Monday, March 28, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/28/11

The cardinal Uranus/Pluto square went back into orb by sign on the day of the Japanese earthquake. Earthquakes are associated with Uranus and nuclear energy ("pluto"nium) with Pluto. One of the consequences of the earthquake is the current nuclear disaster/crisis. Last week, the Sun's conjunction to Uranus kept the Uranus/Pluto square very active, and this week on Monday the Sun squares Pluto, keeping this square in the forefront of active energy. This square will be in orb until 2015: every time one of the other planets or the Sun gets in hard aspect to it, the activity will pick up. It will be alot to deal with at one time. I was on news website last week and there was an editorial remarking on how the Wisconsin labor rallies story still had not finished playing out, yet since that time the earthquake/tsunami/Libya no-fly/multiple revolutions across Arab countries had all occurred, and they felt obligated to cover those stories, but lamented openly that Wisconsin did not get its full due for how big an event that is. In other words, BIG news events were happening so fast and furious across the world that they could not keep up! Welcome to the cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto! And every time it's acticvated things will ratch up. This week, the Plutonian edge will begin to show how insidious the radiation being leaked from this disaster really is, and how the company in charge and the government may have pushed things under the rug about safety and decision making. Yet, Pluto allows these things come to the surface to be dealt with eventually in very intense/transformative ways. The price has to be paid: death/loss of power/consequences of deceitful decisions, etc. Not just in this event, but in all these others too, a fever pitch will continue: areas prone to violence will be dangerous places to be, war/bloodshed/death will occur in places that are prone to it now, more dirty laundry from corporations/banks big governement will emerge. Even in our individual lives power struggles, vengefulness, jealousy and envy, having to face our own and others' shadows, will all be themes. The best way to use this energy is on yourself: force yourself to look within at your "bad" self and embrace it and accept it so that you feel self-love and can begin to make peace with that side of yourself, transform it into some greater good, and have that effect on the world around you too. These times are not easy right now and they are not meant to be, but great advances in self-knowledge can be learned now that can propel you into being a much more effective human being.

Also, on Monday, a very useful tool is available in the form of the 3rd exact opposition between Jupiter and Saturn. These two planets work well together to build broad, yet stable foundations in well thought out measures. What's done with their energy now does not have immediate results, but can last a long time. This is a real good time to take a serious look at goals and assess what needs to be done and make the decision to do it (or not). Be careful with your judgements however, as you can be feeling restless/like you're treading water: guarded optimism is a good approach, or the Zen proverbial "Middle Way."

On Tuesday, there's a Venus/Ceres/Chiron conjunction in Pisces: how fitting that the Wal-Mart class action women's lawsuit has come up in the news. Women's rights are one of the manfestations of this energy: past wounding wanting to be healed. This is also the pain/wounding that our Mother Earth is feeling now from nuclear fallout, monoculture farming, pollution, destruction of nature, etc. It should give us pause to reflect on what true beauty is - beauty beyond the aesthetic/skin of things. The beauty of nature and natural cycles: of birth, life, death, rebirth. It is also about the suffering of  families in these modern times, reminding us that something very simple and basic has been lost in these complex times. Take a walk in nature today, even if it's at a park, and try to re-connect with her, to re-member her.

Wednesday Mercury goes retrograde in Aries: any decisions hastily made in the last two weeks may come back to bight you now and cause much frustration. Once again, this points at deep reflection being the best course of action before decision this week. A time to sort out what works and what doesn't. Hasty actions during this period will ultimately just slow you down through communication/mechanical/travel breakdowns.

Mars ingresses into Aries, one of the signs it rules, on Friday. Peoples' actions can range to more assertive to downright aggressive during the red planet's sojourn through this sign. Acts of individual action/courage/adventure are to be expected: the enlightened rogue so to speak. This is a great time to get involved in some physical project, sports, athletic activities, either alone or with competitive others.

Saturday is a good day to deepen relationships with others in progressive ways as Venus sextiles Pluto. A good day to actively seek to do so. Get out of the house and have some fun today! Vesta ingresses into Aquarius encouraging like minded people to share their visions/dreams/hopes.

Sunday, like Monday, is another very intense day as Mars conjuncts Uranus firing off the Uranus/Pluto square extra intensely, while Sun is opposite Saturn.  Another natural or manmade disaster is quite possible this day/weekend, and countries that are at war or in revolutions could explode with wild actions against those in power. Excitement/agitation levels will be absolutely boiling within and without. Acts of rebelliousness against anyone/anything/your responsibilities perceived to be holding you down are likely. Rash decisions, unexpected events, sudden changes can throw you off. You may have to deal with authorities with power over you. The desire for freedom may be overwhelming, but you could find yourself all alone at the end.

There is also a New Moon in Aries on Sunday. Normally, a great time to start projects, with Mercury retrograde and Saturn's opposition, some more planning may be first required. This can definitely be frustrating with Mars in Aries conjunct Uranus having you feel like you want to leap into something now! Still, it is a good time to take some kind of step forward even if reviewing and revising is required first. The next 2 weeks will continue much of this energy, so you have the time.

I am going to post a brief blog on the Aries Ingress chart right after this - a few very interesting things caught my eye in it.

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