Monday, April 8, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 4-8-2013

Monday starts much like much of last week: relatively quiet astrologically. There is a diffusive Sun/Neptune semi-square which can frustrate some of our idealistic ideas/dreams/hopes and get us feeling a bit discouraged in general. This can also drain physical energy, so we may feel a bit tired/passive. Any attempts at deception are likely to backfire on you also. However, Neptune is working in a more subtle way also with a sextile to Pallas Athene perfecting today bringing strong faith in your belief system, opening to the sub-conscious mind/psychic-type energies, and the ability to use art to make spiritual statements. The Moon is void-of-course until noon Pacific time, so morning may not go as expected, but lunar ingress into Aries should give a boost of energy to counter Neptune’s effects.

Tuesday, the Moon gets in its weekly stressful aspects with the Uranus/Pluto square conjuncting Uranus and squaring Pluto. Moon/Uranus can give a lot of ingenious ideas that may raise hopes too high into the unrealistic zone and anger us and have us rebel/seek freedom in some disruptive ways. People may trip themselves up by being too quick/impulsive and then find themselves in some dark zones afterwards (Moon/Pluto). Power struggles with others are possible over unmet expectations. Projection is prevalent. Mercury is also sesiquadrate Saturn today and it can be from the results Moon/Uranus/Pluto that we find ourselves in a pessimistic/narrow/conservative thought and communication zone. It is easy to see the shadow side of things today, which can be depressing. This energy is best used to take on some practical, mundane tasks that require mental focus done alone.

Wednesday has the lead event of the week with an early morning Full Moon in Aries at 20/21*. This is a time to start something new by taking assertive action on it. It is time to launch yourself on some grand adventure – to be decisive and independent, yet take personal actions that benefit all. We must realize this can be done within the confines of our everyday existence through protecting those we love. Aries is strong masculine energy, the Warrior – choose to be the Peaceful Warrior now, not the destructive/tyrannical one. Those who have angry/aggressive personalities may not be able to control themselves, so violent actions are possible. With this New Moon also conjunct Venus and Mars, hopefully most will be able to find balance/harmony between male/female, active/receptive, ying/yang energy instead. Under this Aries New Moon use your energy wisely to help both self and others/society. Look to the house in your chart this New Moon falls in to see what area of life it will affect the most for you. Any planets or points it tightly aspects (1-2*) in your chart will color the energy for you. Mercury is also square Vesta today so we may find ourselves at odds with groups we belong to. Communication difficulties, overthinking others’ intentions, an inability to learn, and/or sexual issues may all come up in interactions with others.

Thursday is pretty quiet although a Moon/Saturn opposition during the day could put the dampers on us through authorities/superiors coming down us, serious decisions having to be made that can seem “no-win”, an overload of responsibilities, and judgmental attitudes.

There is a couple of subtle background shifts on Friday. First, Pluto goes retrograde until September 20th. This asks us to look within and see how we try to control things out of fear and contemplate how we can transform that before we ask others to transform how they misuse their power for the very same reason. Second, is the second (retrograde) hit of Saturn quincunx Uranus. This energy can be sensed in increasing tension in the general populace about feeling stuck or railroaded by the System/our leaders. It seems like many have no answer to the doldrums that they are in. There is a growing sense of restlessness that can lead to disruptive bursts of freedom/independence. This is a very fitting aspect for the turmoil of our times, and requires serious adjustments to the structure of society and the separation of ourselves from traditional ways of current civilization. Saturn square Juno while Uranus sextiles it shows partnerships may be under tension from the Saturn/Uranus quincunx and that some may choose to break free of one and other. Venus semi-square Chiron today also can bring some frustrating tensions to our relationships.

On Saturday, Mercury finally leaves Pisces behind after an extended stay with the Fishes due to its retrograde phase taking place there, and moves into Aries joining the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in the sign of the Ram. Communications will become more assertive, but also more subjective/egotistical, thus possibly creating arguments/disputes. The mind moves very quickly and independently under this influence and can be quite witty, even aggressive, but also does not think decisions through well and thus can draw wrong conclusions that trip yourself up ultimately. This is a time when people will fight for their rights/what they believe in willfully.

Venus semi-square Jupiter on Sunday shows this should be a day of pleasure spent relaxing with friends or at social events. We may overspend out budget under its influence.

Next week, the energy begins to shift toward Taurus, as the Sun, Venus, and Mars head off for the sign of the Bull.  

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