I have found the four seasonal ingress charts set for Washington, DC to be quite revealing of what to expect as a nation for the next few months. An added benefit is not having to decide what natal chart fits USA best and look for transits to it. I feel the Capricorn Ingress sets the tone for the next calender year, but the other three can fill in the picture with more detail in the three months afterward. The Aries Ingress set for Washington, DC (March 20 at 7:21 PM EST) had a few factors jump out at me. The Ascendant is 1* Libra and there is a Moon/Saturn retrograde conjunction in Libra in 1st house rising. In a nutshell: the mood of the people/face of the nation is somber due to restrictions that we face and responsibilities that we have. This speaks of civil servants being under attack by their own citizens (via stripping them of their bargaining power and pensions and benefits) and an inability to get open negotiations going. It also speaks of our image as world policeman and the expectations that the rest of the world has on us to help in places like Libya even though our resources are tightly constricted.
Pluto is conjunct the I/C in the 4th house: if there ever was an astrological sign that there is nuclear/radioactive "rain" falling on the homeland, then here it is. No matter what is being said in the press, this leaves no doubt that this invisible nightmare is occurring. Pluto square Uranus conjunct the Descedant shows its source is an accident from an ally!
The Sun/Uranus conjunction on Descendant also indicates surprising actions by our allies and enemies, and with Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house, hasty actions by all involved may have big repercussions among allies later. This could be an apt decscription of Libya and our NATO allies forcing us to do something about it.
The Nodal Axis is right on the M/C-I/C axis, so our Collective karma as a nation will manifest into some concrete events this quarter. Our leaders may be seen as weak and ineffective and we may be feeling the best course of action is to withdraw from so much involvement in other nation's business.
This is a very brief look at this chart, but some very interesting points.
I am a professional astrologer based in Tucson, AZ. This blog is for articles, comments, thoughts, etc I have on astrological subject matter. I will also use it at times to look at the astrology of the year/month/week/day.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 3/28/11
The cardinal Uranus/Pluto square went back into orb by sign on the day of the Japanese earthquake. Earthquakes are associated with Uranus and nuclear energy ("pluto"nium) with Pluto. One of the consequences of the earthquake is the current nuclear disaster/crisis. Last week, the Sun's conjunction to Uranus kept the Uranus/Pluto square very active, and this week on Monday the Sun squares Pluto, keeping this square in the forefront of active energy. This square will be in orb until 2015: every time one of the other planets or the Sun gets in hard aspect to it, the activity will pick up. It will be alot to deal with at one time. I was on news website last week and there was an editorial remarking on how the Wisconsin labor rallies story still had not finished playing out, yet since that time the earthquake/tsunami/Libya no-fly/multiple revolutions across Arab countries had all occurred, and they felt obligated to cover those stories, but lamented openly that Wisconsin did not get its full due for how big an event that is. In other words, BIG news events were happening so fast and furious across the world that they could not keep up! Welcome to the cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto! And every time it's acticvated things will ratch up. This week, the Plutonian edge will begin to show how insidious the radiation being leaked from this disaster really is, and how the company in charge and the government may have pushed things under the rug about safety and decision making. Yet, Pluto allows these things come to the surface to be dealt with eventually in very intense/transformative ways. The price has to be paid: death/loss of power/consequences of deceitful decisions, etc. Not just in this event, but in all these others too, a fever pitch will continue: areas prone to violence will be dangerous places to be, war/bloodshed/death will occur in places that are prone to it now, more dirty laundry from corporations/banks big governement will emerge. Even in our individual lives power struggles, vengefulness, jealousy and envy, having to face our own and others' shadows, will all be themes. The best way to use this energy is on yourself: force yourself to look within at your "bad" self and embrace it and accept it so that you feel self-love and can begin to make peace with that side of yourself, transform it into some greater good, and have that effect on the world around you too. These times are not easy right now and they are not meant to be, but great advances in self-knowledge can be learned now that can propel you into being a much more effective human being.
