Monday, April 22, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 4-22-13

How I ended my blog last week: “A pretty heavy astrological weather week – lots to process these days as significant events seem to become more and more rapid and closer together.”

A Headline of Arizona Daily Star on Sunday: “Our Terrible Week Is Finally Over”

From my blog last week: “…most people seemed to be unable to lift themselves to the higher octave of Aries, the Peaceful Warrior, during this time and instead fell to the lower expression, into patterns of aggressive, ego-driven behaviors instead.”

Some of the events of the past that occurred in the US during April when Aries energy has been high:

-1993: Waco Branch Davidian showdown

-1995: Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh

-1999: Columbine High School Shootings

-2007: Virginia Tech shootings

-2013: Boston Marathon Bombings

Then there was the explosion of a pesticides factory in West, Texas. Does anyone see the irony here and wonder what the Universe/Life/Spirit/God is trying to tell us? First off, let me be clear that I do not condone any acts of violence, but can’t we see why these things happen – how it’s all a big (karmic) circle. Two people from a country whose youth grew up knowing war: watching sanctioned terrorism kill family, friends, and neighbors – a war brought to them by one of the super powers. In their lives/homeland, explosives, death, blood, missing limbs, killed innocents are common place. So some of them later snap – they just don’t find a way to handle the pain well enough and heavy astrological weather brings the environment for going over the edge in certain (very few) individuals. And they commit acts of violent terror against others…using ingredients in their bombs that are made by pesticide companies and are widely available despite being not only highly explosive/dangerous but are also used by millions of us to slowly kill the environment around us. Then we find out the corporation that pushes these poisons for profit has violated safety rules brazenly in the very said plant that blew up and took most of a town with it and more deaths and casualties than two individuals in Boston did. So which one of these acts is a greater act of terrorism? Ask yourself this and answer it honestly. It’s easy to get into some nationalistic furor over an individual act of terror with a media driven sensationalized manhunt, then it is to get upset that corporations every day endanger our very lives and our environment in the name of profit and greed and that anyone who stands in their way become fodder for their cannon while those responsible walk off free. Once again, who is the greater terrorist?

And in case you missed it these events also occurred last week:

-a massive earthquake in China while the Mercury/Uranus conjunction was near exactness

-a challenge to the election results in Venezuela as Chavez’ hand-picked successor barely wins majority and the people do not take to the streets to support him, as they used to do with Chavez. Venezuela has two birth charts and both are being hit hard by the Uranus/Pluto square right now.

-at this point in Egypt there is a full on civil war going on as the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to sweep out judges that do not see things the way they do, and the people battle it out with their followers in the streets.

-the USA getting more and more involved with the rebels in Syria by giving the beginning of military aid to them now despite knowing they are radical Muslims and enemies of Israel

-an inability by Congress to make any kind of gun legislation pass and the heated rhetoric by the two sides of the debate. And this despite growing evidence that Mexican drug cartels are setting up in the US and assassinating law enforcement people with guns they obtained in the US because of our free market with them in some border states.

-ricin in letters sent to the President and Congressmen (more Mercury/Uranus/Pluto here for sure = sudden death in the mail!)

-major flooding in the Midwest that were just in drought conditions a year ago.

Obviously, all of these events are very Uranus/Pluto, but what triggered them was 3 inner planets: Mercury linking up with a conjunction to Uranus and square to Pluto, and Sun/Mars conjunction in Aries: as I said this is very egotistical/subjective energy, and for those with energy like that naturally, who are imbalanced, it can be enough to push them over the edge into acts of aggression/violence/rebellion. Astrologers have known this spring was going to be quite possibly a very volatile time because of the alignments of aspects going on, and sure enough we are off with a bang. Pluto is involved, thus karma, and death and rebirth and transformation are bound to be part of the process. I can’t help but see within the complexity of these events links to one and other and to the decisions we as humans are making Collectively. If we don’t choose to change, we will be changed. We will be powerless to stop it.  All that we do as a society are based on thoughts/premises we have made and continue to make. We can change them in the blink of an eye by just changing our thoughts. Here’s one to contemplate: do we really need money to be the #1 thing we all strive for?…do we really need it at all? Did anyone need it when confronting the tragedies that were unfolding in front of them in Boston and West? No. What they needed was other human beings to help them, to help each other – that’s what had true value, compassion and empathy, a helping hand. That’s what gave them comfort and the knowledge that they would survive and see another beautiful day on earth. Mercury/Uranus/Pluto has given us much to contemplate this past week.

This upcoming week is not going to be the easiest either as Saturn is activated and we will have many responsibilities to deal with, but it should not be quite as intense as last week, despite being very busy astrologically.

