I am a professional astrologer based in Tucson, AZ. This blog is for articles, comments, thoughts, etc I have on astrological subject matter. I will also use it at times to look at the astrology of the year/month/week/day.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Speaking This Week
I will be speaking this week at the Desert Crones Meeting for women older than 50, although I heard younger than 50 is OK, but absolutely no men or children. The lecture will be on the current Uranus/Pluto Square and what it means for humanity and what we can do about it. The meeting is on Thursday from 1-3 PM at Fellowship Square Villa III, 210 N. Maguire Ave, Tucson, AZ. More info: 886-55-37 or 409-3356.
Astrological Winds for Week of 6/27/11
As many of you are aware of the outer planets are locked in a long term Grand Aspect configuration of a Cardinal T-square among Uranus opposite Saturn both square Pluto with the square between Uranus and Pluto lasting until 2015. This configuration is in the early (1st 10*) of the cardinal signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn and provides the long term background of these tumultuous times during these years: a breakdown of society/tradition/culture/authority through rebellious acts and surprising events (both human and nature driven) that are completely transforming the times and our reality. So this energy is there in the background every day now, but some days/weeks it is more acute when some of the inner planets, which we feel/experience more subjectively as human beings on a personal level, pass through early degrees of cardinal signs also, thus making aspects to these long term planets and bringing them into our subjective reality in more concrete terms/levels. This is especially stressful when one of the inner planets fills in the open leg of the above T-square by filling in the Cancer side and creating a Cardinal Grand Cross. Mercury did that last week when it went into Cancer and the Sun in Cancer is currently doing it and in a week or so it will be Venus' turn and a month after that it will be Mars' turn! A Cardinal Grand Cross can spring up so many issues simultaneously that it is difficult to get a grip on any of them. It can make the mind and your actions very scattered and thus it may feel as if you're the proverbial boy with the "fingers in the dyke" trying to maintain while it becomes virtually impossible to do so. The best course of action is to focus on one issue deeply, as many times it will bring the awareness that all the issues are actually tied together and that resolving one starts to help resolve the others.
The Sun opposes Pluto on Monday to start off this intense week. Most of us will be forced into some type of big decision this week that revolves around a need to change/transform our lives, but is bringing up alot of fear and a part of us that wants to hold on for dear life. It's definitely a power struggle within between the ego/will and a much deeper/sub-concious part of ourselves, that can easily be projected into our outer reality in a myriad of ways with others or even our present subjective reality. Still, it is best to not make rash judgements right now that could endanger our well-being - it's best to avoid dangerous people/places/situations this week if possible. Resources/family/home/partners/authorities can all be sources of this stress. Fortunately, on Monday, there are two very helpful aspects. The first is Mars sextile Uranus, which will likely be experienced as excitement at the possibilities of change and what it can mean for you, and even unexpected opportunities to act immediately in confronting necessary changes in a postive and enthusiastic way. The second is Sun trine Chiron: that accepting the need to transform is actually the flow right now, and that ability to learn and get healing from these experiences and to forge deeper connections with others having similiar experiences so that we can learn from one another is at a peak time.
Be wary on Tuesday that soemof the anger you may be feeling under the surface could be triggered and lash out and actually do some damage when Mars is square Chiron. The obstacles that are blocking you now are requiring super human effort to overcome, so it's natural to feel angry, but dumping on someone else will not help. The best use of this energy is to channel it into a "do not quit" attitude - a peaceful warrior.
Mars quincunx Pluto on Wednesday can make you feel quite restless, nervous, scattered in your actions, yet without an ability to quite put a finger on why, whcih can actually be quite disturbing. It's a feeling if needing to run/purge something/let something go, yet what is it? Once again, avoid dangerous situations today as much as possible.
Friday is a New Moon in Cancer/Solar Eclipse square Saturn- the last of three eclipses in this eclipse season at 9* Cancer this time. This eclipse series (SS 13 South) usually has something to do with expansion, but also brings up all the issues that come with expansion. Of course, the Sun/Moon are now completing the Grand Cross - this can be one of the most stressful times of the year for humanity. It's become obvious that if we don't change our ways that our very survival could be at risk. Old ways of doing things must be torn down and replaced wirth innovative new strategies that benefit all of Life. Many of these ideas are out there, the squares show it is time to seriously activate them, to rise to the challenges of these times, to initiate new actions and solutions now! Saturn in Libra's tight square to the New Moon/Eclipse says we are all responsible - we all must do our part, and it will be hard work to do so, and that it will only work if there is equality and justice for all and through our collaborating with others. Uranus in Aries shows we all need to be fearless leaders in our own circles and to bring our most brilliant. individual contributions to the table. As mentioned earlier, the opposition to Pluto in Capricorn shows an need to face our fears, our Shadow, our power and to react to them in a positive self-empowering fashion without hurting others in the process. This eclipse is telling us this is the beginning of the challenge as far as actions go: that for the past 50 years many great ideas have been seeded, but now they must be put into action for humanity to take its next step forward in evolution and to overcome the myriad of problems now facing humanity because of our own decisions in the past. Mercury's ingress into Leo on this same day should embolden our minds and tongues to speak out about how we feel and what we feel needs to be done, just don't get too mentally voyuearistic or you could wind up looking silly. It also helps us to remember the lighter/child-like/playful side of life even in tough times. Jupiter sextile Chiron on Saturday will also aid you with opportunities to learn valuable information on how to proceed. It's a good time to take a class, attend a lecture, visit someone/somewhere off your beaten path, etc to broaden learning.
The Sun opposes Pluto on Monday to start off this intense week. Most of us will be forced into some type of big decision this week that revolves around a need to change/transform our lives, but is bringing up alot of fear and a part of us that wants to hold on for dear life. It's definitely a power struggle within between the ego/will and a much deeper/sub-concious part of ourselves, that can easily be projected into our outer reality in a myriad of ways with others or even our present subjective reality. Still, it is best to not make rash judgements right now that could endanger our well-being - it's best to avoid dangerous people/places/situations this week if possible. Resources/family/home/partners/authorities can all be sources of this stress. Fortunately, on Monday, there are two very helpful aspects. The first is Mars sextile Uranus, which will likely be experienced as excitement at the possibilities of change and what it can mean for you, and even unexpected opportunities to act immediately in confronting necessary changes in a postive and enthusiastic way. The second is Sun trine Chiron: that accepting the need to transform is actually the flow right now, and that ability to learn and get healing from these experiences and to forge deeper connections with others having similiar experiences so that we can learn from one another is at a peak time.
