Monday, June 20, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 6/20/11 & Solstice Chart for USA

This week starts off with Mars ingressing into Gemini for the next 6-7 weeks. This will push mental energy to a highly active peak, and allow the mind to become more flexible in its approach to problems, but it may also easily get immersed in trivial pursuits or overwhelmed by the sheer amount of things grabbing for your attention. It can also indicate intellectual battles, but gives us the ability to find new solutions to blockages and problems we've been facing. This is a good time for people who are normally very fixed/set in their ways to introduce some changes to their patterns/behaviors. In general, the pace of life picks up for most people during this time with summer activities, connections, excursions, etc.

Tuesday is the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere with the Sun ingressing into Cancer (see my mundane report for USA on this below following this blog). This brings more of a focus on family, home, and security in our personal lives. Nurturing others is a gift, but not to the point of emotional manipulation, which will only drive others away from you. Remember to pursue one of your own dreams during this time too, so all of your emotions are not invested in the results of actions of loved ones.

Tuesday also has two difficult squares to deal with: Mercury squares Saturn (see last week's blog on Mercury aspecting all the outer planets these past few days) creating a Cardinal Grand Cross among itself with squares to Saturn and Uranus and an opposition to Pluto. The restrictions placed on us right now are downright hard and are seemingly coming from every direction simultaneously. This can be quite overwhelming to both the mind and emotions (Mercury in Canncer) and have us in a depressed/restricted/conservative mind set. It's as if the weight of the world is on our shoulders and we see the Shadow in all. Remember, this is only a passing phase. It is best to use this energy to tackle some hard mental work that requires a discplined mind and a critical eye. Criticizing others at this time is likely to lead to defensive reactions and depressing bursting of the bubble type scenes. It's best to be self-critical and work on correcting your own faults. Focus on one issue at a time in order not to be too weighed down. Making headroads on a solution to one problem may lead to answers/breaks in starting to resolve others. To top all of this off, Mars squares Neptune this day also, which can add to lowered psycological/emotional states, and can also drain you of your physical energy. This is not a day for hard labor or fast movement: take your time, be cautious, try to move in a slowed down harmonious way or you could even jeapardize your health/well-being in some way.

Wednesday the Sun trines Neptune moving into a Grand Trine in Air with Neptune/Chiron and Saturn. This seems to be saying that the solution to the issues above is to focus on the spiritual side of life and to building stable/equal relationships in order to build a world more in tune with higher ideals. This is a time when collaboration with like minded groups should flow easily, and a time when you should speak your mind about the insights and points of view that you have to offer to make changes to our world that lead to more compassion and empathy in our approach to common problems/issues.

Saturday the Sun sextiles Jupiter which can bring some expansive opportunities our way. This is a good day to enjoy life through some postive endeavors that support and broaden your values, philosophies, plans, etc. Plans should work out this day, so get out and do something fun with others along for the ride.

Sunday the Sun locks into a square with Uranus and enters the same Cardinal Grand Cross that is mentioned above with Mercury. The problems in the world today and for the immediate future are persistent and tireless and we must meet them with that same energy. The Sun/Uranus square will find us wanting to do something radical/extreme in order to break free of the grip of them. The problem with that is we can seriously misjudge the effects of these actions and end up hurting ourselves. This is a good day to do something different: it doesn't have to be uber-over-the-top and risky, but it should add some thrill/zest/spark to your life that can give you a renewed sense of vigor to tackle all that is dragging you down.

A Quick Look at the Summer Solstice Chart for USA

The 4 seasonal ingress charts can be looked at to see the types of issues facing a nation over the next 3 months. For the USA, setting the chart for Washington, DC at 1:17 PM EDT on June 21st, gives an Ascendant of 1* Libra with Sun conjunct the 1* Cancer Midheaven and the Moon at 10* Pisces in the 6th house. There is a Cardinal Grand Cross in the angular houses with Saturn/ASC in Libra in the 1st opposite Uranus/DESC in Aries in the 7th house and square Sun/Mercury/MC in Cancer in the 10th house and square Pluto/IC in Capricorn in the 4th house. This is a very powerful statement that indicates many serious issues taking our national attention including our allies rebelling against us in our approach to wars and foreign policy and a subsequent loss of US influence in many parts of the world; continued escalating and persistent violence by our enemies in the wars we are involved in; possible attacks, power struggles, large deadly events in our homeland due to both natural and man-made disasters; emotional manipulation in order to control the public by the President/Executive Branch of the government; continued exposure of how deep the real estate collapse has affected the country; continued deterioration of infrastructure; a general feeling of malaise by the public about current events; etc. The Moon conjunct Neptune and Chiron in Pisces in the 6th house show that the Public, civil servants, military, and police feel absolutely lost, deceived, and hurt by the state of things and the leaders, and Mars square Neptune shows we don't know what actions to take at this point, but we do know that what we are doing now is not working and frought with lies and deceit. The chart's ruler and exalted ruler may show the way out however: Venus is in Gemini in the 9th house trine Saturn in Libra in the 1st house and square the Moon in Pisces in the 6th house. This indicates that people need to sit down with one and other and start to share info and build solid relationships by looking into alternatives to our current value systems, laws, foreign policy, etc that require equality and justice for all. The Moon in the 6th conjunct Chiron show that the people in this country do have the creative ideas and skills and the desire to work them that are necessary to begin a national healing journey together, but they will have to lead/overcome those who resist by using compassion and empathy and postitve messaging. This will be a long road,  but it is one that must be started even if they can not get leaders to join them at this point. Much more could be said about this chart, but the reality is if we don't begin to value our relationships to everyone on the planet and begin to take over responsibilty about shifting our national values and being less reliable on our leaders to see us through, we will be continued to be led down a road of national ruin.

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