That starts right off on Monday as Venus is opposite Saturn, which can cool relationships down to sober and serious tones. There may be some serious decisions to make in regard to other people. It may be very hard to have any time for your own enjoyment today and that can be a bit depressing for sure. It can be easy to fall into a negative funk about others or your own condition today. We are forced to face reality through our relationships in some way that feels restrictive.

Tuesday the Moon in Libra triggers the Uranus/Pluto square with an opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Once again, others can trigger us to make sudden, upsetting decisions as we may become involved in power struggles, arguments, manipulation, etc. There is a Mercury/Jupiter sextile also which can be quite useful in expanding ideas, information, knowledge, and communication. This can make this a very busy/active day, especially mentally – lots will be going on to try and process. You can accomplish much with this energy. This is also a good day to express what you truly believe in, as you will be quite convincing. There is a long term transit that perfects today that is quite helpful also, though in more subtle/background ways: Pluto trine Pallas Athene, which allows us to use the mind in strong ways to influence others and get them behind your cause. This can give us great healing ability of our psyche/minds now and help us make deep psychological changes.

Wednesday starts with a Venus/Pluto trine that can really deepen existing relationships to new levels. Sexual attractions can be intense and you can have some moving experiences shared with your partner. Artistic/creative expressions can be profound/intense. This is all fed by the Sun sextile Neptune which inspires imagination and idealism – in a way this is the perfect two aspects for lovers as we seek some highly romantic experience that is deeply moving and opens us up to another on levels we’ve never shared before. Definitely soulmate fodder. Sun/Neptune can also have us in willing service to others through charitable type works, and/or perk up our interest in spirituality/religion/mysticism. Vesta ingresses into Cancer today also bringing a period of commitment to family or those who are dependent on us somehow. However, people can also get hyper-sensitive to others now and actually withdraw from group activities or become overly needy/co-dependent. People have a need to feel loved/taken care of and can become insecure if they are not feeling they are getting that. Venus square Ceres can put us at odds with our family or partner somehow, or we may feel unsatisfied/rejected with the way others respond to us.

Thursday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 5/6* Scorpio. Here there is a battle between the need for emotional security and depth versus the need for material comforts and stability. This seems to be a very fitting lesson for these times as I blogged about when the Nodes ingressed into Taurus/Scorpio – a need to decide what’s more important as a resource, material things or deeper relationships and emotional fulfillment. To find a balance between both of these needs that seem to be extremely imbalanced these days toward the South Node in Taurus. Eclipses are times of great change where a light can be shined upon things we normally do not see both in the inner and outer worlds. This eclipse is asking us to change what we value: to move away from blatant materialism being the yardstick of success, and to value deeper experiences shared with others. To do this we must cut away much of what is no longer useful to us.  We must face our deepest fears and gain strength from doing so. This Full Moon is also opposite Mars (ruler of Scorpio), trine Neptune, and conjunct Saturn, so it’s quite a mix of energy. We may feel blocked trying to live up to our ideals in some way and that can bring up much anger/resentment. This Full Moon is asking us to change what we value in order to welcome in new definitions of living. Look to the houses in you chart it falls into to see what areas of life it will affect you the most in. Any planets/points in your chart it makes a tight aspect (1-2*) to will also color the energy of this eclipse for you. Venus conjunct Pallas Athene today also can give a boost of creative energy, or have you fighting for women’s rights, and has us at ease sexually. Venus also sextile Chiron can bring healing opportunities to relationships, while Mercury semi-square Neptune can bring nebulous/shifty communications and misunderstandings that are frustrating. The mind may idle/daydream quite a bit and the truth may be hard to nail down. This is good for spiritual/mystical study however.

Friday has Mars/Neptune sextile which gives the opportunity to get into some fulfilling community/charitable type work/project. A good day to take some type of spiritual journey by yourself. This is also a good day to take action on aligning goals to your ideals.

Saturday is relatively quiet: Sun sextile Ceres shows it’s a good day to nurture those close to us/our family or to just work in garden. A Moon/Neptune square at mid-day may tire us out early today – a nap may help and then we can use the Moon/Uranus trine tonight to go out and have some fun/exciting times.

Sunday the Sun/Saturn opposition perfects, which can have us feeling stifled by our duties or authorities. You may have to make some serious decision in regard to others that can feel quite restrictive/depressing. You may feel separated/isolated from others even when you’re with them. It’s difficult to find balance between your needs and the needs of others. It can be just a “heavy” kind of day. Saturn’s second (retrograde) exact hit of its trine with Ceres is today also – a period of stability in nurturing/emotional/familial relationships.

Next week, Mercury joins the Taurus party, and Mars wrestles with Saturn.

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