Be wary on Tuesday that soemof the anger you may be feeling under the surface could be triggered and lash out and actually do some damage when Mars is square Chiron. The obstacles that are blocking you now are requiring super human effort to overcome, so it's natural to feel angry, but dumping on someone else will not help. The best use of this energy is to channel it into a "do not quit" attitude - a peaceful warrior.
Mars quincunx Pluto on Wednesday can make you feel quite restless, nervous, scattered in your actions, yet without an ability to quite put a finger on why, whcih can actually be quite disturbing. It's a feeling if needing to run/purge something/let something go, yet what is it? Once again, avoid dangerous situations today as much as possible.
Friday is a New Moon in Cancer/Solar Eclipse square Saturn- the last of three eclipses in this eclipse season at 9* Cancer this time. This eclipse series (SS 13 South) usually has something to do with expansion, but also brings up all the issues that come with expansion. Of course, the Sun/Moon are now completing the Grand Cross - this can be one of the most stressful times of the year for humanity. It's become obvious that if we don't change our ways that our very survival could be at risk. Old ways of doing things must be torn down and replaced wirth innovative new strategies that benefit all of Life. Many of these ideas are out there, the squares show it is time to seriously activate them, to rise to the challenges of these times, to initiate new actions and solutions now! Saturn in Libra's tight square to the New Moon/Eclipse says we are all responsible - we all must do our part, and it will be hard work to do so, and that it will only work if there is equality and justice for all and through our collaborating with others. Uranus in Aries shows we all need to be fearless leaders in our own circles and to bring our most brilliant. individual contributions to the table. As mentioned earlier, the opposition to Pluto in Capricorn shows an need to face our fears, our Shadow, our power and to react to them in a positive self-empowering fashion without hurting others in the process. This eclipse is telling us this is the beginning of the challenge as far as actions go: that for the past 50 years many great ideas have been seeded, but now they must be put into action for humanity to take its next step forward in evolution and to overcome the myriad of problems now facing humanity because of our own decisions in the past. Mercury's ingress into Leo on this same day should embolden our minds and tongues to speak out about how we feel and what we feel needs to be done, just don't get too mentally voyuearistic or you could wind up looking silly. It also helps us to remember the lighter/child-like/playful side of life even in tough times. Jupiter sextile Chiron on Saturday will also aid you with opportunities to learn valuable information on how to proceed. It's a good time to take a class, attend a lecture, visit someone/somewhere off your beaten path, etc to broaden learning.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Fixed Star Analysis of Ft. Calhoun, NE on 6/7/11
I decided to look at the fixed stars for the day the release supposedly started. To say it fits the events well is an understatement.
In mundane events, one first looks at the Sun's parans to stars and the Helical Rising and Setting Stars to find the main themes for that altitude every year on this day. For 41* North, the Helical Rising Star is Menkar in Cetus, the Whale. This is one of the most intense stars to deal with for it has to do with big issues that we've pushed deep into the subconcious Collectively (THE WHALE: big & deep indeed) and have now surfaced through an event or individual that the Collective will then demonize while denying the part that each has to play in the events. In this case, the issue is how we get our energy and the dangerous by-products of that choice - and the reality is we all Collectively take advantage of the energy provided whether we agree with the method of delivery or not. Brady says of Menkar as Helical Rising Star: "The emergence or eruption of hidden or violent issues." The Helical Setting Star is Arcturus in Bootes. This is a star of adventure and leadership in a protective way, not a domineering way. Brady says: "Exploring different options." Perhaps that's the solution?!
There are 5 Sun parans this time of the year at this latitude and 3 are worth mentioning here. Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull in Taurus, and one of the 4 Royal Stars of Persia, and thus one of the most fated stars is even more so in this position as it is arising and lying hidden as the Sun is rising. Aldebaran brings success, but for it to continue honesty and plans must be adhered to, otherwise a great fall could occur. With the Sun, Brady says: "A military event." Ankaa is on the nadir as the Sun is setting and also arising and lying hidden giving it a fateful quality also. Brady says: "To rebuild, to rise from the ashes." El Nath, the Horn of the Bull, another intense star, is rising as the Sun is rising. El Nath is a very military like star. Brady says: "Issues of attacks, battles or aggression." It's important to remember the whole 41* latitude around the globe is sensitive to the above, so these alone do not make Ft Calhoun any more sensitive then anywhere else at 41*, but just part of its background energy at this time of year every year currently.
To hone in more on that look at outer planet parans that are active (similiar to outer planet transits active for several months) now in Ft. Calhoun. Parans to Pluto describe the crisis and the changes occurring. Alphecca, the Woman's Crown, in Corona Borealis, is setting while Pluto is setting. Alphecca is a star of great achievement yet requires great sacrifice, usually lives! Brady says: "Those who seek power come undone." Alphecca is also in a more than usual fated position because it is in a condition known as curtailed passage. Alhena, one of the feet of the Twins is setting while Pluto is rising. Brady says: "A shift of foundations, taking a different path of action." Uranus parans decribe how the public Collectively feels about the event. There is one paran to Uranus: it is on the nadir as Antares is rising. Antares is the Heart of the Scorpion and one of the Royal Stars of Persia and thus more fateful than the others. It brings great success which ends up becoming one's own demise. Brady says: "Collective worry, Collective concern about well being."
Saturn parans show how the Law and Civic Order are handled during this time period and is honed in even tighter time and location wise. There are 2 worth mentioning: Saturn setting while Facies is culminating. Facies can be very ruthless, especially when in positions of power, when it can become dictatorial. Brady says "An attack on civil rights or groups of people." Saturn is setting while Hamal is rising. Hamal is the Horns of the Ram and is active, independent, admired despite being so, and roguish in nature. Brady says: "Harsh critics, people are angry." This seems to all back up the cover up of this story and supposed forced evacuation of many people from the immediate area.
Mars parans show the events specific to that day. Algol is culminating while Mars is culminating. Algol is the Head of the Beast/Gorgon. It is another violent and vicious star. Brady says: "Tragic events or losses." It seems very likely on June 7th some tragic event took place in Ft. Calhoun.
Mercury parans shows the media reaction on that day. Mercury is setting while Bellatrix is setting. Bellatrix is a star of success as long as one is courageous and faces the Shadow. Here we have a local TV station send a crew up the Missouri River to check the plant's condition out and reveal it to outside world. Brady says: "The clever plan revealed." Mercury is also on the nadir while Antares (see above) is culminating. Brady says: "Anxiety and worry."
