Monday, August 12, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 8-12-2013

Interesting to note that on the day of the exact Jupiter opposite Pluto the Dream 9 were released – Jupiter’s exaltation in Cancer no doubt helped push authorities (Pluto) to make the caring decision to let them return home.

Also, the fall of big sports star Alex Rodriguez, among other baseball players, for playing while using performance enhancing drugs is an example of Mars in Fall in Cancer aided by Pluto/Uranus no doubt.

This week starts off pretty quiet astrology wise on Monday. A late night Moon in Scorpio conjunction to Saturn may have us disciplined until late just getting what we have to done on this day. (This conjunction will be visible outside too if not too cloudy – worth checking out along with the Perseid Meteors!)

Tuesday is a Mercury/Pluto day as they quincunx each other and are both aspected by the Moon in Scorpio (square to Mercury/sextile to Pluto). This energy can be subtle, yet deep and heavy. The mind is scheming and complex and internalized. It can see to the bottom of things and has power in doing so. This is excellent for research and development. However many people like to play mind games with others with this energy that can result in some complicated and subtle power trips, secretive behavior, suspicions of others and vice versa, deceptions and misunderstandings, mysterious demeanors, etc. Others may experience this as a time of deep changes from letting go of old behaviors/patterns/control. This may alter the way you think. Mercury is also opposite Juno, so partners may have some serious disagreements today or be the ones who play out the Mercury/Pluto energy on each other. A bumpy day mentally and emotionally for sure.

Wednesday has an early 1st Quarter Square of the Moon in Scorpio to the Sun in Leo – the emotions want to hole up in some deep, dark, secretive space, yet the ego wants to go out and shine/be unique/draw attention. It’s another day with lots of Mercury energy going on too: Mercury is trine Uranus, quincunx Chiron and square the Nodes. Mercury trine Uranus can bring many quick and sudden strokes of genius – the mind should be humming along. Some of these ideas can be quite significant so take notes! You will also be interested in new intriguing experiences that fire up the mind and take you away from the familiar, as you will be bored of the routine. It also favors working with science, math, technology, the occult, and the sharing of ideas with others. Mercury’s quincunx to Chiron says that if we are open to some of these ideas from Mercury/Uranus, we will be able to let go of outdated ideas and systems ad redefine our mental attitude. Mercury’s square to the Nodes shows the importance of dealing with others too – the challenge of meeting our goals and being able to blend that with other’s goals can bring much tension and disagreement. How can we find new ways to do so?

The Moon/Mercury/Uranus energy continues throughout Thursday as they form a Grand Trine in Fire that should absolutely stoke inspiring ideas, shifting values and philosophies, ideas in action, etc. Mercury semi-square Venus shows we want to share these ideas with others too, but they may have a hard time keeping up with us, which can be a bit frustrating. Pluto has its second (retrograde) hit to a sesiquadrate with Ceres, keeping challenging issues of resource scarcity upon us, and asking us to find new ways to approach these pressing issues.

Venus ingresses into Libra on Friday, a sign the Goddess rules and is most comfortable in socializing with others and the appreciation of aesthetics in art and environment. Social life energy should pick up for most people these next few weeks. It is a good time to re-decorate your home/surroundings. A time to beautify your life somehow. The Sun sesiquadrate Pluto can make this a bit of a bumpy day with authorities or being haunted by your own behavior patterns/learned behaviors. It is a day to consider making some changes/finding some new approaches to old, continuous challenges. His can also be a day fraught with mechanical issues.

Saturday can be an emotionally charged day as the Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus. Deeply intense issues may rise to the surface and the desire to make a break for it will be strong. Sun conjunct Ceres in Leo helps us to care for others by urging them to express themselves/believe in themselves and their ability to make it in this world.

On Sunday a Moon/Mars opposition says it’s a good day to go and be active in some sport or adventure with another/others. Mercury conjunct Vesta will help foster an intellectual connection with those you share this activity with through some shared ritual(s) and ideas associated with said activity.

Next week, the astrological weather picks up with a Full Moon in Aquarius, Jupiter’s exact square to Uranus, while the Sun and Mercury go hand in hand into Virgo.

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