Monday, August 26, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 8-26-2013

The Cardinal Grand Cross currently active in the heavens and that I mentioned last week indeed has the events of the world seeming to be spiraling to breaking points and at a point of wondering what one is most important to deal with. However, the Grand Cross indicates they could all be linked to one and other and that by focusing on one, solutions for the others will appear. A Grand Cross is four squares, so it is a material world crisis, and if the foundations of that material world are built upon a problematic system to begin with, it is bound to reach the point of multiple crisis’ going on at once, as we have today, for the underlying reality is, it is all connected – at least as symptoms of a dis-eased reality in this case. Witness some of the issues of the world in the past week that all are in need of immediate solutions: highly radioactive water bursting from storage containers in Fukushima, Japan and bringing the nuclear crisis there back up to threatening levels with no one with any clear answer as to what to do next; Saudi Arabia, Israel, and France all going against the USA’s wishes and continuing to give aid to the Egyptian military which has seized power back from the Muslim Brotherhood (another example of USA’s progressed Mars going retrograde and the continuing eroding of its influence in world politics); the arrest of Badie, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood; police and firefighters and city council members joining a solidarity sing in protest in Madison, WI seeking justice for the poor and afflicted; and now the USA accusing Syria of using chemical weapons and threatening to invade and start up the next in its ongoing series of Mid-East wars (that will no doubt end in Iran someday) that pushes the world closer to a third world war conflict every time it reaches a crisis point. These are only some of the stories going on now, and I know from talking to others, many of our personal lives are feeling torn apart by multiple serious issues as well. These are trying times indeed – ones that have us question all we base our current reality upon.

Everything I blogged about the Grand Cross last week is highly active this week still: a peak started last Saturday when Venus was exactly opposite Pluto, and on Monday Venus has its exact square to Uranus (and also a quincunx to Chiron) which can really shake and break relationships: the same old people moaning about the same old things will be the objects of our rebellion (Saturn square Juno also). We want something new and excitingly stimulating now! People can be quite flirtatious, disruptive, upsetting within relationships. This is a day you should try to do something new or you will rebel against loved ones. However a Sun/Neptune opposition today could dissipate energy quite a bit and we may actually not feel like doing much physically. This is also the energy of being deceived by others or being forced to make decisions without much clarity to rely on while doing so. It may be very difficult to trust others and their motivations today and you could end up quite disappointed. Watch for being a victim or falling into a victim’s trap. This can also make us very off in our judgment of others by being overly idealistic or dishonest with ourselves. Overall, a confusing day where we could lose faith in others and rebel against them in some way.

Tuesday the Grand Cross remains super potent also as Venus makes the last exact aspect to the other three planets involved by squaring Jupiter – normally this is an easy square that can make us overly indulgent/extravagant/lazy/over-budget, but tied into Grand Cross it likely will make people more sensitive to others and ruffle feelings, and continue to have us make some poor judgments. Mercury’s sextile to Saturn will help us cut through some of the issues however, as the mind can be sharp and wise under this influence and has the opportunity to correct many mistakes. This is good for learning/teaching also. The mind can have great focus on details with this energy. Mars ingresses into Leo today also for the next seven weeks. This can get ego energy going strongly and people could get overly prideful, arrogant, self-righteous. However it does give much courage and confidence and can put you in leadership positions where you really believe you have everyone’s best interests at heart and will fight stubbornly to defend yourself and other’s interests. This is a time where you can really get into being yourself/who you truly are, but you can get emotionally disconnected somewhat because of the front you are putting up.

A 3rd Quarter Square of the Moon in Gemini to the Sun in Virgo could make Wednesday a tense day, as the emotional need to connect with others far and wide, and mainly superficially, goes up against the self/will’s desire to get into things deeply and cut the fat/waste out, and be more introverted as far as others are concerned. A Mercury/Pluto trine will tip the scales in favor of the pragmatic/incisive approach – this is a great aspect to use the mind to get into something deeply, research, depth work, occult work, self-analysis leading to transformations, and intellectually stimulating encounters. Your mind can get narrow/one-pointed however. Ceres ingresses into Virgo today too which will have us give nurturance to others through service or a skill, just be watchful of getting overly critical of loved ones and their faults.

Mercury is opposite Chiron and quincunx Uranus on Thursday: Mercury/Chiron urges us to see other’s points of view before making any decisions, or could get us in a student/teacher relationship that helps soothe the mind. Mercury/Uranus gives a jumpy mind that can get a bit nerve-wracked and makes it hard to focus. You may come up with some good ideas but it may be able to hard to hold onto them. Sun sextile Saturn will help stabilize the energy and you will be able to get much work done, get/give advice, and do your duties willingly and with a good attitude.

There’s a nice Grand Trine in Water on Friday among Moon in Cancer, Saturn, and Neptune promising a nice flow to this day. Mercury sextile Jupiter makes it a good day to make plans for the future as you see the Big Picture well. The mind is clear and expansive and mental attitude is positive. Good for biz deals and negotiations and travel. Also, the mind is quite stimulated by ideas today that broaden understanding and make life interesting.

Saturday should be a sweet day with a Moon/Jupiter conjunction, Moon/Venus square, and Moon/Mercury sextile – a day to have fun on/indulge yourself/socialize/etc.

September starts on Sunday with a Sun/Pluto trine that can give some powerful experiences that spur you on to want to change your life in some way. Once again, this is good energy to look within with to help reform yourself. You and others can have powerful influence on each other’s lives. This is a day you can use your power to achieve much headway. Venus sesiquadrate Neptune is a nice Sunday aspect to float away on just being passive/lazy/relaxed/artistic. People may get a bit sensitive emotionally or overly idealistic about others or situations. Weak relationships could fizzle out.

After some very heavy astrological weather these past few weeks, next week we should get a respite as a New Moon in Virgo is the biggest event of the week.

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