Monday, June 27, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 6/27/11

As many of you are aware of the outer planets are locked in a long term Grand Aspect configuration of a Cardinal T-square among Uranus opposite Saturn both square Pluto with the square between Uranus and Pluto lasting until 2015. This configuration is in the early (1st 10*) of the cardinal signs Aries, Libra and Capricorn and provides the long term background of these tumultuous times during these years: a breakdown of society/tradition/culture/authority through rebellious acts and  surprising events (both human and nature driven) that are completely transforming the times and our reality. So this energy is there in the background every day now, but some days/weeks it is more acute when some of the inner planets, which we feel/experience more subjectively as human beings on a personal level, pass through early degrees of cardinal signs also, thus making aspects to these long term planets and bringing them into our subjective reality in more concrete terms/levels. This is especially stressful when one of the inner planets fills in the open leg of the above T-square by filling in the Cancer side and creating a Cardinal Grand Cross. Mercury did that last week when it went into Cancer and the Sun in Cancer is currently doing it and in a week or so it will be Venus' turn and a month after that it will be Mars' turn! A Cardinal Grand Cross can spring up so many issues simultaneously that it is difficult to get a grip on any of them. It can make the mind and your actions very scattered and thus it may feel as if you're the proverbial boy with the "fingers in the dyke" trying to maintain while it becomes virtually impossible to do so. The best course of action is to focus on one issue deeply, as many times it will bring the awareness that all the issues are actually tied together and that resolving one starts to help resolve the others.

The Sun opposes Pluto on Monday to start off this intense week. Most of us will be forced into some type of big decision this week that revolves around a need to change/transform our lives, but is bringing up alot of fear and a part of us that wants to hold on for dear life. It's definitely a power struggle within between the ego/will and a much deeper/sub-concious part of ourselves, that can easily be projected into our outer reality in a myriad of ways with others or even our present subjective reality. Still, it is best to not make rash judgements right now that could endanger our well-being - it's best to avoid dangerous people/places/situations this week if possible. Resources/family/home/partners/authorities can all be sources of this stress. Fortunately, on Monday, there are two very helpful aspects. The first is Mars sextile Uranus, which will likely be experienced as excitement at the possibilities of change and what it can mean for you, and even unexpected opportunities to act immediately in confronting necessary changes in a postive and enthusiastic way. The second is Sun trine Chiron: that accepting the need to transform is actually the flow right now, and that ability to learn and get healing from these experiences and to forge deeper connections with others having similiar experiences so that we can learn from one another is at a peak time.

Be wary on Tuesday that soemof the anger you may be feeling under the surface could be triggered and lash out and actually do some damage when Mars is square Chiron. The obstacles that are blocking you now are requiring super human effort to overcome, so it's natural to feel angry, but dumping on someone else will not help. The best use of this energy is to channel it into a "do not quit" attitude - a peaceful warrior.

Mars quincunx Pluto on Wednesday can make you feel quite restless, nervous, scattered in your actions, yet without an ability to quite put a finger on why, whcih can actually be quite disturbing. It's a feeling if needing to run/purge something/let something go, yet what is it? Once again, avoid dangerous situations today as much as possible.

Friday is a New Moon in Cancer/Solar Eclipse square Saturn- the last of three eclipses in this eclipse season at 9* Cancer this time. This eclipse series (SS 13 South) usually has something to do with expansion, but also brings up all the issues that come with expansion. Of course, the Sun/Moon are now completing the Grand Cross - this can be one of the most stressful times of the year for humanity. It's become obvious that if we don't change our ways that our very survival could be at risk. Old ways of doing things must be torn down and replaced wirth innovative new strategies that benefit all of Life. Many of these ideas are out there, the squares show it is time to seriously activate them, to rise to the challenges of these times, to initiate new actions and solutions now! Saturn in Libra's tight square to the New Moon/Eclipse says we are all responsible - we all must do our part, and it will be hard work to do so, and that it will only work if there is equality and justice for all and through our collaborating with others. Uranus in Aries shows we all need to be fearless leaders in our own circles and to bring our most brilliant. individual contributions to the table. As mentioned earlier, the opposition to Pluto in Capricorn shows an need to face our fears, our Shadow, our power and to react to them in a positive self-empowering fashion without hurting others in the process. This eclipse is telling us this is the beginning of the challenge as far as actions go: that for the past 50 years many great ideas have been seeded, but now they must be put into action for humanity to take its next step forward in evolution and to overcome the myriad of problems now facing humanity because of our own decisions in the past. Mercury's ingress into Leo on this same day should embolden our minds and tongues to speak out about how we feel and what we feel needs to be done, just don't get too mentally voyuearistic or you could wind up looking silly. It also helps us to remember the lighter/child-like/playful side of life even in tough times. Jupiter sextile Chiron on Saturday will also aid you with opportunities to learn valuable information on how to proceed. It's a good time to take a class, attend a lecture, visit someone/somewhere off your beaten path, etc to broaden learning.

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