Monday, October 24, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 10/24/11

This week could start in "fight or flight" mode with the Moon in Libra opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto while the Sun quincunxs Uranus also on Monday. Things will have an edge today for sure, and the way you  react to that will be unconventional and impulsive, and you will tell any one off who is stepping on your toes (you may just however be stepping on your own toes really!).  Minor unexpected events can throw you off and accidents/breakdowns/technical issues are possible. Fortunately, the Moon is in Libra and the Sun trines Chiron too, which may have us be able to navigate this edge by reminding ourselves that there's two sides to every story (at least), and to be able to gain wisdom by seeing every perspective that allows progressive change to enter our lives acting like a breath of fresh air to rejuvenate the soul. One other interesting note is that Juno is ingressing into Scorpio joining the Sun, Mercury, and Venus - this seems like a natural fit archetypically: a deepening of our relationships in any partner-type connections to new emotional bounds and bonding with an ability to communicate on intense levels and to enhance our own Life experience(s).

Venus semi-square Pluto on Tuesday can test the deepening of these relationships and have you doubting or worrying if opening up more was the right move. You may feel exposed in some way or just frustrated by others' reactions. Concerns about your own resources from Sun sesiquadrate Ceres may have you feeling more protective of whatever is your's and wondering how you'll maintain, and feeds the distrust of others that Venus/Pluto brings. Moon conjunct Saturn can just add to this stifling atmosphere. Maintaining objectivity and meticulous thinking before saying/doing may be the best course today.

Wednesday is 1 of 2 very heavy astrological weather days this week that influence the rest of the week with a New Moon in Scorpio, Mars sextile Saturn, and Venus square Mars. Mars sextile Saturn is an excellent aspect for getting hard/physical/mundane work done well. Don't pass this opportunity by from Tues-Thurs to tackle some project at home or work that requires physical work with a discplined approach. Anything like that you've put on the back burner is good to get on now. Venus square Mars blends romance and passion and is an excellent tension and release aspect for lovers. For those not in romantic relationships, you may find yourself attracted to the opposite sex today strongly, or you may get some flashes of creative inspiration that drives some artistic manifestation out of you. The New Moon at 3* Scorpio speaks of deepening relationships, releasing what is dying, the surfacing of the Shadow, the veil being thin between the spirit and physical worlds, passion, deep emotions, and confronting envy/jealousy/fears/vengefulness in order to release them. Scorpio speaks of what we individually and Collectively sweep under the rug, who and what we demonize in our denial by doing so, and having to ultimately confront our fears and mortality in order to gain power over them and emerge from the darkness of judgement with reborn creativity. This New Moon sextiles Pluto, Scorpio's co-ruler, giving us an opportunity to see deeply within ourselves and others and to ride the waves of emotion that surface so that we can begin to transform on all levels. With both Sun and Moon opposite retrograde Jupiter in Taurus, it is truly time to make heavy decisions about resources and value systems. Look to the house this New Moon falls in in your chart to see where your life needs to be reborn and if you have any planets at 3* aspecting the New Moon, thus coloring the energy you receive from it. Pallas Athene's ingress into Aquarius is calling all like-minded warriors of change to gather forces in the name of justice.

Friday is also a busy day astrologically, but most of it is just a continuation and jump up of the octave of the New Moon above, as the Sun perfects its opposition to Jupiter and sextile to Pluto, as the 2 of them perfect their 2nd of 3 trines. This could be truly an exhilirating day where beneficial change and accomplishments are measurable right in front of you. Much has shifted lately and the effects are palpable. The tide of energy is flowing now and its a great time to get in the current of progressive transformation. The danger this day comes in the form of Mercury square Mars - we may fly off the handle with our words today due mainly to the strong emotions that have been coursing through us. Egotistical arguments may ensue, or words can be felt by the listener to be weapons.

The weekend is pretty quiet but with a Sagittarius Moon on Saturday, the expanding energy of Wed - Fri will be strongly felt through this day too.

This is a very dynamic week where we can make much progress on ourselves and deepen many relationships and get much done at same time.

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