Monday, June 13, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 6/13/11

Today is a day sacred to the Goddess Pallas Athene to the ancient Greeks (Minerva to the Romans). The asteroid belt is composed of thousands of asteroids believed at one time to be a planet that had a large impact that split it into all these asteroid parts. The four largest asteroids were named after the four main Goddesses of the Greek and/or Roman tradition: Ceres, Vesta, Juno, and Pallas. Astrologers started to study the energy of these archetypes in earnest in the 1970's and found profound meanings on their influence in the charts of clients. These four archetypes relate directly to the four main roles women/females take in the current familial model: Ceres, the mother; Vesta, the sister; Juno, the wife/partner; and Pallas, the daughter. In astrology, we have noted that outer planetary discoveries by astronomers coincide with the history of humanity at the time (ex: Pluto was discovered in 1930 as plutonium and the first atomic bombs were being tested/made as weapons of mass death and destuction. Pluto rules plutonium, death , mass destruction, war). These new deeper meanings of the female archetype arose in history at the time of the forefront of the women's liberation movement - so once again the "discovery" of these four main asteroids and their meaning in charts coincided with the history of the time: the equality of women and their ability to take on larger and deeper roles in traditional society. Putting these four asteroids into the chart can shed deeper meaning on your chart in relation to the female archetypes they represent, which encompasses much more than just your blood relations! For example, getting back to Pallas, who represents the daughter aspect of the female archetype: Pallas was one of the few chaste Goddesses, who was the daughter of Zeus, and was a female warrior (it was her shield that Perseus borrowed to help slay Medusa with). Like most daughters, she aimed to please her father and their close relationship was non-sexual (chaste) - it was based upon mental/intellectual energy. Thus, in the chart, Pallas represents those we connect with on mental/intellectual levels - those who we would go to battle with defending an idea/ideal. In another funny twist of fate when astronomers downgraded Pluto from planetary status to planetoid, due to their own scientific parameters, the largest of the four asteroids, Ceres, was upgraded to planetoid status too! Note how this reflects current history: Ceres, Mother Goddess, who takes care of earth's inhabitants by providing food, water, natural resources - all things currently under historical stress levels due to a burgeoning world population! Prior to that decision, I only placed the four major asteroids in the chart if a client and I were discussing deeper parts of the chart in relation to the female archetype. However, that decision tipped the scales for me and I started putting Ceres in every chart. I have been watching it closely and its effect on earth is incredible: many of the food shortages and riots in the world in the last few years coincide with hard aspects to Ceres. Currently, Ceres is square the nodal axis in eclipse season, thus being squared by the eclipses too, and look at all the large natural and man-made disasters stressing natural resources lately driving the prices of  food, water, cotton, oil, etc up! Lately, I've been putting all four main asteroids in the chart after seeing how sensitive Ceres is. Right now, Pallas is retrograde in Aquarius trining a stationary Saturn in Libra: this would be an excellent time to forge deeper, more stable relationships with those you share ideals with and commit to using your talents concretely now to build a firm foundation/relationship/event/project/etc. If you are ever interested in a deeper reading into the effect of these four asteroids on your chart, I'm offering a mini (45 min approx) for $50 these days. It can be done in person, on phone, or by sending a file/cd.

Onto the astrology of the week:

Tuesday can be a frustrating/odd day as we close in on the Lunar Eclipse the next day. Mars is sesiquadrate Saturn, which can slow down actions to a complete standstill. Expect blockages in areas where you have responsibilities and duties like work. This could have you feeling quite angry inside and you could project that out and invite in accidents, breakdowns, slowdowns, mistakes, angry people, etc into your life. With Venus quincunx Pluto also, if you take it too far you could do some serious damage to relationships to the point of even possibly saying good-bye to someone. This is a good day to be cautious and slow in actions and to use any negative feelings to assess your own role rather than lashing out at others.

Wednesday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 24* Gemini/Sagattarius. Full Moon's expose what is hidden and lunar eclipses can stir up deep things from within to the surface. The Sun is Gemini is very happy to flit to one thing and another that exists and fascinates on the surface/physical level. The Moon in Sagittarius yearns for something deeper with more meaning that one can really sink their teeth into and push the proverbial envelope to the edge to attain a much deeper sense of satisfaction and emotional well being then what is offered in physical/sensory existence. I believe this eclipse/Full Moon is asking us to honor that feeling by realizing all that is offered to us in our every day existence in the material world will never be able to fill that emotional need for something more deeply satisfying inside. With Ceres square this eclipse, the reality is we are being forced to anyway as resources continue to dwindle, wallets get thinner, etc and with them the ability to satisfy this hunger with just hollow material pursuits is slowly being forcibly removed from us. So why not take that leap yourself now? Look to which houses this eclipse falls into in your chart and you will know the areas you need to focus that on. Any tight aspects from the eclipse to any of your planets/points will show who your allies and enemies are in this quest. With the Moon opposite Mercury, the time to make decisions is now! If you don't they will be made for you, which could end up being even more uncomfortable. Mars sextile Ceres will give you the opportunity to take action now on this issue - don't let it pass by or it becomes valueless!

Mercury is in the fast lane right now just speeding along on those wings right into Cancer on Thursday, where it will only spend two weeks. This is a time when the mind and our words can connect deeply with our emotional/heart side. This should help you express your deepest feelings and love toward those who are close to you, and give a deeper sense of caring for all. This is re-enforced with Mercury's trine to Neptune this same day, which can be absolutely inspiring spiritually and creatively. We are also more open to non-verbal forms of communication and can be quite sensitive/intuitive now. A great night to "listen" to the messages in your dreams.

Mercury aspects all five of the outermost planets within five days starting with the trine to Neptune above. On Friday, it sextiles Jupiter which can open up new ideas and opportunities for expansion via our connections with others. This is a great aspect to travel under, make business deals, or take some kind of class. Venus trine Saturn shows we may be a bit more reserved socially, but that there is a steadiness and stability to our relationships. These two aspects working together can really help further your goals, aims, projects, etc. as you can see the Big Picture and line up the right people to help in the details with each's unique talents that they bring to the table.

Saturday can be a buzzing day with lots of nervous system overload from all the information being tossed your way and your schedule being thrown off by many minor out-of-the-ordinary events as Mercury squares Uranus. You may be positively inspired this day and have lots of brilliant ideas, but the challenge will be whether you are able to hold onto any of them for future usage as they shoot through your head so quickly and so many other things distract you simultaneously that it may just ultimately give you a case of frayed nerves. A good day to tackle large intellectual issues, plow through paperwork, reach out to others beyond your normal circle, etc.

Sunday would be used best as a day of deep healing as Mercury opposes Pluto and trines Chiron. The opposition to Pluto shows we may be confronted by someone or some situation that requires a big decision that may throw off the plan for the day. It will give a chance to look deeply within and how we affect the others around us. The worst way to handle this would be to place blame on someone else and explode into a power struggle/battle over who's right and who's wrong. Instead, try to learn from the situation, as this will benefit both self and others. It's an ideal day to use words as a tool of healing, to get/give some kind of counseling, or do a serious inner assessment of your life now.

A Mercurial week that will surely speed by!

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