Also, on Monday, a very useful tool is available in the form of the 3rd exact opposition between Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets work well together to build broad, yet stable foundations in well thought out measures. What's done with their energy now does not have immediate results, but can last a long time. This is a real good time to take a serious look at goals and assess what needs to be done and make the decision to do it (or not). Be careful with your judgements however, as you can be feeling restless/like you're treading water: guarded optimism is a good approach, or the Zen proverbial "Middle Way."
On Tuesday, there's a Venus/Ceres/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: how fitting that the Wal-Mart class action women's lawsuit has come up in the news. Women's rights are one of the manfestations of this energy: past wounding wanting to be healed. This is also the pain/wounding that our Mother Earth is feeling now from nuclear fallout, monoculture farming, pollution, destruction of nature, etc. It should give us pause to reflect on what true beauty is - beauty beyond the aesthetic/skin of things. The beauty of nature and natural cycles: of birth, life, death, rebirth. It is also about the suffering of families in these modern times, reminding us that something very simple and basic has been lost in these complex times. Take a walk in nature today, even if it's at a park, and try to re-connect with her, to re-member her.
Wednesday Mercury goes retrograde in Aries: any decisions hastily made in the last two weeks may come back to bight you now and cause much frustration. Once again, this points at deep reflection being the best course of action before decision this week. A time to sort out what works and what doesn't. Hasty actions during this period will ultimately just slow you down through communication/mechanical/travel breakdowns.
Mars ingresses into Aries, one of the signs it rules, on Friday. Peoples' actions can range to more assertive to downright aggressive during the red planet's sojourn through this sign. Acts of individual action/courage/adventure are to be expected: the enlightened rogue so to speak. This is a great time to get involved in some physical project, sports, athletic activities, either alone or with competitive others.
Saturday is a good day to deepen relationships with others in progressive ways as Venus sextiles Pluto. A good day to actively seek to do so. Get out of the house and have some fun today! Vesta ingresses into Aquarius encouraging like minded people to share their visions/dreams/hopes.
Sunday, like Monday, is another very intense day as Mars conjuncts Uranus firing off the Uranus/Pluto square extra intensely, while Sun is opposite Saturn. Another natural or manmade disaster is quite possible this day/weekend, and countries that are at war or in revolutions could explode with wild actions against those in power. Excitement/agitation levels will be absolutely boiling within and without. Acts of rebelliousness against anyone/anything/your responsibilities perceived to be holding you down are likely. Rash decisions, unexpected events, sudden changes can throw you off. You may have to deal with authorities with power over you. The desire for freedom may be overwhelming, but you could find yourself all alone at the end.
There is also a New Moon in Aries on Sunday. Normally, a great time to start projects, with Mercury retrograde and Saturn's opposition, some more planning may be first required. This can definitely be frustrating with Mars in Aries conjunct Uranus having you feel like you want to leap into something now! Still, it is a good time to take some kind of step forward even if reviewing and revising is required first. The next 2 weeks will continue much of this energy, so you have the time.
I am going to post a brief blog on the Aries Ingress chart right after this - a few very interesting things caught my eye in it.
Also, on Monday, a very useful tool is available in the form of the 3rd exact opposition between Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets work well together to build broad, yet stable foundations in well thought out measures. What's done with their energy now does not have immediate results, but can last a long time. This is a real good time to take a serious look at goals and assess what needs to be done and make the decision to do it (or not). Be careful with your judgements however, as you can be feeling restless/like you're treading water: guarded optimism is a good approach, or the Zen proverbial "Middle Way."
On Tuesday, there's a Venus/Ceres/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: how fitting that the Wal-Mart class action women's lawsuit has come up in the news. Women's rights are one of the manfestations of this energy: past wounding wanting to be healed. This is also the pain/wounding that our Mother Earth is feeling now from nuclear fallout, monoculture farming, pollution, destruction of nature, etc. It should give us pause to reflect on what true beauty is - beauty beyond the aesthetic/skin of things. The beauty of nature and natural cycles: of birth, life, death, rebirth. It is also about the suffering of families in these modern times, reminding us that something very simple and basic has been lost in these complex times. Take a walk in nature today, even if it's at a park, and try to re-connect with her, to re-member her.
