doubts and not one you want to have to face the world of harsh reality with much. Best spent just relaxing, as physical energy will be low anyway, meditating/contemplating, making music/poetry/fantasy, spiritual practices/study.  It is easy to get discouraged spiritually under this aspect or mentally confused, tongue-tied, spacey, secretive, deceptive.

Next week there’s a New Moon in Gemini, the Sun ingresses into Cancer (Summer Solstice!), and the first exact square of 7 over 3+ years of Uranus/Pluto – this summer may be aflame in many ways!

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