Monday, March 21, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/21/11

A relatively light week astrologically, but it does start off with a bang with the Sun's annual conjunction to Uranus on Monday. Uranus has been driving the energy of the world over the past few weeks (see my last few blogs) with shocking natural disasters and political revolutions, and this indicates this will be another week where these stories dominate the headlines with the consequences of these events and perhaps more of them or the possibility that they will reach even higher peaks. In our personal lives, our normal routines seem to be dragging us down and we are ready for something radical/different. Most of the time these personal changes are short-lived, so don't throw out the baby with the bathwater when you get the urge to rebel against all things/people familiar. If you don't try something different, expect many irritating surprises to your routine that can be nerve-wracking/have you feeling frenzied. Best to meet this energy by doing something out of the norm (when I had this as a personal transit last, a friend took me on an unexpected and wild ATV ride in the desert mountains - not something I would normally choose to do, but it was exhilirating and satisfied the energy of the transit without any other complications/surprises). Also, be aware that you are prone to rebel against those who have authority over you, and may be accident prone if you don't find a constructive way to release this energy.

Ceres enters Pisces on Monday also: expect to hear more news about how our oceans are maxed out resource wise (less and less fish; fish die offs; changing current patterns, etc) and more issues about water (droughts, water wars, tainted groundwater, etc) and access to it in safe, clean ways to be in the news these next few months. With Neptune conjunct Ceres, we may have to take an accounting on all we have lost over the years from our mismanagement of this precious resource, yet because it's a shared resource, solid decisions will be hard to come by. Saturn is also sesiquadrate Ceres/Neptune this week: the last time we had a difficult aspect between Saturn/Neptune (last year's quincunx), it brought us the Gulf oil spill. Neptune rules oil and the sea, and Saturn is restrictions, or in this case, the face of reality and what we have done to get at oil, and the price we have top pay for this worldwide addiction. The reality is our civilization is an addict to this black gold, and like all addicts our desire to attain more of our fix leads us to take riskier and riskier steps in order to procure more of it. Saturn has a tendency to give us the karmic repercussions of this out-of-balance behavior. At the very least, oil prices will continue to spiral upwards and normal suppliers (like Libya) will be slowed down. Another disaster with oil is quite possible too.

On Saturday, Venus conjuncts Neptune at 29* Aquarius before ingressing into Pisces later in day. When these two planets conjoin, higher expressions of love prevail. This is Universal love/spiritual love/love of all humanity/idealitic or romantic love/romantic fantasies/compassion and empathy - a merging of higher and lower forms of love. Creativity is also high, at least on the ideational plane, however the tendency physically is to be lazy/kick back and relax. Venus in Pisces is exalted, and with Spring in the air in the Northern Hemisphere it may be a time of actively seeking love in our personal lives: the type of love where one can merge one's life with another and go to very deep places together. However, this love can be a bit too idealitic/rose-colored glasses in its outlook, and may overlook some things in its quest for merging that may come back to bight you later.

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