The Moon parans shows the emotions of people in reaction to the event that day. Menkar (see above) is setting as the Moon is culminating. Brady says: "Emotions running high in the general public." Also, Capulus culminating as the Moon is rising. Once again, Capulus repeats a theme of a leader who takes control of a situation but can be cruel in doing so many times. Brady says: "A hostile environment, cruelty." These were the emotions local people were feeling specifically that day in this area. Once again, the astrology indicates that the leaked out stories seem to hold much validity.
In closing, please note Jupiter parans show which action should be taken that would be most beneficial in light of the event. There is one: Jupiter on the nadir with Aculeus rising, one of the stingers in the Scorpion, and speaks of attacks that drain or weaken, many times health. Brady says: "To come at a problem from a different angle." Indeed, oil spills, acid rain, nuclear events, dams that kill off habitat - all these sources of energy need to be eliminated and replaced with ones that come from a different angle: solar, wave, wind, geothermal, etc. With hope, events like these will spur humanity to do so.
In mundane events, one first looks at the Sun's parans to stars and the Helical Rising and Setting Stars to find the main themes for that altitude every year on this day. For 41* North, the Helical Rising Star is Menkar in Cetus, the Whale. This is one of the most intense stars to deal with for it has to do with big issues that we've pushed deep into the subconcious Collectively (THE WHALE: big & deep indeed) and have now surfaced through an event or individual that the Collective will then demonize while denying the part that each has to play in the events. In this case, the issue is how we get our energy and the dangerous by-products of that choice - and the reality is we all Collectively take advantage of the energy provided whether we agree with the method of delivery or not. Brady says of Menkar as Helical Rising Star: "The emergence or eruption of hidden or violent issues." The Helical Setting Star is Arcturus in Bootes. This is a star of adventure and leadership in a protective way, not a domineering way. Brady says: "Exploring different options." Perhaps that's the solution?!
There are 5 Sun parans this time of the year at this latitude and 3 are worth mentioning here. Aldebaran, the Eye of the Bull in Taurus, and one of the 4 Royal Stars of Persia, and thus one of the most fated stars is even more so in this position as it is arising and lying hidden as the Sun is rising. Aldebaran brings success, but for it to continue honesty and plans must be adhered to, otherwise a great fall could occur. With the Sun, Brady says: "A military event." Ankaa is on the nadir as the Sun is setting and also arising and lying hidden giving it a fateful quality also. Brady says: "To rebuild, to rise from the ashes." El Nath, the Horn of the Bull, another intense star, is rising as the Sun is rising. El Nath is a very military like star. Brady says: "Issues of attacks, battles or aggression." It's important to remember the whole 41* latitude around the globe is sensitive to the above, so these alone do not make Ft Calhoun any more sensitive then anywhere else at 41*, but just part of its background energy at this time of year every year currently.
To hone in more on that look at outer planet parans that are active (similiar to outer planet transits active for several months) now in Ft. Calhoun. Parans to Pluto describe the crisis and the changes occurring. Alphecca, the Woman's Crown, in Corona Borealis, is setting while Pluto is setting. Alphecca is a star of great achievement yet requires great sacrifice, usually lives! Brady says: "Those who seek power come undone." Alphecca is also in a more than usual fated position because it is in a condition known as curtailed passage. Alhena, one of the feet of the Twins is setting while Pluto is rising. Brady says: "A shift of foundations, taking a different path of action." Uranus parans decribe how the public Collectively feels about the event. There is one paran to Uranus: it is on the nadir as Antares is rising. Antares is the Heart of the Scorpion and one of the Royal Stars of Persia and thus more fateful than the others. It brings great success which ends up becoming one's own demise. Brady says: "Collective worry, Collective concern about well being."
Saturn parans show how the Law and Civic Order are handled during this time period and is honed in even tighter time and location wise. There are 2 worth mentioning: Saturn setting while Facies is culminating. Facies can be very ruthless, especially when in positions of power, when it can become dictatorial. Brady says "An attack on civil rights or groups of people." Saturn is setting while Hamal is rising. Hamal is the Horns of the Ram and is active, independent, admired despite being so, and roguish in nature. Brady says: "Harsh critics, people are angry." This seems to all back up the cover up of this story and supposed forced evacuation of many people from the immediate area.
Mars parans show the events specific to that day. Algol is culminating while Mars is culminating. Algol is the Head of the Beast/Gorgon. It is another violent and vicious star. Brady says: "Tragic events or losses." It seems very likely on June 7th some tragic event took place in Ft. Calhoun.
Mercury parans shows the media reaction on that day. Mercury is setting while Bellatrix is setting. Bellatrix is a star of success as long as one is courageous and faces the Shadow. Here we have a local TV station send a crew up the Missouri River to check the plant's condition out and reveal it to outside world. Brady says: "The clever plan revealed." Mercury is also on the nadir while Antares (see above) is culminating. Brady says: "Anxiety and worry."
The Moon parans shows the emotions of people in reaction to the event that day. Menkar (see above) is setting as the Moon is culminating. Brady says: "Emotions running high in the general public." Also, Capulus culminating as the Moon is rising. Once again, Capulus repeats a theme of a leader who takes control of a situation but can be cruel in doing so many times. Brady says: "A hostile environment, cruelty." These were the emotions local people were feeling specifically that day in this area. Once again, the astrology indicates that the leaked out stories seem to hold much validity.
In closing, please note Jupiter parans show which action should be taken that would be most beneficial in light of the event. There is one: Jupiter on the nadir with Aculeus rising, one of the stingers in the Scorpion, and speaks of attacks that drain or weaken, many times health. Brady says: "To come at a problem from a different angle." Indeed, oil spills, acid rain, nuclear events, dams that kill off habitat - all these sources of energy need to be eliminated and replaced with ones that come from a different angle: solar, wave, wind, geothermal, etc. With hope, events like these will spur humanity to do so.
Is There a Nuclear Incident Occurring in Ft. Calhoun, NE?
You may have heard the News now (http://nation.com.pk/pakistan-news-newspaper-daily-english-online/International/18-Jun-2011/US-orders-news-blackout-over-crippled-Nebraska-Nuclear-Plant-report) that a Category 4 nuclear disaster is occurring at a nuclear power plant in Ft. Calhoun, MO (equivalent to the disaster in Japan in terms of actual radiation release), and that a news blackout has been ordered by the President himself (this is why it came and went on the newswire very quickly and was never picked up again). Here's a link to a local TV news stations report on it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzj6tv32guo
on Youtube.