Wednesday Mercury goes retrograde in Aries: any decisions hastily made in the last two weeks may come back to bight you now and cause much frustration. Once again, this points at deep reflection being the best course of action before decision this week. A time to sort out what works and what doesn't. Hasty actions during this period will ultimately just slow you down through communication/mechanical/travel breakdowns.
Mars ingresses into Aries, one of the signs it rules, on Friday. Peoples' actions can range to more assertive to downright aggressive during the red planet's sojourn through this sign. Acts of individual action/courage/adventure are to be expected: the enlightened rogue so to speak. This is a great time to get involved in some physical project, sports, athletic activities, either alone or with competitive others.
Saturday is a good day to deepen relationships with others in progressive ways as Venus sextiles Pluto. A good day to actively seek to do so. Get out of the house and have some fun today! Vesta ingresses into Aquarius encouraging like minded people to share their visions/dreams/hopes.
Sunday, like Monday, is another very intense day as Mars conjuncts Uranus firing off the Uranus/Pluto square extra intensely, while Sun is opposite Saturn. Another natural or manmade disaster is quite possible this day/weekend, and countries that are at war or in revolutions could explode with wild actions against those in power. Excitement/agitation levels will be absolutely boiling within and without. Acts of rebelliousness against anyone/anything/your responsibilities perceived to be holding you down are likely. Rash decisions, unexpected events, sudden changes can throw you off. You may have to deal with authorities with power over you. The desire for freedom may be overwhelming, but you could find yourself all alone at the end.
There is also a New Moon in Aries on Sunday. Normally, a great time to start projects, with Mercury retrograde and Saturn's opposition, some more planning may be first required. This can definitely be frustrating with Mars in Aries conjunct Uranus having you feel like you want to leap into something now! Still, it is a good time to take some kind of step forward even if reviewing and revising is required first. The next 2 weeks will continue much of this energy, so you have the time.
I am going to post a brief blog on the Aries Ingress chart right after this - a few very interesting things caught my eye in it.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 3/21/11
A relatively light week astrologically, but it does start off with a bang with the Sun's annual conjunction to Uranus on Monday. Uranus has been driving the energy of the world over the past few weeks (see my last few blogs) with shocking natural disasters and political revolutions, and this indicates this will be another week where these stories dominate the headlines with the consequences of these events and perhaps more of them or the possibility that they will reach even higher peaks. In our personal lives, our normal routines seem to be dragging us down and we are ready for something radical/different. Most of the time these personal changes are short-lived, so don't throw out the baby with the bathwater when you get the urge to rebel against all things/people familiar. If you don't try something different, expect many irritating surprises to your routine that can be nerve-wracking/have you feeling frenzied. Best to meet this energy by doing something out of the norm (when I had this as a personal transit last, a friend took me on an unexpected and wild ATV ride in the desert mountains - not something I would normally choose to do, but it was exhilirating and satisfied the energy of the transit without any other complications/surprises). Also, be aware that you are prone to rebel against those who have authority over you, and may be accident prone if you don't find a constructive way to release this energy.
Ceres enters Pisces on Monday also: expect to hear more news about how our oceans are maxed out resource wise (less and less fish; fish die offs; changing current patterns, etc) and more issues about water (droughts, water wars, tainted groundwater, etc) and access to it in safe, clean ways to be in the news these next few months. With Neptune conjunct Ceres, we may have to take an accounting on all we have lost over the years from our mismanagement of this precious resource, yet because it's a shared resource, solid decisions will be hard to come by. Saturn is also sesiquadrate Ceres/Neptune this week: the last time we had a difficult aspect between Saturn/Neptune (last year's quincunx), it brought us the Gulf oil spill. Neptune rules oil and the sea, and Saturn is restrictions, or in this case, the face of reality and what we have done to get at oil, and the price we have top pay for this worldwide addiction. The reality is our civilization is an addict to this black gold, and like all addicts our desire to attain more of our fix leads us to take riskier and riskier steps in order to procure more of it. Saturn has a tendency to give us the karmic repercussions of this out-of-balance behavior. At the very least, oil prices will continue to spiral upwards and normal suppliers (like Libya) will be slowed down. Another disaster with oil is quite possible too.
