Monday, October 31, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 10/31/11

Happy Halloween/Samhain!

Mercury and Venus are conjunct these days in Scorpio. They have been conjunct by sign and within a 6* orb since October 14th and will remain so until November 25th when Mercury goes retrograde. This week they will both square Neptune and Chiron, ingress into Sagittarius together on the same day, and then trine Uranus on the same day. In addition, Mercury enters the shadow of its retrograde this Saturday in a sign it is quite weak in.

Venus is square Neptune on Monday - this is a blending of higher/spiritual love with mundane/physical love. This usually indicates pleasant times with others, perhaps with a little angst. It's a good day to discuss any issues with loved ones, as it can deepen relationships, merge ideas, etc. This will also spur creative/artistic ideas into actions. We could allow ourselves to be deceived by another by allowing ourselves to be too dazzled somehow however. Also, watch for being overly lazy/passive/indulgent today - don't let the kids get sick eating too much Halloween candy!

Tuesday, Mercury follows suit by squaring Neptune - this may bring some mental confusion, communication misunderstandings, foggy thoughts, deceptions, but also much inspiration perhaps for artistic endeavors and for the study of spiritual/metaphysical matters. Relationships with others may revolve around sharing visions/inspirations and reaching out for diversity to be welcomed in.

Wednesday, they both ingress into Sagittarius together. This is the sign of Mercury's detriment because of the tendency to have big ideas that are not well thought out/with finer details are ignored, and thus we "open our mouths and insert our foot" under this transit quite often, or take actions that can inflict wounds on ourselves or make us look like a fool. Mercury in Sag can make us clownish, but many times it's used as a mask to hide something more painful. Because Mercury will retrograde in Sag, it will remain in this sign of detriment for 9-10 weeks to early January rather than the normal 3 week sojourn. We are under this influence of "overestimating our ideas" during this whole time. The mind is in search of something new and exciting and expansive. With Venus conjunct Mercury and in Sag too, where she/we can get quite vampish/outrageous in our desire to attract other's attention to us somehow. Therefore, relationships are the likely area where our big ideas have not been thoroughly thought out enough and we may end up getting hurt, especially with Mercury/Venus square Chiron this day too. The pay off is we will see how our own actions set us up to be hurt and perhaps now we can learn from that.

Thursday they both trine Uranus and sextile Pallas Athene opening us up to new ideas, people, relationships that bring an air of excitement and electricity to our lives. Collaboration can bring ingenious exchanges that take us to the cutting edge. Any new encounters/experiences/events/people can exhilirate our world. A quick witty mind, the use of technology for rapid communications, flashes of creative brilliance will also all be part of this day. Life is just exciting this day.

Saturday Mercury and Venus quincunx Jupiter and Mercury enters its retrograde shadow so we may get the beginning of a sense of where it is impossible to bridge the gap with others on certain values and feel the need to seperate ourselves from them. Remember that Mercury/Jupiter may have you exaggerating your own ideas/position, and Venus/Jupiter may have you focused on disparities rather than similiarities today especially in relationships. It's best not to make any final decision involving others today, but let it ride out a bit.

Sunday's most notable event is Ceres turning direct in Pisces. Perhaps it is time to open up a dialogue on how we distribute resources and how all must be factored in when doing so.

This week the focus is going to be on relationships/collaboration with a danger of overshooting our mark. Next week, Mars steals the show, and we have a Full Moon in Taurus

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