Monday, June 17, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-17-13

This week gets an energetic jolt to start off as Mars is sextile Uranus on Monday – this will give us the energy/drive/ambition to get ahead in some way – an excited type of optimism. This energy favors doing something different/new, as it is flexible and adventurous in nature, so it’s an excellent day to take the opportunity to initiate changes in your life. We definitely can have a rebellious/devil-may-care attitude today that wants to approach life differently. New people/places/things fascinate us. This edginess will be fed by the Moon’s weekly stressful aspects to the Uranus/Pluto square today, as Moon in Libra squares Pluto and opposes Uranus – there is revolution in the air and conflicts/rebellions (like the one in Turkey) may reach some breaking point with heavy handed tactics by those in power versus rebellious decisions by those opposing the current power base. Later, Mercury sesiquadrate Neptune can get thoughts and communications quite foggy/stuck/lost/misunderstood, or the mind may just be worn out from such an active day and be ready for the welcome release of sleep/dreamland.

Tuesday is a pretty quiet day – there is lunar squares to Venus/Mercury in early morning, but they shouldn’t be too troublesome, and the Moon’s trine to the Sun and Jupiter in the evening triggers their pending conjunction tomorrow and should bring much harmony, cheerfulness, and optimism Tuesday night.

The Sun’s annual conjunction to Jupiter is the big event (pun intended – they are the 2 biggest objects in our solar system after all!) of Wednesday. This conjunction occurs at 28* of Gemini in the critical degree zone: have we learned when enough mental stimulation is too much to handle/process yet? This past year of Jupiter in Gemini has been one of having so much mental stimulation thrown at us that it’s hard to remember what you were thinking/processing just 15 seconds ago before and this day may hit another apex of that energy. Most of us will be instilled with feelings of optimism on this day – things will be looking up somehow. This is a time of expansion in our worlds and it’s likely to come through others via information and communications.  This is a good day to try something new. This can also have people feeling generous/kind/compassionate. We may dream big today, but we may take on more than is possible to actually achieve. Venus sesiquadrate Neptune can feed us getting overly idealistic, especially in the way we see others, and thus open to self-deception. Weaker relationships fade under this energy. Mars square Chiron may throw us some blockages today, especially physically – we must learn to adapt to changing circumstances is the lesson here or we could hurt ourselves.

Thursday Mercury catches up to Venus at about 22* Cancer – this is an equal blending of the mind and emotions usually, but in Cancer the emotions may dictate what the mind is thinking and the tongue is saying. We may have some beautifully pleasing aesthetic moment or be strongly attracted to artistic expressions today. This is an excellent transit to verbalize your feelings of love toward others under. Also can be good for biz deals/financial deals. Summer Solstice occurs at 10:04 PM PST Thursday night as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the Sun enters Cancer, a time of focus on home, hearth, and family. The Sun in Cancer brings the gift of caring for others. People can get a bit sensitive and sentimental during this time of the year.

Friday is pretty quiet and a Moon/Neptune square in morning may make it hard to get ging this day.

Saturday is also quiet with a conjunction of Venus to Vesta bringing feminine issues to the forefront somehow. For lovers, this can be some beautiful expressions of sexuality. Others may be bit with artistic inspiration or devotional spirituality bugs.

Sunday is a Full Moon at 2* Capricorn: on the Cancer/Capricorn axis this Full Moon is all about looking at the way we try to control or restrict our emotions versus the need to have a deep nurturing connection to those we love the most. The danger of this axis is manipulation – trying to control others through emotional manipulation/dominance. Cancer and Capricorn can be too conditional with their requirements in order to get love – they may try to control others around them and possibly even live their lives through others, thus deepening their need to control them. They must learn to release their loved ones and trust them to make the best decisions for themselves. There may be a fear of loneliness inside that we must come to terms within ourselves. We must learn to release some of our authority over others. There are deep seated fears of rejection associated with both of these signs – keeping in control is one way people try to fight off their sense of powerlessness over others and their fear of being rejected by others. People will act responsibly, maturely or they may totally breakdown into an emotional mess that’s self-defeating. Ultimately, we must learn we are responsible for our own needs and life. This can also pit the patriarchal system versus feminine energy in the world. The denial of our feelings collectively on what we sense is wrong with our world, yet just keeps getting swept under the rug or run back to the same old authorities to resolve, must change. The Sun’s conjunction to Jupiter may help us find a broader view that welcomes in new perspectives. This Full Moon asks us to question authority and current traditions and to reclaim our individual power from them – to become the authority of our own life, and to love others and set them free and trust that they know what is best for them. Look to the houses this Full Moon falls into in your chart to see what areas of life it will affect you the most in. Any planets or points in your chart it makes tight aspects to will also influence its energy for you individually.

Next week there are 2 big shifts as Jupiter enters Cancer for the next year and Mercury goes retrograde.

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