On Saturday, Venus conjuncts Neptune at 29* Aquarius before ingressing into Pisces later in day. When these two planets conjoin, higher expressions of love prevail. This is Universal love/spiritual love/love of all humanity/idealitic or romantic love/romantic fantasies/compassion and empathy - a merging of higher and lower forms of love. Creativity is also high, at least on the ideational plane, however the tendency physically is to be lazy/kick back and relax. Venus in Pisces is exalted, and with Spring in the air in the Northern Hemisphere it may be a time of actively seeking love in our personal lives: the type of love where one can merge one's life with another and go to very deep places together. However, this love can be a bit too idealitic/rose-colored glasses in its outlook, and may overlook some things in its quest for merging that may come back to bight you later.
Ceres enters Pisces on Monday also: expect to hear more news about how our oceans are maxed out resource wise (less and less fish; fish die offs; changing current patterns, etc) and more issues about water (droughts, water wars, tainted groundwater, etc) and access to it in safe, clean ways to be in the news these next few months. With Neptune conjunct Ceres, we may have to take an accounting on all we have lost over the years from our mismanagement of this precious resource, yet because it's a shared resource, solid decisions will be hard to come by. Saturn is also sesiquadrate Ceres/Neptune this week: the last time we had a difficult aspect between Saturn/Neptune (last year's quincunx), it brought us the Gulf oil spill. Neptune rules oil and the sea, and Saturn is restrictions, or in this case, the face of reality and what we have done to get at oil, and the price we have top pay for this worldwide addiction. The reality is our civilization is an addict to this black gold, and like all addicts our desire to attain more of our fix leads us to take riskier and riskier steps in order to procure more of it. Saturn has a tendency to give us the karmic repercussions of this out-of-balance behavior. At the very least, oil prices will continue to spiral upwards and normal suppliers (like Libya) will be slowed down. Another disaster with oil is quite possible too.
On Saturday, Venus conjuncts Neptune at 29* Aquarius before ingressing into Pisces later in day. When these two planets conjoin, higher expressions of love prevail. This is Universal love/spiritual love/love of all humanity/idealitic or romantic love/romantic fantasies/compassion and empathy - a merging of higher and lower forms of love. Creativity is also high, at least on the ideational plane, however the tendency physically is to be lazy/kick back and relax. Venus in Pisces is exalted, and with Spring in the air in the Northern Hemisphere it may be a time of actively seeking love in our personal lives: the type of love where one can merge one's life with another and go to very deep places together. However, this love can be a bit too idealitic/rose-colored glasses in its outlook, and may overlook some things in its quest for merging that may come back to bight you later.
Monday, March 14, 2011
A Quick Look at the Japanese Earthquake
I ran a chart for the exact location of the epicenter of the earthquake, which was out at sea at: 38*N32', 142*E36'. As I mentioned in my weekly blog Uranus was ingressing into Aries to the day and was in the last critical degree in Pisces at 29*58': a lesson learned from the sea. Uranus is the main astrological marker for not only natural disasters (quickly developing large surprising events), but in particular earthquakes, especially when it works in concert with other energies. In this case that is the Moon, which is closest to the earth as it will be all this year, peaking in opposition on the upcoming Full Moon on Friday to the exact same degree that Uranus was in during the earthquake! In addition to that, the thing that really jumped out at me was Uranus tight applying squares with the Nodal Axis with the 3 of them in angular houses and cardinal signs: a crisis from quickly developing multiple situations that is quite karmic in nature. Uranus is in a water sign in the 4th house of land conjunct the Trickster, Mercury and the I/C: a land based disaster from the sea that is very rapid and dangerous. South Node in Gemini shows Japan, notoriously withdrawn, will need to rely on its allies and relations with other nations to help it out this time. North Node in 1st house in Sagittarius shows it is has been cast into places it has not gone before by the astrological winds that will completely change the nation forever.
