Monday, June 10, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-10-13

Once again one of the biggest stories in the news last week – the revelation that the US government was keeping records of all phone calls and e mails, etc of its citizens – reflected the interaction of the inner planets triggering the Uranus/Pluto square. In this case, Mercury in Cancer locking into a T-square digs up/reveals secret manipulation by the very agencies that are supposed to be protecting us. This has triggered a sudden backlash by many on how far we need to go/how much we need to sacrifice to be safe (and are we ever completely anyway?).

And now this week Venus in Cancer will form a T-square with Uranus/Pluto testing relationships big time. The apex of this energy will be spread out over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Monday the Moon in Cancer will conjunct Venus and together they will oppose Pluto and square Uranus. On Tuesday Venus opposes Pluto exactly, and then on Wednesday squares Uranus exactly. Very intense energy in relationships may rise to the surface during these days. There may be revelations of emotional manipulation that blow up into major battles/power struggles. There may be sudden upsets/break-ups/separations. Obsessive/compulsive behavior in regard to another is possible. Old wounds may be re-opened and a need to transform the ways we relate to each other underlies it all. We may seek new people, places, and interests in order to break away. Relationships that are already weak are most susceptible to this aspect. Otherwise, this energy can be used to take in new knowledge/info via others that shakes our world, and we can use as an impetus to change the way we relate to others.

Monday also has Mercury trine Chiron which helps us to use words and other forms of communication to help heal and teach others, or perhaps we will be the ones to receive a gift of healing or learning from another. The Sun is sesiquadrate Saturn today too – this will add to the frustration felt from Moon/Venus/Uranus/Pluto T-Square today. Authorities may be the source of our frustration and thus who we rebel against. This can get us pessimistic/down on the state of our world, and thus resentful/resigned. Overall, Monday can be quite a challenging day, and a day we could all use a break/some soothing re-assurance.

Besides the exact Venus/Pluto opposition I mentioned above, Tuesday also has the 2nd exact hit of the ongoing Saturn/Neptune trine that I blogged on extensively last week: “Saturn and Neptune have been in a trine since last September when Saturn first entered Scorpio. This trine will be getting an exact hit later this month on June 12th, so it is very tight at this time period. This aspect is working on the Collective level to help us learn from our mistakes and the resulting confusion and uncertainty that have been the result of our choices – much of this has to do with an oil based economy/energy/civilization (Neptune). The trine helps us to see how we got to where we are and to start realizing that spirituality and higher consciousness must be given greater value in order to resolve the problems of today. People are able to subordinate much of their own ego under this energy and work for more altruistic goals willingly. People gain energy and relief through service to others/each other/the Collective. Ideals and reality are able to merge easier now, yet there is a grounded approach that does not allow us to get too high and excited, but more reflective/contemplative. We may also become aware of resources that have been hidden from us prior to now.” It would be helpful to access this energy this week during this intense time of Venus/Pluto/Uranus to help alleviate some of the pain it may cause us.

Wednesday has the exact Venus/Square.

Thursday is a quiet day, with Moon in Leo sextile the Sun bringing much harmony and balance and a nice respite after the storm of the T-Square these past 3 days.

Friday is a good day to work on healing any damaged relationships from earlier in the week’s storm as Venus trines Chiron and a true concern for others is felt by most. This can also be helpful in creating healing environments/surroundings.

Mars quincunx Pluto on Saturday has many of our own actions tripping us up/slowing us down, as we can get easily over willful and throw everything off around us, and be looking for someone/something to blame when we need to realize and acknowledge we are the source. This is a day to stay away from dangerous/violent people/places, as they can be easily triggered/unable to control themselves. The best way to approach this energy is to accept that certain aspects of yourself must change and that that is a long road that must be approached relentlessly.

Chiron stations retrograde on Sunday: in the upcoming months healing should be focused on yourself and especially from within – contemplate on the sources of your pain and wounds in order to get a deeper understanding of them and the best measures to help heal them. There is also a First Quarter square of the Moon in Virgo to the Sun in Gemini: the emotional side of us wants the details of the plan spelled out, challenging the self which is content with breadth over depth – the challenge is to glean out what’s really important in the mountain of input we get each day and to synthesize it into something useful/practical.

Next week is Summer Solstice and the Sun’s annual conjunction to Jupiter, plus Full Moon in Capricorn.

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