Monday, May 6, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-6-2013

It’s May and we are quickly approaching the third exact square (of seven) between Uranus and Pluto, the main long term transit of these time in history. The world is a highly volatile state and we can start to see manifestations of the intensity of the square’s exactness being felt in this past week’s events. Some potent examples are the revelation that austerity measures have had the opposite effect on the economy than what leaders promised – shrinkage, not growth, and that this whole economic concept may be based on a computer program error; massive angry May Day rallies across the globe with capitalism as an economic model burned in effigy, etc; the collapse of a large clothing manufacturing plant in Bangladesh due to unsafe conditions that were ignored and the fact that many industries that are set up for cheap products for the West exist under similar squalid conditions; and Israel, as I suspected in earlier blogs, getting more and more involved with Syria situation by bombings – this has major potential to set off a major war from what I’ve seen in the countries involved charts. Note all of these events have hidden things by those on power coming to the surface – this is Pluto in Capricorn showing the Shadow, the destruction, the manipulation. Uranus in Aries is the potential of these revelations spurring people into violent revolt. It seems as if a war of “the haves versus the have-nots” could be right around the corner. This square is forcing us to take a look at ourselves and confront ourselves about our own roles in this, and to cut out old habits that contribute – things we deny – by shaking ourselves up somehow.

The week may start off a bit bumpy relationship wise, as Venus is sesiquadrate Pluto Monday morning. Intense interactions with others this past week may have us in frustrating/blocked power struggles without viable solutions. There may be simmering distrust and anger at certain others who have done you wrong somehow. Love relationships may hit some tie ups too. You may realize certain relationships are breaking down or shifting and you are powerless to stop it, so it may be best to just let it go. People can get manipulative, jealous, secretive, power tripping with each other. Later, Mercury trine Pluto will allow us to give ourselves an honest assessment of our own psyche and to get a better understanding of how our own mind works. This is good for getting/giving counselling, study of deep subject matter like psychology, the occult, depth studies, etc. It’s easy to get obsessed with an idea/thought, but the mind has great analytical/research abilities and a strong effect on self and your communications with others. The weekly stressful aspects of the Moon (in Aries) to Uranus (conjunct) and Pluto (square) will add to the intensity of this day.

Mercury is conjunct Mars in Taurus on Tuesday and both sextile Chiron. This would be a good day to take steps on healing self and others, all kinds of mental work, learning or teaching something. People could feel extra competitive or defensive today and it could end up in arguments if taken too seriously. Try to use this energy in a friendly jousting manner that is beneficial to all. I mentioned the Uranus/Ceres square in last week’s blog and to expect surprises in relation to food supplies and other resources this year. Today, Ceres perfects an opposition to Pluto also, forming a cardinal T-square with Uranus. The purpose of this T-square is for us to realize that there is a crisis in resources and that we must roll up our sleeves to take this problem on together or it could threaten the stability of the world. Many people could be ripped apart from loved ones if we allow this to get out of control. Power struggles between nations over resources are likely to reach crisis levels and wars may break out with citizenry getting caught up in the middle. Many people may experience deep sorrow/grief. We need to take a deep look at our use of resources and make some hard decisions in order to deal with it and break out of habits that threaten our reality/lives. Heavy for sure – using the Mercury/Mars/Chiron energy of the day toward brainstorming on problem solving would be helpful/a good use of these energies blended together.

Wednesday has a long term beneficial transit perfecting as Neptune trines Vesta and we may find it easy to merge with groups who share the same ideals. This can arise compassion within many of us to want and try and save the world or commit our lives to a spiritual path, or create ritualistic, healing art, or make soulmate connections.

Thursday is a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct the Mercury/Mars/Pallas Athene conjunction! Can you see the thread/signs the Universe is trying to reveal to us through astrology? Taurus is the sign most tied in with material resource and getting comfort from assets, objects, money, possessions, etc. Taurus prefers stability and reliability, natural rhythms, creature comforts, etc but at the same time denies the emotional and hidden tolls that these habits come along with – it prefers to sweep that stuff under the rug/hide it away. The problem is that it needs more and more stuff to fill up the empty space inside itself that is not getting filled by emotional stability and happiness. Eventually, a crisis ensues that forces us to lose or abandon many of our material comforts, but in doing so we discover a new security from emotional stability and happiness instead. Does this not seem what we have come to Collectively in the world today? We are surrounded with incredible material comforts in our everyday lives but look at the hidden toll: environmental damage, abuse of workers/producers, emotional instability of ourselves and families and children, an unsustainable economic system, etc. New Moons are times to plant new seeds – this one is asking us to plant a new one on the way we relate to resources. An eclipse is a turning point: we have reached that in relation to resources. This eclipse is about a release of tension in many situations that have been persistent problems – a sense of loss may be felt, but it helps clear out the old /the past for the new/the future. The Mercury/Mars/Pallas Athene energy should allow us to actively think of new solutions and be willing to fight for them. Look to what house this eclipse/New Moon falls in your chart to see where you need a new beginning. Any planets or points in your chart that it aspects tightly (1-2*) will also affect the energy for you. Venus ingresses into Gemini today also stimulating mental/intellectual relationships. This is a time of much superficial relating, when you are connecting to many different people in fun, entertaining ways. This is a period that favors arts expressed through words also.

Friday is the Sun’s exact conjunction to Pallas Athene (followed by Mercury conjuncting Pallas on Saturday) – a time we can solidify our positions in what we believe in and the causes we will fight for with courage and intelligence, and a time to broadcast that to the world. This is also a call to blend male and female energy together harmoniously.

Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury (superior conjunction) – our egos can influence our tongues quite a bit today, so it may be easy to get a bit bombastic/overbearing. A day of much communicating with others most likely, and also a good day to start new projects/ventures/businesses. Also good for making plans/organizing and short trips/getting around locally. Mars square Juno shows partners may be in a crisis situation together. There may be imbalances in partnerships that require addressing, or you may feel anger at your partner for some reason.

Sunday is a pretty mellow day with a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in morning having us feel optimistic and cooperative and joyous most of this day. Chiron trine Ceres may give us some ideas to help heal the earth/our own resource situation.

Next week, Mercury heads off to Gemini, a sign it rules, and both Mercury and Venus square Neptune bringing in some confusion to our lives.

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