Monday, October 17, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 10/17/11

My computer went down last Monday morning and was out until Friday night, thus no blogging last week. As I mentioned the week before that, the big events of this month are Venus, Mercury and the Sun ingressing into Scorpio and one by one opposing Jupiter in Taurus. They are also one by one sextiling Pluto at same time and later will be each squaring Mars and squaring Neptune. Last week, Venus led the charge by sextiling Pluto on Thursday and opposing Jupiter on Friday - it should have been a weekend of indulgences and expanded realtionships in general and a positive "high/buzz" from it all. As I mentioned two weeks ago, this is a ripe time to deepen relationships and collaborations in a spirit of equality/balance/harmony/security. Yet at the same time deep truths will come to the surface and power struggles, emotional manipulation, financial issues, resource management and decisions surrounding them will have to be made. Venus is followed by Mercury ingressing into Scorpio last Thursday and sextiling Pluto yesterday - the message is starting to make a deep mark and giving pause for thought to contemplate the roots of issues and symptoms, rather than trying to sweep things under the rug or just treat surface wounds. This is a great time to look deep within at normally hidden psycological and societal forces that unconciously drive you and others, as they can be revealed, pryed open, exposed to the light, and begin to be cleansed and transformed - a time for emotional courage to face our darkest personal fears and the Collective's denial of a sick system in need of transcendance.

Today, Monday, is a very dynamic day, with a Grand Trine in Air leading the way with Moon in Gemini trine Sun/Saturn in Libra trine Neptune in Aquarius, and Mercury in its exact opposition to Jupiter, with Mars sesiquadrate Uranus just for good measure! The Grand Trine in Air and Mercury/Jupiter have a very similiar signature of lots of focus on mental energy/thinking/communications/intellectual exchanges, and working together this can be an over-the-top day for mental stimulation that is postively inspiring/exhilirating and full of big decisions to make or at least ponder. The big issue is what you overlook, and Mars/Uranus may remind us of that with some shocking surprises or (re)actions by others to what we are putting out there today. Don't be moving so fast that you get in an accident - at the very least nervous systems will be highly stimulated. It may be good to do something physical today too, even if not initially in your schedule, to disperse some of your energy. With the dynamic energy of this day percolating, squeezing in more is an option, but so is wasting energy, false starts, combatative statements and actions, flagrant rebellion, quick and heavy-handed reactions, etc.

Tuesday's main event is Mars quincunx Ceres showing that many are ready to take actions to secure resources and that adjustments will have to be made in order to do so. Old strategies are no longer working and courage is required to seperate yourself from them.

Wed/Thurs are relatively quiet with the highlight being a 3rd quarter square of Moon in Cancer to Sun in Libra: a last call to make more connections now in order to deepen our emotional relationships to others and widen our compassion and caring to include all, so that all may feel secure.

Friday there is a very idealistic trine between Sun in Libra and Neptune in Aquarius. Those who have been rallying for some kind of change will feel positively inspired by the events of this week and a sense a growing collusion of disparate groups with different yet similiar agendas bonding together and realizing their similiarities, rather than focusing on their differences. We may have some kind of spiritual or creative epiphany that will inspire us to do more.

Saturday, Venus sesiquadrates Uranus and Sun squares Pallas Athene - we may find our worlds shaken by new relationships that we form this day. It may feel odd, yet at the same time quite exciting. Many of these connections may burn out as quickly as they come on, yet with Sun conjunct Juno and Venus trine Ceres there's a chance of merging into a long term partnership from one of these casual connections. We may find ourselves relying more and more on others for our material needs also.

Sunday our Collective descent into the Underworld takes its final step with the Sun ingressing into Scorpio and a Mars/Pluto sesiquadrate - it is time to face the Shadow within ourselves and within our society - to challenge it, look it in the eye, wrestle with it, force it to reveal itself, drag it out into the light to expose its weakness, and to realize how it's been holding us back, and thus we can take the steps to change it , re-shape it, transform it, arise from its ashes. Mercury sesiquadrate Uranus should help give us lots of ideas/input on how we can do this - we may want instant satisfaction but this journey is long and requires perserverance. Sort through the thoughts and find the ones most useful for your journey.

Get ready for much input/mental downloads this week, and much relationship stimulation on deep levels.

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