Anyway, an old friend asked if it was possible that this was really going on, since he lives relatively close by in Kansas City area. Just a few days ago I blogged here a quick analysis of the Solstice Chart and what it meant for US in next 3 months: recall, "...possible attacks, power struggles, large deadly events in our homeland due to both natural and man-made disasters..." My reasoning behind this was because of one of the parts of the Cardinal Grand Cross, Pluto conjunct I/C in Capricorn in 4th house. Pluto, of course, rules plutonium and the atomic/nuclear industry. It also exposes the ugly underbelly of humanity by bringing to the surface the things we like to pretend don't exist or are not a problem - the things we submerge to our subconcious until they come back to haunt us in our concious world. It is in the 4th house and conjunct the I/C: the home land, the actual physical land of a nation in a mundane reading. Pluto also co-rules the 3rd house in the chart showing the results of this event: the power play to muzzle the press and hide this event from the information/communication channels that the nation uses. Also remember this from last blog: "...emotional manipulation in order to control the public by the President/Executive Branch of the government..." I saw this because of Mercury, the planet of communications, in Cancer in the 10th house opposite Pluto in the Grand Cross. The 10th house is the Executive Branch/President/Leader, and the opposition shows forcing a decision onto others, and the Cancer theme shows the manipulation in order to protect others by "the less they know, the better" motto. Mercury rules the 12th house so once again the result is about keeping secrets, possibly deadly, secrets by large institutions. I also ran a horary chart for when he asked me via e mail, and that chart also reponded a "yes." (Mercury in Cancer ended up being the significator of the chart and it was tightly square (to within 7 minutes) Saturn opposite Pluto, and trine Moon/Chiron). So unfortunately, the answer from an astrological perspective seemingly confirms that there is a very strong possibility this event is occurring currently.
on Youtube.
Anyway, an old friend asked if it was possible that this was really going on, since he lives relatively close by in Kansas City area. Just a few days ago I blogged here a quick analysis of the Solstice Chart and what it meant for US in next 3 months: recall, "...possible attacks, power struggles, large deadly events in our homeland due to both natural and man-made disasters..." My reasoning behind this was because of one of the parts of the Cardinal Grand Cross, Pluto conjunct I/C in Capricorn in 4th house. Pluto, of course, rules plutonium and the atomic/nuclear industry. It also exposes the ugly underbelly of humanity by bringing to the surface the things we like to pretend don't exist or are not a problem - the things we submerge to our subconcious until they come back to haunt us in our concious world. It is in the 4th house and conjunct the I/C: the home land, the actual physical land of a nation in a mundane reading. Pluto also co-rules the 3rd house in the chart showing the results of this event: the power play to muzzle the press and hide this event from the information/communication channels that the nation uses. Also remember this from last blog: "...emotional manipulation in order to control the public by the President/Executive Branch of the government..." I saw this because of Mercury, the planet of communications, in Cancer in the 10th house opposite Pluto in the Grand Cross. The 10th house is the Executive Branch/President/Leader, and the opposition shows forcing a decision onto others, and the Cancer theme shows the manipulation in order to protect others by "the less they know, the better" motto. Mercury rules the 12th house so once again the result is about keeping secrets, possibly deadly, secrets by large institutions. I also ran a horary chart for when he asked me via e mail, and that chart also reponded a "yes." (Mercury in Cancer ended up being the significator of the chart and it was tightly square (to within 7 minutes) Saturn opposite Pluto, and trine Moon/Chiron). So unfortunately, the answer from an astrological perspective seemingly confirms that there is a very strong possibility this event is occurring currently.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 6/20/11 & Solstice Chart for USA
This week starts off with Mars ingressing into Gemini for the next 6-7 weeks. This will push mental energy to a highly active peak, and allow the mind to become more flexible in its approach to problems, but it may also easily get immersed in trivial pursuits or overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things grabbing for your attention. It can also indicate intellectual battles, but gives us the ability to find new solutions to blockages and problems we've been facing. This is a good time for people who are normally very fixed/set in their ways to introduce some changes to their patterns/behaviors. In general, the pace of life picks up for most people during this time with summer activities, connections, excursions, etc.
Tuesday is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere with the Sun ingressing into Cancer (see my mundane report for USA on this below following this blog). This brings more of a focus on family, home, and security in our personal lives. Nurturing others is a gift, but not to the point of emotional manipulation, which will only drive others away from you. Remember to pursue one of your own dreams during this time too, so all of your emotions are not invested in the results of actions of loved ones.
Tuesday also has two difficult squares to deal with: Mercury squares Saturn (see last week's blog on Mercury aspecting all the outer planets these past few days) creating a Cardinal Grand Cross among itself with squares to Saturn and Uranus and an opposition to Pluto. The restrictions placed on us right now are downright hard and are seemingly coming from every direction simultaneously. This can be quite overwhelming to both the mind and emotions (Mercury in Canncer) and have us in a depressed/restricted/conservative mind set. It's as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders and we see the Shadow in all. Remember, this is only a passing phase. It is best to use this energy to tackle some hard mental work that requires a discplined mind and a critical eye. Criticizing others at this time is likely to lead to defensive reactions and depressing bursting of the bubble type scenes. It's best to be self-critical and work on correcting your own faults. Focus on one issue at a time in order not to be too weighed down. Making headroads on a solution to one problem may lead to answers/breaks in starting to resolve others. To top all of this off, Mars squares Neptune this day also, which can add to lowered psycological/emotional states, and can also drain you of your physical energy. This is not a day for hard labor or fast movement: take your time, be cautious, try to move in a slowed down harmonious way or you could even jeapardize your health/well-being in some way.
Wednesday the Sun trines Neptune moving into a Grand Trine in Air with Neptune/Chiron and Saturn. This seems to be saying that the solution to the issues above is to focus on the spiritual side of life and to building stable/equal relationships in order to build a world more in tune with higher ideals. This is a time when collaboration with like minded groups should flow easily, and a time when you should speak your mind about the insights and points of view that you have to offer to make changes to our world that lead to more compassion and empathy in our approach to common problems/issues.
Saturday the Sun sextiles Jupiter which can bring some expansive opportunities our way. This is a good day to enjoy life through some postive endeavors that support and broaden your values, philosophies, plans, etc. Plans should work out this day, so get out and do something fun with others along for the ride.
