Monday, August 5, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 8-5-2013

Lots of examples of Mars square to Uranus and opposite Pluto last week, as individual acts of rebellion are leading to tough decisions and sparring sides:

-another document Snowden released to the Guardian shows that the NSA could tap into the body of any e mail almost anyone has sent in the world.

-Russia granting asylum to Snowden despite the US’s protests after the Bradley Manning convictions and Snowden’s father travelling to Russia to ask for asylum for his son and using Manning as an example of how Snowden would be treated by the US once he was back in the government’s hands.

-the city of Richmond, CA using eminent domain to reclaim underwater houses from banks who refuse to give the previous owners better mortgage terms -  now other cities are starting to consider the same legal maneuver.

-USA and Canada being told by the Latin American country leaders that they are not needed for anything by them including trade.

-immigration protests around the US in support of the Dream Act 9.

-announcement by the Justice Department that it was going after Texas and any other state under Resolution 3 of the Voting Act that is trying to limit voting rights with new strict laws by having a Federal takeover of voting in those states doing so.

Monday is relatively quiet although the Moon goes into Leo, but as it’s squared by Saturn, its normal boisterousness may be held somewhat in check. There’s also two significant asteroid aspects: Jupiter conjunct Pallas Athene and Sun conjunct Vesta. Jupiter/Pallas should broaden ideas on big social problems/challenges. The problem will be in getting too one-sided and protective of what we see because of our philosophy/values/beliefs. Sun/Vesta can bring a dedication in our lives to an ideal, and a focus on the group relationship to self, rather than individual relationships to self.

Tuesday is a New Moon at 14-15* Leo. This is a time when we are being called upon to ignite the world around us with the unique gifts/talents that we were born with, and to realize each person plays an equally important part in the dance of life. If we allow our gifts to remain unused out of self-consciousness, then we have defeated ourselves and the world around us will fall into decay. We will all want some attention in some way and our willing to “display our wares” in order to get it. This New Moon trines Uranus, so there will be an extra push to be unique, extra-ordinary, try something new. We can discover something new and exciting about ourselves now. Look to the house in your natal chart that this New Moon falls into to see what area of life is ready for a new spark. Any aspects it makes to other planets/points in your chart will also flavor this New Moon’s energy for you.

Mercury sesiquadrate Chiron may make it hard to learn our lessons today, even if we are willing to. Pluto opposite Pallas Athene can bring obsessive ideas and behavior by self and/or others, and can also bring power struggles surrounding creativity or even sexuality.

Wednesday begins the biggest aspect of the month getting tight as Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto and locks into a Cardinal T-Square all month with Uranus. Obviously, this will keep the Uranus/Pluto square energy extra potent all month and it can act in different ways. Jupiter in Cancer is exalted and strong, and Jupiter is also the greater beneficent planet, so this can also be quite helpful in using the powerful Uranus/Pluto energy to the way we approach helping others on a large social scale. However, the negative side of Cancer is being over protective of those and what we love, overly nationalistic about our homeland, manipulation of others for the benefit of self, and selfishness about resources. This also indicates strong political battles in the mundane world, so the continued divisiveness in US politics and other nations as well will continue at an increased rate most likely. Some can get quite abusive in their use of power under this influence, as the desire to get ahead can be obsessive. Religious fanaticism can also flame up strongly. Watch for getting into power trips yourself in your own life.

Mercury ingresses into Leo on Thursday finally leaving the waters of Cancer after an extra long stay there due to retrograde motion. We can very egotistical about our ideas and communicating them under this influence – stubbornness, foolish pride, self-righteousness, arrogance – may come out of our mouths. We have a need to be right, so to speak. This is good for leading others in making some big plans and putting lots of effort into fixing intellectual problems. You can get really inspired/fired up about your own creative ideas! Venus semi-square Saturn can bring some frustrating blockages in relationships. People may be conservative/reserved with each other and unable to get what they want from each other. We can feel isolated even in the midst of others. You can also be victimized by authorities/superiors also. Best to get some down time alone if you’re feeling this way.

Friday is pretty mellow although a mid-afternoon Moon/Venus conjunction can get us ready for a fun, social weekend.

Saturday is pretty quiet too with a Mercury/Neptune quincunx being the biggest aspect of the day. This can bring unclear or confusing communications. You may choose to spend this day living in your own mind’s fantasy. This can also make us very sensitive to others/our environment and we may need to separate ourselves/take a break from them. You may lose confidence in your own thinking process somehow too.

Sunday can be intense due to all that’s going on around us as the Moon in Libra locks into a Cardinal Grand Cross with Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter/Mars. It will be difficult to balance everything demanding your attention today and the best choice is just to focus on one thing/issue. Mercury square Saturn can get us very conservative intellectually. It will be hard to communicate with others and feel satisfied. Delays in plans may occur. You could get depressed/dwell on negative thoughts. It’s best to use this energy to work on detailed work that requires a critical mind. Mars sesiquadrate Neptune can sap our physical energy, and combined with Mercury/Saturn our mental energy too, as we can easily sink into feelings of hopelessness and victimization. It will be easy to be discouraged/down now. If we try to get around this day dishonestly, we may easily be flushed out by others and only compound our problems, which can be even more demoralizing. It would be best to spend most of this day alone relaxing as best you can.

Next week we are in the middle of Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus, but Venus will enter Libra, a sign the Goddess enjoys immensely!

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