What a potent Cardinal Grand Cross these past two weeks! The
USA’s decision on what to do about Syria is pushing everyone’s button, and once
again is a reflection of the continued dwindling power of the USA’s influence
abroad, and the complexity of relationships under this Grand Cross. As I’ve
mentioned before Syria is a perfect example of the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square
in action, as rebels (Uranus) try to take down those in power (Pluto). With transiting
Pluto now exactly conjunct the Sun in Syria’s natal chart and quincunx natal Pluto
in the 10th house, it seems the final stand of Assad is about to
reach a climax point. Soon afterwards, Pluto will conjunct the I/C meaning
major transformations of the homeland. Transiting Uranus is also conjunct the
Syrian Descendant indicating a shake up by allies and open enemies. Venus going
across the Ascendant this past week bought a little extra time for Assad, but
it seems inevitable that the USA will eventually attack Syria and begin the
final down fall of Assad. Meanwhile, Miley Cyrus has apparently become the next
young, innocent teen star to lose her good girl reputation (or be used by those
in power as a great distraction). It seems like 60 years of women’s liberation
got nuked on MTV last week with Miley as a willing participant by pushing the
button. Talk about Venus/Pluto/Uranus – like wow! Anyway, could all be well-timed
distraction, because that same day another story went by that barely raised a
blip: photos of US Treasury Department internal documents going back to 1996 showing
a collusion between the Federal government and the big banks to purposely crash the US economy! More
Venus/Pluto/Uranus/Jupiter there, but we were all too busy watching Miley in
her underwear to notice! I could go on and on with examples of this Grand Cross
in action. How about our personal lives and how complex/entangled/in crisis
they’ve become? Grand Cross in action again.
Thankfully, Venus moves out of orb of the Grand Cross now
and we can return to “just” a Cardinal T-square with Uranus/Pluto/Jupiter this
week! Yahoo! Actually, a quick look ahead at September shows it will be a
fairly mellow month astrologically, although Mercury will get to Libra and form
a Grand Cross with Uranus/Pluto/Jupiter mid-month, but it won’t be as tight as
the one just passed with Venus. As for this week, it’s a relatively quiet one –
maybe we can catch up a bit.
Monday, Labor Day, may be a bit odd for a holiday with a
Moon/Saturn square showing many of us may have to work or perform duties for
others that sacrifices much of our own potential enjoyment of this day, and a
Mercury/Mars semi-square indicates many of us may be feeling quite frustrated
by that and may tell others off/get argumentative/be in general a bit testy. It
is good for doing intellectual work or paperwork type stuff by yourself. Mars
quincunx Neptune can suck the physical energy right out of us and have us a bit
down in the dumps, unable to stand up for ourselves, ill, or just discouraged
in general. Overall, this can be a tiresome day full of unwanted duties that
have us down physically/mentally and resentful.
Tuesday has a Sun/Chiron opposition and a Sun/Uranus
quincunx, which together can have many of us decide/choose to fight for our
rights and the rights of others and try to make the world a better place for
all. This can cause opposition from authorities and even wounding of some kind.
People will be very impatient with rules and will be edgy and ready to break
free to do their own thing. There could be some major upsets in world events
today. Overall, a day we may make some move toward freedom from old wounds and
A Moon/Neptune opposition on Wednesday can dissipate energy
and bring deceptions. Mercury semi-square Saturn indicates some frustrating
restricted communications with others, especially authorities. This can give us
a depressed/negative outlook, but a practical, concise mind. Mars opposite Juno
shows partners may get in some serious disagreements/fights today also.
Overall, a day that can be quite frustrating/disappointing.
A New Moon at 13* Virgo is the biggest event of the week on
Thursday. This is a time when we’d like some order/discipline/precision in our
lives. A time we need a rulebook to live by in order to make sure things get done
right. We can get in hyper-critical/judgmental mindset. This is a time of
service to others and the world, of trying to make things right, of harvesting
what we’ve planted prior to this time. Look to the house in your chart where
this New Moon falls to see where it will affect you personally the most. Any
planets or points in your chart it aspects (2* orb only!) will flavor its energy
for you too. Neptune opposite Ceres shows the continuing confusion and
victimization over resources around the world and what can be done about it.
This is a good day tom use to decide where you want to use your gifts to help
yourself/others/the world to bring in healing.
Very quiet day on Friday with Moon entering Libra in time
for the weekend, making it a very social one most likely for most of us.
A Sun/Jupiter sextile on Saturday should take some of the
edge off a Grand Cross formed by Moon in Libra/Uranus/Pluto/Jupiter. There will
be lots to do today, most likely too much, and you may try to resist or go your
own way at some point. The Sun/Jupiter sextile may bring some lucky/positive opportunity
your way. It’s usually good for being with others, relationships with those in
power, group activities, and waxing philosophical. A very busy day that may get
intense at times, but overall gets you up/optimistic.
Sunday is quiet too with a Moon/Venus conjunction making it
likely a pleasant day in some way best shared with others in beautiful
surroundings. Enjoy!
Mercury and Venus change signs next week and by the weekend
Mercury forms another Grand Cross involving Jupiter/Uranus/Pluto – rhetoric will
reach a fever pitch. Stay tuned.
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