Sunday the Sun locks into a square with Uranus and enters the same Cardinal Grand Cross that is mentioned above with Mercury. The problems in the world today and for the immediate future are persistent and tireless and we must meet them with that same energy. The Sun/Uranus square will find us wanting to do something radical/extreme in order to break free of the grip of them. The problem with that is we can seriously misjudge the effects of these actions and end up hurting ourselves. This is a good day to do something different: it doesn't have to be uber-over-the-top and risky, but it should add some thrill/zest/spark to your life that can give you a renewed sense of vigor to tackle all that is dragging you down.
A Quick Look at the Summer Solstice Chart for USA
The 4 seasonal ingress charts can be looked at to see the types of issues facing a nation over the next 3 months. For the USA, setting the chart for Washington, DC at 1:17 PM EDT on June 21st, gives an Ascendant of 1* Libra with Sun conjunct the 1* Cancer Midheaven and the Moon at 10* Pisces in the 6th house. There is a Cardinal Grand Cross in the angular houses with Saturn/ASC in Libra in the 1st opposite Uranus/DESC in Aries in the 7th house and square Sun/Mercury/MC in Cancer in the 10th house and square Pluto/IC in Capricorn in the 4th house. This is a very powerful statement that indicates many serious issues taking our national attention including our allies rebelling against us in our approach to wars and foreign policy and a subsequent loss of US influence in many parts of the world; continued escalating and persistent violence by our enemies in the wars we are involved in; possible attacks, power struggles, large deadly events in our homeland due to both natural and man-made disasters; emotional manipulation in order to control the public by the President/Executive Branch of the government; continued exposure of how deep the real estate collapse has affected the country; continued deterioration of infrastructure; a general feeling of malaise by the public about current events; etc. The Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in the 6th house show that the Public, civil servants, military, and police feel absolutely lost, deceived, and hurt by the state of things and the leaders, and Mars square Neptune shows we don't know what actions to take at this point, but we do know that what we are doing now is not working and frought with lies and deceit. The chart's ruler and exalted ruler may show the way out however: Venus is in Gemini in the 9th house trine Saturn in Libra in the 1st house and square the Moon in Pisces in the 6th house. This indicates that people need to sit down with one and other and start to share info and build solid relationships by looking into alternatives to our current value systems, laws, foreign policy, etc that require equality and justice for all. The Moon in the 6th conjunct Chiron show that the people in this country do have the creative ideas and skills and the desire to work them that are necessary to begin a national healing journey together, but they will have to lead/overcome those who resist by using compassion and empathy and postitve messaging. This will be a long road, but it is one that must be started even if they can not get leaders to join them at this point. Much more could be said about this chart, but the reality is if we don't begin to value our relationships to everyone on the planet and begin to take over responsibilty about shifting our national values and being less reliable on our leaders to see us through, we will be continued to be led down a road of national ruin.
Tuesday is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere with the Sun ingressing into Cancer (see my mundane report for USA on this below following this blog). This brings more of a focus on family, home, and security in our personal lives. Nurturing others is a gift, but not to the point of emotional manipulation, which will only drive others away from you. Remember to pursue one of your own dreams during this time too, so all of your emotions are not invested in the results of actions of loved ones.
Tuesday also has two difficult squares to deal with: Mercury squares Saturn (see last week's blog on Mercury aspecting all the outer planets these past few days) creating a Cardinal Grand Cross among itself with squares to Saturn and Uranus and an opposition to Pluto. The restrictions placed on us right now are downright hard and are seemingly coming from every direction simultaneously. This can be quite overwhelming to both the mind and emotions (Mercury in Canncer) and have us in a depressed/restricted/conservative mind set. It's as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders and we see the Shadow in all. Remember, this is only a passing phase. It is best to use this energy to tackle some hard mental work that requires a discplined mind and a critical eye. Criticizing others at this time is likely to lead to defensive reactions and depressing bursting of the bubble type scenes. It's best to be self-critical and work on correcting your own faults. Focus on one issue at a time in order not to be too weighed down. Making headroads on a solution to one problem may lead to answers/breaks in starting to resolve others. To top all of this off, Mars squares Neptune this day also, which can add to lowered psycological/emotional states, and can also drain you of your physical energy. This is not a day for hard labor or fast movement: take your time, be cautious, try to move in a slowed down harmonious way or you could even jeapardize your health/well-being in some way.
Wednesday the Sun trines Neptune moving into a Grand Trine in Air with Neptune/Chiron and Saturn. This seems to be saying that the solution to the issues above is to focus on the spiritual side of life and to building stable/equal relationships in order to build a world more in tune with higher ideals. This is a time when collaboration with like minded groups should flow easily, and a time when you should speak your mind about the insights and points of view that you have to offer to make changes to our world that lead to more compassion and empathy in our approach to common problems/issues.
Saturday the Sun sextiles Jupiter which can bring some expansive opportunities our way. This is a good day to enjoy life through some postive endeavors that support and broaden your values, philosophies, plans, etc. Plans should work out this day, so get out and do something fun with others along for the ride.
Sunday the Sun locks into a square with Uranus and enters the same Cardinal Grand Cross that is mentioned above with Mercury. The problems in the world today and for the immediate future are persistent and tireless and we must meet them with that same energy. The Sun/Uranus square will find us wanting to do something radical/extreme in order to break free of the grip of them. The problem with that is we can seriously misjudge the effects of these actions and end up hurting ourselves. This is a good day to do something different: it doesn't have to be uber-over-the-top and risky, but it should add some thrill/zest/spark to your life that can give you a renewed sense of vigor to tackle all that is dragging you down.