Of course, Pluto is involved too with the nuclear disasters: and they occurred after Uranus ingressed into Aries and lit a fire under them and went back into a cardinal square with Pluto creating another crisis! Pluto has brought to the surface something that was only waiting to come up: the potential for a nuclear plant disaster due to an out of control situation. This is what many nuclear opponenets have feared the most. Mercury squaring Pluto is the obsession this is now creating on the world stage and all the darkness and consequences of it: it may be saying - "careful what you ask for."
Of course, Pluto is involved too with the nuclear disasters: and they occurred after Uranus ingressed into Aries and lit a fire under them and went back into a cardinal square with Pluto creating another crisis! Pluto has brought to the surface something that was only waiting to come up: the potential for a nuclear plant disaster due to an out of control situation. This is what many nuclear opponenets have feared the most. Mercury squaring Pluto is the obsession this is now creating on the world stage and all the darkness and consequences of it: it may be saying - "careful what you ask for."
Astrological Winds for Week of 3/14/11
Re: last week I blogged about Uranus into Aries being a huge event and on the day it did, we got the huge earthquake in Japan. Uranus is the planet most associated with natural disasters and earthquakes. I will do a seperate blog on this later.
As for this week:
Monday can be an odd day: a day of nervous restraint so to speak - as if you feel you need to do something but you're not sure what it is. There is a mix of four energy signatures that are setting this up: a cardinal t-square among Jupiter closing in on an opposition of Saturn both squared by Moon in Cancer; a quincunx between Mars and Saturn; and Venus trine Saturn and semi-square Uranus. The quincunx and semi-square can bring a very bumpy feeling, as the actions we take can be met with blockages and restrictions that require re-hashing/do-overs/corrections, and old relationships, though stable, can seem like a drag or an irritation. The t-square gives much challenge and tension in trying to build something up now that can suck you into emotional turmoil and circling of the wagons. It's best to use the rational mind now in making decisions and come up with a step-by-step plan with all duties spelled out succinctly. Use the energy of the Venus/Saturn trine, which is stable relationships and values, to guide you through this process in a smooth way. It may feel a bit old and tired, but the stability offered here can put to rest some of the uneasy feelings you have now.
Tuesday Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, (aside: this is a great evening to go outside after sunset and look due west on horizon: the bright "star" out there is Jupiter and Mercury is the dimmer one right next to it - many times Mercury is unseen or hard to discern from other bodies, so this is an ideal time to identify it for sure.), which can bring information overload. This can be very exhilirating to the mind, but the issue is in the details that have the tendency to be overlooked/blown off/swept under the rug at this time that will later come back to haunt you. Broadened understanding, intellectual openness, good planning, biz deals, optimism, increased communications or output of communiques are all possible.
Friday is a great day to work out the details on any big plans you made on Tuesday or earlier in the week under Mercury/Jupiter's influence as Mercury perfects its opposition to Saturn. Like the t-square I mentioned above on Monday, Mercury joining the Jupiter/Saturn opposition is an excellent time to rise to the challenge, make decisions, etc., on any biz plans, career moves, or any other types of projects you have going. This is an excellent week to roll up the sleeves and get to work on building up things in your life. Mercury/Saturn will give you a constructively critical eye to work out things in detail, however it could also slow down the pace of completion. It can also give a heavy mind, as we have a tendency to see the darker side of things/life under it, and it may give us a reality feedback that makes us realize we may have to seperate ourselves from certain other people or circumstances.
