Monday, March 14, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/14/11

Re: last week I blogged about Uranus into Aries being a huge event and on the day it did, we got the huge earthquake in Japan. Uranus is the planet most associated with natural disasters and earthquakes. I will do a seperate blog on this later.

As for this week:

Monday can be an odd day: a day of nervous restraint so to speak - as if you feel you need to do something but you're not sure what it is. There is a mix of four energy signatures that are setting this up: a cardinal t-square among Jupiter closing in on an opposition of Saturn both squared by Moon in Cancer; a quincunx between Mars and Saturn; and Venus trine Saturn and semi-square Uranus. The quincunx and semi-square can bring a very bumpy feeling, as the actions we take can be met with blockages and restrictions that require re-hashing/do-overs/corrections, and old relationships, though stable, can seem like a drag or an irritation. The t-square gives much challenge and tension in trying to build something up now that can suck you into emotional turmoil and circling of the wagons. It's best to use the rational mind now in making decisions and come up with a step-by-step plan with all duties spelled out succinctly. Use the energy of the Venus/Saturn trine, which is stable relationships and values, to guide you through this process in a smooth way. It may feel a bit old and tired, but the stability offered here can put to rest some of the uneasy feelings you have now.

Tuesday Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, (aside: this is a great evening to go outside after sunset and look due west on horizon: the bright "star" out there is Jupiter and Mercury is the dimmer one right next to it - many times Mercury is unseen or hard to discern from other bodies, so this is an ideal time to identify it for sure.), which can bring information overload. This can be very exhilirating to the mind, but the issue is in the details that have the tendency to be overlooked/blown off/swept under the rug at this time that will later come back to haunt you. Broadened understanding, intellectual openness, good planning, biz deals, optimism, increased communications or output of communiques are all possible.

Friday is a great day to work out the details on any big plans you made on Tuesday or earlier in the week under Mercury/Jupiter's influence as Mercury perfects its opposition to Saturn. Like the t-square I mentioned above on Monday, Mercury joining the Jupiter/Saturn opposition is an excellent time to rise to the challenge, make decisions, etc., on any biz plans, career moves, or any other types of projects you have going. This is an excellent week to roll up the sleeves and get to work on building up things in your life. Mercury/Saturn will give you a constructively critical eye to work out things in detail, however it could also slow down the pace of completion. It can also give a heavy mind, as we have a tendency to see the darker side of things/life under it, and it may give us a reality feedback that makes us realize we may have to seperate ourselves from certain other people or circumstances.

Saturday is a Full Moon in Virgo. The emotional side of ourselves is itching right now to be more serious with the life path we are choosing and seperate the wheat from the chaff with our ideals, beliefs, values, etc. Constructive self-criticism is a good use of this energy rather than critcizing others and possibly alienating them or having them want to just escape somehow from your presence. This is another Super Moon very close to the Equinox on the next day and with the Moon closer to Earth than normal, so the effect on the physical planet of Earth may be seen quite concretely. This was definitely a factor with the earthquake as the Moon's gravitational pull on the Earth can cause the tectonic plates to jump, the tides of the sea to get high, the winds to blow harder, and to push the emotional tides within us to peak levels (we are composed of at least 70% water after all!). Once again, this Full Moon is at the critical 29th degree, of the Virgo/Pisces axis this time, asking us to graduate/move on from escapism, fanaticism, judgement, critical opinions, etc. It asks us to do this by integrating the mind/mental energy with the emotions/heart energy and finding a proper balance between the two. It reminds us that underneath it all we are all one/connected/in unity spiritually. The Full Moon also squares the nodal axis, making the events of this week very karmic in nature: we have to face what we've done to ourselves, our relationships, our planet by running from unpleasant truths, and stop the non-stop criticism of the "other", whoever we perceive that to be, and break down the barriers that delineate us from each other.

Sunday is the Vernal Equinox, as the Sun ingresses into Aries, and Spring is here and it's time to go out into the world and find new ways to survive. Neptunes conjunction to Ceres says we have to find new ways to use resources in order to survive as a species. Issues with oil shortages/problems may come up strongly now. This will not be easy and others' positions may be quite frustrating and damaging on deep levels both within and without.

Happy Equinox and Spring! I will try to get some quick comments on the earthquake up later.

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