A Quick Look at the Summer Solstice Chart for USA
The 4 seasonal ingress charts can be looked at to see the types of issues facing a nation over the next 3 months. For the USA, setting the chart for Washington, DC at 1:17 PM EDT on June 21st, gives an Ascendant of 1* Libra with Sun conjunct the 1* Cancer Midheaven and the Moon at 10* Pisces in the 6th house. There is a Cardinal Grand Cross in the angular houses with Saturn/ASC in Libra in the 1st opposite Uranus/DESC in Aries in the 7th house and square Sun/Mercury/MC in Cancer in the 10th house and square Pluto/IC in Capricorn in the 4th house. This is a very powerful statement that indicates many serious issues taking our national attention including our allies rebelling against us in our approach to wars and foreign policy and a subsequent loss of US influence in many parts of the world; continued escalating and persistent violence by our enemies in the wars we are involved in; possible attacks, power struggles, large deadly events in our homeland due to both natural and man-made disasters; emotional manipulation in order to control the public by the President/Executive Branch of the government; continued exposure of how deep the real estate collapse has affected the country; continued deterioration of infrastructure; a general feeling of malaise by the public about current events; etc. The Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in the 6th house show that the Public, civil servants, military, and police feel absolutely lost, deceived, and hurt by the state of things and the leaders, and Mars square Neptune shows we don't know what actions to take at this point, but we do know that what we are doing now is not working and frought with lies and deceit. The chart's ruler and exalted ruler may show the way out however: Venus is in Gemini in the 9th house trine Saturn in Libra in the 1st house and square the Moon in Pisces in the 6th house. This indicates that people need to sit down with one and other and start to share info and build solid relationships by looking into alternatives to our current value systems, laws, foreign policy, etc that require equality and justice for all. The Moon in the 6th conjunct Chiron show that the people in this country do have the creative ideas and skills and the desire to work them that are necessary to begin a national healing journey together, but they will have to lead/overcome those who resist by using compassion and empathy and postitve messaging. This will be a long road, but it is one that must be started even if they can not get leaders to join them at this point. Much more could be said about this chart, but the reality is if we don't begin to value our relationships to everyone on the planet and begin to take over responsibilty about shifting our national values and being less reliable on our leaders to see us through, we will be continued to be led down a road of national ruin.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 6/13/11
Today is a day sacred to the Goddess Pallas Athene to the ancient Greeks (Minerva to the Romans). The asteroid belt is composed of thousands of asteroids believed at one time to be a planet that had a large impact that split it into all these asteroid parts. The four largest asteroids were named after the four main Goddesses of the Greek and/or Roman tradition: Ceres, Vesta, Juno, and Pallas. Astrologers started to study the energy of these archetypes in earnest in the 1970's and found profound meanings on their influence in the charts of clients. These four archetypes relate directly to the four main roles women/females take in the current familial model: Ceres, the mother; Vesta, the sister; Juno, the wife/partner; and Pallas, the daughter. In astrology, we have noted that outer planetary discoveries by astronomers coincide with the history of humanity at the time (ex: Pluto was discovered in 1930 as plutonium and the first atomic bombs were being tested/made as weapons of mass death and destuction. Pluto rules plutonium, death , mass destruction, war). These new deeper meanings of the female archetype arose in history at the time of the forefront of the women's liberation movement - so once again the "discovery" of these four main asteroids and their meaning in charts coincided with the history of the time: the equality of women and their ability to take on larger and deeper roles in traditional society. Putting these four asteroids into the chart can shed deeper meaning on your chart in relation to the female archetypes they represent, which encompasses much more than just your blood relations! For example, getting back to Pallas, who represents the daughter aspect of the female archetype: Pallas was one of the few chaste Goddesses, who was the daughter of Zeus, and was a female warrior (it was her shield that Perseus borrowed to help slay Medusa with). Like most daughters, she aimed to please her father and their close relationship was non-sexual (chaste) - it was based upon mental/intellectual energy. Thus, in the chart, Pallas represents those we connect with on mental/intellectual levels - those who we would go to battle with defending an idea/ideal. In another funny twist of fate when astronomers downgraded Pluto from planetary status to planetoid, due to their own scientific parameters, the largest of the four asteroids, Ceres, was upgraded to planetoid status too! Note how this reflects current history: Ceres, Mother Goddess, who takes care of earth's inhabitants by providing food, water, natural resources - all things currently under historical stress levels due to a burgeoning world population! Prior to that decision, I only placed the four major asteroids in the chart if a client and I were discussing deeper parts of the chart in relation to the female archetype. However, that decision tipped the scales for me and I started putting Ceres in every chart. I have been watching it closely and its effect on earth is incredible: many of the food shortages and riots in the world in the last few years coincide with hard aspects to Ceres. Currently, Ceres is square the nodal axis in eclipse season, thus being squared by the eclipses too, and look at all the large natural and man-made disasters stressing natural resources lately driving the prices of food, water, cotton, oil, etc up! Lately, I've been putting all four main asteroids in the chart after seeing how sensitive Ceres is. Right now, Pallas is retrograde in Aquarius trining a stationary Saturn in Libra: this would be an excellent time to forge deeper, more stable relationships with those you share ideals with and commit to using your talents concretely now to build a firm foundation/relationship/event/project/etc. If you are ever interested in a deeper reading into the effect of these four asteroids on your chart, I'm offering a mini (45 min approx) for $50 these days. It can be done in person, on phone, or by sending a file/cd.
Onto the astrology of the week:
Tuesday can be a frustrating/odd day as we close in on the Lunar Eclipse the next day. Mars is sesiquadrate Saturn, which can slow down actions to a complete standstill. Expect blockages in areas where you have responsibilities and duties like work. This could have you feeling quite angry inside and you could project that out and invite in accidents, breakdowns, slowdowns, mistakes, angry people, etc into your life. With Venus quincunx Pluto also, if you take it too far you could do some serious damage to relationships to the point of even possibly saying good-bye to someone. This is a good day to be cautious and slow in actions and to use any negative feelings to assess your own role rather than lashing out at others.
Wednesday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 24* Gemini/Sagattarius. Full Moon's expose what is hidden and lunar eclipses can stir up deep things from within to the surface. The Sun is Gemini is very happy to flit to one thing and another that exists and fascinates on the surface/physical level. The Moon in Sagittarius yearns for something deeper with more meaning that one can really sink their teeth into and push the proverbial envelope to the edge to attain a much deeper sense of satisfaction and emotional well being then what is offered in physical/sensory existence. I believe this eclipse/Full Moon is asking us to honor that feeling by realizing all that is offered to us in our every day existence in the material world will never be able to fill that emotional need for something more deeply satisfying inside. With Ceres square this eclipse, the reality is we are being forced to anyway as resources continue to dwindle, wallets get thinner, etc and with them the ability to satisfy this hunger with just hollow material pursuits is slowly being forcibly removed from us. So why not take that leap yourself now? Look to which houses this eclipse falls into in your chart and you will know the areas you need to focus that on. Any tight aspects from the eclipse to any of your planets/points will show who your allies and enemies are in this quest. With the Moon opposite Mercury, the time to make decisions is now! If you don't they will be made for you, which could end up being even more uncomfortable. Mars sextile Ceres will give you the opportunity to take action now on this issue - don't let it pass by or it becomes valueless!
Mercury is in the fast lane right now just speeding along on those wings right into Cancer on Thursday, where it will only spend two weeks. This is a time when the mind and our words can connect deeply with our emotional/heart side. This should help you express your deepest feelings and love toward those who are close to you, and give a deeper sense of caring for all. This is re-enforced with Mercury's trine to Neptune this same day, which can be absolutely inspiring spiritually and creatively. We are also more open to non-verbal forms of communication and can be quite sensitive/intuitive now. A great night to "listen" to the messages in your dreams.