Saturday is a Full Moon in Virgo. The emotional side of ourselves is itching right now to be more serious with the life path we are choosing and seperate the wheat from the chaff with our ideals, beliefs, values, etc. Constructive self-criticism is a good use of this energy rather than critcizing others and possibly alienating them or having them want to just escape somehow from your presence. This is another Super Moon very close to the Equinox on the next day and with the Moon closer to Earth than normal, so the effect on the physical planet of Earth may be seen quite concretely. This was definitely a factor with the earthquake as the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth can cause the tectonic plates to jump, the tides of the sea to get high, the winds to blow harder, and to push the emotional tides within us to peak levels (we are composed of at least 70% water after all!). Once again, this Full Moon is at the critical 29th degree, of the Virgo/Pisces axis this time, asking us to graduate/move on from escapism, fanaticism, judgement, critical opinions, etc. It asks us to do this by integrating the mind/mental energy with the emotions/heart energy and finding a proper balance between the two. It reminds us that underneath it all we are all one/connected/in unity spiritually. The Full Moon also squares the nodal axis, making the events of this week very karmic in nature: we have to face what we've done to ourselves, our relationships, our planet by running from unpleasant truths, and stop the non-stop criticism of the "other", whoever we perceive that to be, and break down the barriers that delineate us from each other.
Sunday is the Vernal Equinox, as the Sun ingresses into Aries, and Spring is here and it's time to go out into the world and find new ways to survive. Neptunes conjunction to Ceres says we have to find new ways to use resources in order to survive as a species. Issues with oil shortages/problems may come up strongly now. This will not be easy and others' positions may be quite frustrating and damaging on deep levels both within and without.
Happy Equinox and Spring! I will try to get some quick comments on the earthquake up later.
As for this week:
Monday can be an odd day: a day of nervous restraint so to speak - as if you feel you need to do something but you're not sure what it is. There is a mix of four energy signatures that are setting this up: a cardinal t-square among Jupiter closing in on an opposition of Saturn both squared by Moon in Cancer; a quincunx between Mars and Saturn; and Venus trine Saturn and semi-square Uranus. The quincunx and semi-square can bring a very bumpy feeling, as the actions we take can be met with blockages and restrictions that require re-hashing/do-overs/corrections, and old relationships, though stable, can seem like a drag or an irritation. The t-square gives much challenge and tension in trying to build something up now that can suck you into emotional turmoil and circling of the wagons. It's best to use the rational mind now in making decisions and come up with a step-by-step plan with all duties spelled out succinctly. Use the energy of the Venus/Saturn trine, which is stable relationships and values, to guide you through this process in a smooth way. It may feel a bit old and tired, but the stability offered here can put to rest some of the uneasy feelings you have now.
Tuesday Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, (aside: this is a great evening to go outside after sunset and look due west on horizon: the bright "star" out there is Jupiter and Mercury is the dimmer one right next to it - many times Mercury is unseen or hard to discern from other bodies, so this is an ideal time to identify it for sure.), which can bring information overload. This can be very exhilirating to the mind, but the issue is in the details that have the tendency to be overlooked/blown off/swept under the rug at this time that will later come back to haunt you. Broadened understanding, intellectual openness, good planning, biz deals, optimism, increased communications or output of communiques are all possible.
Friday is a great day to work out the details on any big plans you made on Tuesday or earlier in the week under Mercury/Jupiter's influence as Mercury perfects its opposition to Saturn. Like the t-square I mentioned above on Monday, Mercury joining the Jupiter/Saturn opposition is an excellent time to rise to the challenge, make decisions, etc., on any biz plans, career moves, or any other types of projects you have going. This is an excellent week to roll up the sleeves and get to work on building up things in your life. Mercury/Saturn will give you a constructively critical eye to work out things in detail, however it could also slow down the pace of completion. It can also give a heavy mind, as we have a tendency to see the darker side of things/life under it, and it may give us a reality feedback that makes us realize we may have to seperate ourselves from certain other people or circumstances.
