Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is There a Nuclear Incident Occurring in Ft. Calhoun, NE?

You may have heard the News now ( that a Category 4 nuclear disaster is occurring at a nuclear power plant in Ft. Calhoun, MO (equivalent to the disaster in Japan in terms of actual radiation release), and that a news blackout has been ordered by the President himself (this is why it came and went on the newswire very quickly and was never picked up again). Here's a link to a local TV news stations report on it:
on Youtube.

Anyway, an old friend asked if it was possible that this was really going on, since he lives relatively close by in Kansas City area. Just a few days ago I blogged here a quick analysis of the Solstice Chart and what it meant for US in next 3 months: recall, "...possible attacks, power struggles, large deadly events in our homeland due to both natural and man-made disasters..." My reasoning behind this was because of one of the parts of the Cardinal Grand Cross, Pluto conjunct I/C in Capricorn in 4th house. Pluto, of course, rules plutonium and the atomic/nuclear industry. It also exposes the ugly underbelly of humanity by bringing to the surface the things we like to pretend don't exist or are not a problem - the things we submerge to our subconcious until they come back to haunt us in our concious world. It is in the 4th house and conjunct the I/C: the home land, the actual physical land of a nation in a mundane reading. Pluto also co-rules the 3rd house in the chart showing the results of this event: the power play to muzzle the press and hide this event from the information/communication channels that the nation uses. Also remember this from last blog: "...emotional manipulation in order to control the public by the President/Executive Branch of the government..." I saw this because of Mercury, the planet of communications, in Cancer in the 10th house opposite Pluto in the Grand Cross. The 10th house is the Executive Branch/President/Leader, and the opposition shows forcing a decision onto others, and the Cancer theme shows the manipulation in order to protect others by "the less they know, the better" motto. Mercury rules the 12th house so once again the result is about keeping secrets, possibly deadly, secrets by large institutions. I also ran a horary chart for when he asked me via e mail, and that chart also reponded a "yes." (Mercury in Cancer ended up being the significator of the chart and it was tightly square (to within 7 minutes) Saturn opposite Pluto, and trine Moon/Chiron). So unfortunately, the answer from an astrological perspective seemingly confirms that there is a very strong possibility this event is occurring currently.

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