Mercury aspects all five of the outermost planets within five days starting with the trine to Neptune above. On Friday, it sextiles Jupiter which can open up new ideas and opportunities for expansion via our connections with others. This is a great aspect to travel under, make business deals, or take some kind of class. Venus trine Saturn shows we may be a bit more reserved socially, but that there is a steadiness and stability to our relationships. These two aspects working together can really help further your goals, aims, projects, etc. as you can see the Big Picture and line up the right people to help in the details with each's unique talents that they bring to the table.
Saturday can be a buzzing day with lots of nervous system overload from all the information being tossed your way and your schedule being thrown off by many minor out-of-the-ordinary events as Mercury squares Uranus. You may be positively inspired this day and have lots of brilliant ideas, but the challenge will be whether you are able to hold onto any of them for future usage as they shoot through your head so quickly and so many other things distract you simultaneously that it may just ultimately give you a case of frayed nerves. A good day to tackle large intellectual issues, plow through paperwork, reach out to others beyond your normal circle, etc.
Sunday would be used best as a day of deep healing as Mercury opposes Pluto and trines Chiron. The opposition to Pluto shows we may be confronted by someone or some situation that requires a big decision that may throw off the plan for the day. It will give a chance to look deeply within and how we affect the others around us. The worst way to handle this would be to place blame on someone else and explode into a power struggle/battle over who's right and who's wrong. Instead, try to learn from the situation, as this will benefit both self and others. It's an ideal day to use words as a tool of healing, to get/give some kind of counseling, or do a serious inner assessment of your life now.
A Mercurial week that will surely speed by!
Onto the astrology of the week:
Tuesday can be a frustrating/odd day as we close in on the Lunar Eclipse the next day. Mars is sesiquadrate Saturn, which can slow down actions to a complete standstill. Expect blockages in areas where you have responsibilities and duties like work. This could have you feeling quite angry inside and you could project that out and invite in accidents, breakdowns, slowdowns, mistakes, angry people, etc into your life. With Venus quincunx Pluto also, if you take it too far you could do some serious damage to relationships to the point of even possibly saying good-bye to someone. This is a good day to be cautious and slow in actions and to use any negative feelings to assess your own role rather than lashing out at others.
Wednesday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 24* Gemini/Sagattarius. Full Moon's expose what is hidden and lunar eclipses can stir up deep things from within to the surface. The Sun is Gemini is very happy to flit to one thing and another that exists and fascinates on the surface/physical level. The Moon in Sagittarius yearns for something deeper with more meaning that one can really sink their teeth into and push the proverbial envelope to the edge to attain a much deeper sense of satisfaction and emotional well being then what is offered in physical/sensory existence. I believe this eclipse/Full Moon is asking us to honor that feeling by realizing all that is offered to us in our every day existence in the material world will never be able to fill that emotional need for something more deeply satisfying inside. With Ceres square this eclipse, the reality is we are being forced to anyway as resources continue to dwindle, wallets get thinner, etc and with them the ability to satisfy this hunger with just hollow material pursuits is slowly being forcibly removed from us. So why not take that leap yourself now? Look to which houses this eclipse falls into in your chart and you will know the areas you need to focus that on. Any tight aspects from the eclipse to any of your planets/points will show who your allies and enemies are in this quest. With the Moon opposite Mercury, the time to make decisions is now! If you don't they will be made for you, which could end up being even more uncomfortable. Mars sextile Ceres will give you the opportunity to take action now on this issue - don't let it pass by or it becomes valueless!
Mercury is in the fast lane right now just speeding along on those wings right into Cancer on Thursday, where it will only spend two weeks. This is a time when the mind and our words can connect deeply with our emotional/heart side. This should help you express your deepest feelings and love toward those who are close to you, and give a deeper sense of caring for all. This is re-enforced with Mercury's trine to Neptune this same day, which can be absolutely inspiring spiritually and creatively. We are also more open to non-verbal forms of communication and can be quite sensitive/intuitive now. A great night to "listen" to the messages in your dreams.
Mercury aspects all five of the outermost planets within five days starting with the trine to Neptune above. On Friday, it sextiles Jupiter which can open up new ideas and opportunities for expansion via our connections with others. This is a great aspect to travel under, make business deals, or take some kind of class. Venus trine Saturn shows we may be a bit more reserved socially, but that there is a steadiness and stability to our relationships. These two aspects working together can really help further your goals, aims, projects, etc. as you can see the Big Picture and line up the right people to help in the details with each's unique talents that they bring to the table.
Saturday can be a buzzing day with lots of nervous system overload from all the information being tossed your way and your schedule being thrown off by many minor out-of-the-ordinary events as Mercury squares Uranus. You may be positively inspired this day and have lots of brilliant ideas, but the challenge will be whether you are able to hold onto any of them for future usage as they shoot through your head so quickly and so many other things distract you simultaneously that it may just ultimately give you a case of frayed nerves. A good day to tackle large intellectual issues, plow through paperwork, reach out to others beyond your normal circle, etc.
Sunday would be used best as a day of deep healing as Mercury opposes Pluto and trines Chiron. The opposition to Pluto shows we may be confronted by someone or some situation that requires a big decision that may throw off the plan for the day. It will give a chance to look deeply within and how we affect the others around us. The worst way to handle this would be to place blame on someone else and explode into a power struggle/battle over who's right and who's wrong. Instead, try to learn from the situation, as this will benefit both self and others. It's an ideal day to use words as a tool of healing, to get/give some kind of counseling, or do a serious inner assessment of your life now.
A Mercurial week that will surely speed by!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 6/6/11
Monday is Regiomontanus' birthday, famous astronomer/astrologer, born in 1436. He developed one of the most used house systems that is very similiar to the currently popular Placidus house system. The Regiomontanus house system is still widely used by mundane astrologers (including myself) for event charts.
This blog is dedicated to his memory and his contribution to astrology.
Monday and Tuesday are likely to act as a tandem see-saw of energy together this week. On Monday, the Sun semi-squares Jupiter, which will likely bring some surprising expansion to your week that is alternately unexpected, exciting, yet frustrating because it will overstimulate you and have you feeling like you need to do something without having all the facts/info straight first. Committing to something today will likely you put in a position of scrambling about how to actually achieve doing it, as it may be impossible to fit into your schedule on such late notice. So it's not the best day to jump to conclusions on any matter of importance - that would be best saved for Tuesday when Mercury trines Saturn and seperates the wheat from the chaffe. This will give you the ability to focus in on the details in a grounded and orderly fashion. Communications , information, decision-making will be more stable and clear. The mind will be on more serious matters, but not in a depressing way, just a more of a "down-to-business" attitude will prevail. An excellent day to take on any type of organizing projects, especially paperwork, intellectual work, etc.