Saturday is a Full Moon in Virgo. The emotional side of ourselves is itching right now to be more serious with the life path we are choosing and seperate the wheat from the chaff with our ideals, beliefs, values, etc. Constructive self-criticism is a good use of this energy rather than critcizing others and possibly alienating them or having them want to just escape somehow from your presence. This is another Super Moon very close to the Equinox on the next day and with the Moon closer to Earth than normal, so the effect on the physical planet of Earth may be seen quite concretely. This was definitely a factor with the earthquake as the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth can cause the tectonic plates to jump, the tides of the sea to get high, the winds to blow harder, and to push the emotional tides within us to peak levels (we are composed of at least 70% water after all!). Once again, this Full Moon is at the critical 29th degree, of the Virgo/Pisces axis this time, asking us to graduate/move on from escapism, fanaticism, judgement, critical opinions, etc. It asks us to do this by integrating the mind/mental energy with the emotions/heart energy and finding a proper balance between the two. It reminds us that underneath it all we are all one/connected/in unity spiritually. The Full Moon also squares the nodal axis, making the events of this week very karmic in nature: we have to face what we've done to ourselves, our relationships, our planet by running from unpleasant truths, and stop the non-stop criticism of the "other", whoever we perceive that to be, and break down the barriers that delineate us from each other.
Sunday is the Vernal Equinox, as the Sun ingresses into Aries, and Spring is here and it's time to go out into the world and find new ways to survive. Neptunes conjunction to Ceres says we have to find new ways to use resources in order to survive as a species. Issues with oil shortages/problems may come up strongly now. This will not be easy and others' positions may be quite frustrating and damaging on deep levels both within and without.
Happy Equinox and Spring! I will try to get some quick comments on the earthquake up later.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 3/7/11
There is a huge shift of energy this week, although we have been seeing the effects of it already, in particular last Spring, and since late December. Uranus is ingressing into Aries until March 7, 2019. Uranus is the planet of revolution: fast moving events that can suddenly change the world/our reality. Last Spring, Uranus visited Aries for a couple months before retrograding back to Pisces. It was during this time that the Tea Party movement became a major factor in the re-shaping of current American politics. I will be giving a free lecture for 30-45 minutes on the effects of Uranus into Aries on the mundane (world) scene this Friday night at the Bio-Touch Center at 5634 E. Pima St at 7:30, which will have more detail then this post. All are welcome and I encourage you to come. The 2nd part of the lecture will be led by my good friend and professional astrologer, Caryl Marie Brendle, on its effect on our personal lives, with an open discussion afterwards.
Back to this shift: we have been watching the Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East revolutions since late December when a single man in Tunisia set himself on fire (Aries is a fire sign and Uranus, in the individual, is the rebel in us) starting a long chain of events that continue to spread like fire across the region. We are also seeing revolutionary movements here in the US and across other parts of the world mainly over uneven distribution of wealth and resources: welcome to the next 8+ years at least! Expect to see many individual acts like this that will spread like a wildfire of inspration to others to become revolutionary warriors. Earth is reaching a highly volatile time in humanity's history and the events in store for the next decade or so will re-shape the political landscape in ways that will be quite shocking. I will get in more detail on Friday, as this could be a magazine article in length by itself. One caveat: the Right will be in revolution just as much as or more than the Left during these times, so I would urge anyone who wants their voice added to a cause to make it heard now, irregardless of what side of the poilitical spectrum you fall on. Indeed, the time are always changing, but it's about to accelerate big time: my analogy - the top of the roller coaster ride and we're about to go down the highest point at full speed! That feeling in your gut is right on - hold on tight, as our lives are about to all get much more interesting Collectively and personally!
Mercury, the winged messenger, adds to the flames of Uranus in Aries this week, as it ingresses into Aries itself on Wednesday right after conjuncting Uranus! There will be much talk/planning/information being disseminated about what steps to take next to further revolutionary ideas whether in our own personal lives or in the world at large. Nervous systems will be pulled super tight and scatttered out this week and could easily snap into a barrage of raging words and ideas. It will be very difficult to continue to deal with the status quo on any level and tempers may flare. This is a great energy signature for innovative ideas, technological brainstorms/breakthroughs, individual flashes of brilliance, intuitive insights It will be very difficult to keep up with the pace of events this week as things will be flying off the handle left and right in our worlds. Details will likely be ignored and raise their consequences later. Havoc/dis-order/speedy changes that need to be adjusted to on the fly will be the order of the week. Be careful too, as this energy is very accident prone.
