Monday, May 13, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-13-13

You may be much more likely to want to not work/get going this week on Monday, as a Venus/Neptune square (and a Moon in Cancer) would prefer to escape to some beautiful, peaceful, romantic moments instead. We can be very unrealistic in dealing with loved ones, the way we see our loved ones, or someone we may desire for our own to the point of deceiving ourselves. It’s easy to cave in and you can be too compromising and be sucked into someone else’s fantasy/disconnection to reality. Troubled relationships could fizzle out.  It is possible to use this energy to get some inspired artistic work done however, especially with a Grand Trine in water among Moon in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Later, Mercury triggers the Uranus/Pluto square by semi-squaring Uranus and sesiquadrating Pluto. Your mind may be frustrated/overstimulated by stuck situations that you are involved in. It’s easy to get angry at others and circumstances and just rip things apart by sudden, surprising decisions that just deepen the muck you’re stuck in. It would be best to use this energy to focus the mind on some work that needs details and a critical edge to weed out useless stuff. You can still expect much frustration even when doing this however. The Moon also does its weekly hard aspects to Uranus/Pluto late night/early morning, so you may go to bed with much angst tonight.

Venus quincunx Saturn is the only significant event on Tuesday – this can make relationships, especially with superiors/authorities/older people, bumpy/awkward, as they may make certain requirements in order to give you what you want from them that can be restrictive/demanding. This may trigger feelings of unworthiness/inadequacy. It is useful for having a mature, sober outlook about relationships however.

Wednesday’s main event is Mercury ingressing into Gemini, a sign it rules and is very comfortable in.Here we wish to collect information and broadcast to others what we’ve found – some may see the bright side while others may dwell on the shadow. The mind and communications can be quite superficial during the next few weeks and favors quantity over quality. It flits from one subject to another like a butterfly, easily bored and wanting more and more. The mind can be quite undisciplined and scattered at times and seems unable to complete any of the many projects it is chewing on. Letting others know what’s on your mind is of great importance now.

On Thursday, the Sun does what Mercury did to Uranus/Pluto square earlier in the week – semi-squares Uranus and sesiquadrates Pluto. An urge for freedom/breaking out of a rut or away from others you sense have control over you can reach an irritating level, yet for the most part it will be very difficult to change your situation now. Most likely, any move you make for more independence/control of your life will be met with equal or greater resistance by others or circumstances – quite frustrating and angering indeed. Disruptions should be expected today to your routine, relationships with others can be annoying, accidents or breakdowns could occur, and circumstances or authorities will test you.

Friday night has a 1st quarter square of the Moon in Leo to the Sun in Taurus. Once again, breaking out of a rut/routine/same old situation is the challenge today as the emotional side of you would like to get some recognition for its unique “me-ness,” which could lead to some voyeuristic/conceited behavior for attention.

Mercury squares Neptune early Saturday morning so pay attention to your dreams tonight for inspiring subtle communications. You may awaken with some creative ideas that you should jot down/record before they fade in a haze, or in a state of spiritual bliss that would be quite conducive for a long morning meditation session. Venus triggers Uranus/Pluto today with a sextile to Uranus and quincunx to Pluto. Venus/Uranus has us seeking some new form of pleasure through different people, places, or things that we are normally around. Life can have an exciting zing under this energy, but most connections we make today will be short-lived though inspiring. Venus quincunx Pluto can be quite tricky though, as your excitement of meeting new others may lead you to a bad choice of someone who is difficult to deal with. Issues of possessiveness/jealousy can easily spin out of control. Separations/break-ups are possible.

Sunday’s main event is Jupiter sesiquadrate Saturn: our projects/plans for expansion may be slowed down now. We may realize that we have to let go of certain people or situations in order to move ahead with our lives, and facing this reality can be tough to do. It may be difficult to live up to duties now and it may seem like they are keeping you stuck in place. It’s hard to be certain what to do in order to move forward – let things unwind a bit and signs will show up down the road. You may have to be patient with any business or financial plans now too, as circumstances are shifting.


Next week is bound to be intense as the 3rd of 7 exact Uranus/Pluto square perfects and we get another Lunar Eclipse.

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