Wednesday may be a day of mystical aspirations as the two planets of spirituality/religion/metaphysics get together in a favorable aspect as Jupiter sextiles Neptune. This can be a subtle shift for sure and only be felt if one truly wishes to seize the moment. Be aware you can be in a very idealistic frame of mind that may not be grounded in current reality: this can have you in an energy zone of innoscense that can be taken advantage of. Yet, you have a big heart and it's a good time to work for some charitible cause you identify with. This energy is backed up by Chiron going retrograde on the same day. This will give you time to reflect on how to build a bridge between these higher ideals for all and how to get your own personal healing out of it too. Answers may be clearer near the end of the year, if you use this time to contemplate how now.
Venus enters Gemini on Thurday showing that the sociable summertime/vacation time of the year is beginning and you may meet many new people over the next several weeks. Most of these relationships may be superficial in nature or for informational purposes only, yet it's a great time to network widely and perhaps your net will catch some long term deeper relationships ultimately. This is a time to enjoy the "little things in life." Mars sesiquadrate to Pluto that same day will delay Venus' fun in Gemini for a day or two however, as this can cast some type of shadow over our actions this day. Some type of deadlocked power struggle may reach the point of ultimate frustration/blockage this day and may have you seething inside and ready for a battle. However, if you choose that course there will be no winners and possibly all losers. This is a day you want to avoid dangerous people, places, and situations, and to be careful of your movements as accidents/breakdowns can easily happen.
Venus' square to Neptune on Friday is very similiar to Jupiter/Neptune above. With this aspect, you may try to combine lower and higher forms of love into romantic or spiritual bliss. It's soulmate type energy, but it can be extremely idealistic, self-deceptive, escapist in nature. Life can be full of beautiful moments on this day, yet if you check in with reality, you may realize you're just sweeping some stuff under the rug to capture that ideal moment. Anyone who has an artistic streak may be positively inspired this day, and the square energy shows there may be enough tension to actually create with that inspiration, but it can also be easily just frittered away.
Sunday our words will absolutely be identifying with the ego/self when Sun and Mercury conjunct each other in Gemini. People may have very loose tongues on this day and be somewhat boastful, especially around those who are new to their circle as Venus sextiles Uranus. This gives us a desire and an opportunity to break free from our normal social circles and meet some new people/start new relationships. However, the energy of these two together usually make these relationships short lived. This is also a great day to go out and do something different than the norm for pleasure purposes only. Saturn also goes direct on Sunday - a subtle shift for sure that has us now reach out more physically/concretely in order to form solid relationships with others where all do their fair share and act with equality and justice in our endeavors together.
This blog is dedicated to his memory and his contribution to astrology.
Monday and Tuesday are likely to act as a tandem see-saw of energy together this week. On Monday, the Sun semi-squares Jupiter, which will likely bring some surprising expansion to your week that is alternately unexpected, exciting, yet frustrating because it will overstimulate you and have you feeling like you need to do something without having all the facts/info straight first. Committing to something today will likely you put in a position of scrambling about how to actually achieve doing it, as it may be impossible to fit into your schedule on such late notice. So it's not the best day to jump to conclusions on any matter of importance - that would be best saved for Tuesday when Mercury trines Saturn and seperates the wheat from the chaffe. This will give you the ability to focus in on the details in a grounded and orderly fashion. Communications , information, decision-making will be more stable and clear. The mind will be on more serious matters, but not in a depressing way, just a more of a "down-to-business" attitude will prevail. An excellent day to take on any type of organizing projects, especially paperwork, intellectual work, etc.
Wednesday may be a day of mystical aspirations as the two planets of spirituality/religion/metaphysics get together in a favorable aspect as Jupiter sextiles Neptune. This can be a subtle shift for sure and only be felt if one truly wishes to seize the moment. Be aware you can be in a very idealistic frame of mind that may not be grounded in current reality: this can have you in an energy zone of innoscense that can be taken advantage of. Yet, you have a big heart and it's a good time to work for some charitible cause you identify with. This energy is backed up by Chiron going retrograde on the same day. This will give you time to reflect on how to build a bridge between these higher ideals for all and how to get your own personal healing out of it too. Answers may be clearer near the end of the year, if you use this time to contemplate how now.
Venus enters Gemini on Thurday showing that the sociable summertime/vacation time of the year is beginning and you may meet many new people over the next several weeks. Most of these relationships may be superficial in nature or for informational purposes only, yet it's a great time to network widely and perhaps your net will catch some long term deeper relationships ultimately. This is a time to enjoy the "little things in life." Mars sesiquadrate to Pluto that same day will delay Venus' fun in Gemini for a day or two however, as this can cast some type of shadow over our actions this day. Some type of deadlocked power struggle may reach the point of ultimate frustration/blockage this day and may have you seething inside and ready for a battle. However, if you choose that course there will be no winners and possibly all losers. This is a day you want to avoid dangerous people, places, and situations, and to be careful of your movements as accidents/breakdowns can easily happen.
Venus' square to Neptune on Friday is very similiar to Jupiter/Neptune above. With this aspect, you may try to combine lower and higher forms of love into romantic or spiritual bliss. It's soulmate type energy, but it can be extremely idealistic, self-deceptive, escapist in nature. Life can be full of beautiful moments on this day, yet if you check in with reality, you may realize you're just sweeping some stuff under the rug to capture that ideal moment. Anyone who has an artistic streak may be positively inspired this day, and the square energy shows there may be enough tension to actually create with that inspiration, but it can also be easily just frittered away.
Sunday our words will absolutely be identifying with the ego/self when Sun and Mercury conjunct each other in Gemini. People may have very loose tongues on this day and be somewhat boastful, especially around those who are new to their circle as Venus sextiles Uranus. This gives us a desire and an opportunity to break free from our normal social circles and meet some new people/start new relationships. However, the energy of these two together usually make these relationships short lived. This is also a great day to go out and do something different than the norm for pleasure purposes only. Saturn also goes direct on Sunday - a subtle shift for sure that has us now reach out more physically/concretely in order to form solid relationships with others where all do their fair share and act with equality and justice in our endeavors together.
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