On Thursday, there's a bit of a respite, as Venus sextiles Jupiter: the two most beneficial planets getting together usually can bring good luck/breaks/fortunes, but many times people will be passive and be OK with just maintaining status quo during this transit. If any opportunities come your way this day, seize the moment, as the results are likely to be good. Most likely however, this will bring a lighthearted congenial break, to an otherwise intense week. Great day for social events/investments/R&R.
Sunday, Mercury speeds into a square with Pluto, where we will get a chance to reflect deeply on all that has occurred this week. This is a good day to do investigative/R&D type work, or to dive deeply within your own psyche and rise to the challenge of breaking from past sub-concious influences to find some deeper purpose/meaning to your life - like where you truly fit in in these quickly changing times. However, it is easy to get obsessed with some idea or something or someone in unhealthy ways like mental stalking,so to speak. You may be too forceful and narrow-minded in trying to persuade others of your viewpoint. It's better to use this energy on yourself, than trying to convince others.
An intense week for sure: try to remember the dominant energy and slow down a bit before jumping in.
Back to this shift: we have been watching the Arab countries of North Africa and the Middle East revolutions since late December when a single man in Tunisia set himself on fire (Aries is a fire sign and Uranus, in the individual, is the rebel in us) starting a long chain of events that continue to spread like fire across the region. We are also seeing revolutionary movements here in the US and across other parts of the world mainly over uneven distribution of wealth and resources: welcome to the next 8+ years at least! Expect to see many individual acts like this that will spread like a wildfire of inspration to others to become revolutionary warriors. Earth is reaching a highly volatile time in humanity's history and the events in store for the next decade or so will re-shape the political landscape in ways that will be quite shocking. I will get in more detail on Friday, as this could be a magazine article in length by itself. One caveat: the Right will be in revolution just as much as or more than the Left during these times, so I would urge anyone who wants their voice added to a cause to make it heard now, irregardless of what side of the poilitical spectrum you fall on. Indeed, the time are always changing, but it's about to accelerate big time: my analogy - the top of the roller coaster ride and we're about to go down the highest point at full speed! That feeling in your gut is right on - hold on tight, as our lives are about to all get much more interesting Collectively and personally!
Mercury, the winged messenger, adds to the flames of Uranus in Aries this week, as it ingresses into Aries itself on Wednesday right after conjuncting Uranus! There will be much talk/planning/information being disseminated about what steps to take next to further revolutionary ideas whether in our own personal lives or in the world at large. Nervous systems will be pulled super tight and scatttered out this week and could easily snap into a barrage of raging words and ideas. It will be very difficult to continue to deal with the status quo on any level and tempers may flare. This is a great energy signature for innovative ideas, technological brainstorms/breakthroughs, individual flashes of brilliance, intuitive insights It will be very difficult to keep up with the pace of events this week as things will be flying off the handle left and right in our worlds. Details will likely be ignored and raise their consequences later. Havoc/dis-order/speedy changes that need to be adjusted to on the fly will be the order of the week. Be careful too, as this energy is very accident prone.
On Thursday, there's a bit of a respite, as Venus sextiles Jupiter: the two most beneficial planets getting together usually can bring good luck/breaks/fortunes, but many times people will be passive and be OK with just maintaining status quo during this transit. If any opportunities come your way this day, seize the moment, as the results are likely to be good. Most likely however, this will bring a lighthearted congenial break, to an otherwise intense week. Great day for social events/investments/R&R.
Sunday, Mercury speeds into a square with Pluto, where we will get a chance to reflect deeply on all that has occurred this week. This is a good day to do investigative/R&D type work, or to dive deeply within your own psyche and rise to the challenge of breaking from past sub-concious influences to find some deeper purpose/meaning to your life - like where you truly fit in in these quickly changing times. However, it is easy to get obsessed with some idea or something or someone in unhealthy ways like mental stalking,so to speak. You may be too forceful and narrow-minded in trying to persuade others of your viewpoint. It's better to use this energy on yourself, than trying to convince others.
An intense week for sure: try to remember the dominant energy and slow down a bit before jumping in.
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