Monday, June 3, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-3-13

Saturn and Neptune have been in a trine since last September when Saturn first entered Scorpio. This trine will be getting an exact hit later this month on June 12th, so it is very tight at this time period. This aspect is working on the Collective level to help us learn from our mistakes and the resulting confusion and uncertainty that have been the result of our choices – much of this has to do with an oil based economy/energy/civilization (Neptune). The trine helps us to see how we got to where we are and to start realizing that spirituality and higher consciousness must be given greater value in order to resolve the problems of today. People are able to subordinate much of their own ego under this energy and work for more altruistic goals willingly. People gain energy and relief through service to others/each other/the Collective. Ideals and reality are able to merge easier now, yet there is a grounded approach that does not allow us to get too high and excited, but more reflective/contemplative. We may also become aware of resources that have been hidden from us prior to now. The reason I mention this trine is that with the inner planets all heading for Cancer now/soon, multiple Grand Water Trines will be forming, making the Saturn/Neptune trine energy peak/become quite palpable – we may be able to make some serious progress now on social issues – note the planets in Cancer will also be locking into the Uranus/Pluto square also: it’s as if the Grand Trines will be brought in as salve to the wounds of Uranus/Pluto. The first Grand Water Trine will be formed by Mercury on Monday this week urging us to use emotions and empathy when communicating with one and other about our ideals and how to make them part of our reality. Non-verbal communications, especially psychic type, should be flowing today, and this is also good for being in a contemplative/meditative state of mind. The mind is able to stay grounded in assessing reality versus idealism, yet sensitive to the energy involved. Much progress can be made in both our inner world and with our connections to others today. People are good listeners and want to understand each other, and relate to/understand each other’s feelings. The Sun is also square Chiron today, showing we can use the Grand Trine to help adjust our self-image and our image to the world by facing our pain and fears and gaining self-understanding from them, and thus take on the challenge of changing our life.

Tuesday is a mellow day with three positive lunar transits (sextiles to Venus, Neptune, and Mercury) to enjoy and take some of the edge off a Moon/Saturn opposition which may have us making some serious decision, having to contend with some authority, or feel restricted by our duties to others.

Wednesday is even quieter as there’s only an early Moon/Pluto trine, however the Moon is void-of-course rest of day, so not a good day for new projects.

Thursday is even quieter with no aspects at all.

Friday however is an incredibly complex day astrologically: Neptune stations retrograde and at same time is trined by Venus (the 2nd Grand Trine perfects as Venus trines Saturn exactly too) and is squared by Mars, which also quincunxs Saturn and conjuncts Pallas Athene, while Mercury locks into Uranus/Pluto square by opposing Pluto exactly and squaring Uranus exactly on Saturday– sheesh! Neptune turning retrograde is a subtle shift that lasts until November 14th – it’s a time where we can become more internalized/reflective/contemplative about our spiritual path, idealism, and imagination. Venus perfecting the second water Grand Trine of the week with Saturn/Neptune will bring stability and unconditional love into our relationships with others – love is felt on deep emotional levels and we can have great empathy for others. An otherwise sweet day however is thrown off by the other two inner planets. Mars square Neptune can diffuse physical energy greatly and Mars quincunx Saturn shows our attempts at trying to move forward may not work out or will require great adjustments to our actions.  This is a day where something or someone may discourage you and remind you how difficult /futile life can be. You may be forced to re-assess goals. If you are able, don’t overexert yourself today – stick to softer, slower movement. Mars/Saturn can make you indecisive, as you’re not sure how to move forward. The Grand Trine and Neptune with Mars will likely keep this energy from turning into anger/rage, which is actually beneficial, especially when you add Mercury opposite Pluto to this mix. On the Cancer/Capricorn axis, this opposition can have us get into some emotional outburst with someone close to us. Deep emotions may be stirred up and the need to say something is irresistible – power struggles and emotional manipulation through communications may ensue into a battle of wills or intense conflicts. This is also a sign of manipulation by government and big business through propaganda, so much of what we hear from the press via official announcements may be meant to deceive/hide the truth. On personal levels, this can get us very narrow-minded/obsessed with an ideology/idea to the detriment of letting anything else in.

Mercury square Uranus can overstimulate the mind with information overload especially on Saturday, and have us nervous/frenzied/scattered. Things most likely will not work out as planned, so keep a flexible attitude about changing circumstances. This day will likely fly by perception wise. You may have many ideas and stimuli quickly pass through your mind. Watch for being accident prone and speaking before thinking/off-the-cuff. There is also a New Moon at 18* Gemini on Saturday morning. It is a time of collecting/gathering information – the search for the elusive “Other” that actually ultimately resides within and is reflected in the external world especially through others/relationships. A realization that all discriminatory knowledge has its light and shadow sides, and the side we choose to focus upon is our own choice. It is also a time for broadcasting what we’ve learned along the way, or some important message we want the world to hear. Our minds will be quite curious and want to know “why?”. People can be quite chatty and superficial in conversational content under this influence – they will want to hash out what’s on their mind with others for emotional contentedness. This is a time of networking and connecting with others to share new knowledge. Look to the house 18* Gemini is in in your natal chart to see what area of life this New Moon will affect you the most. Any tight aspects (0-2*) it makes to planets or points in your chart will also influence its energy on you personally.

Sunday is Water Grand Trine number three of the week as the Moon in Cancer trines Saturn/Neptune to continue the potency of this energy throughout the week. Sun trine Juno shows partners are in great harmony today too.

Next week Venus moves into a T-Square with Uranus/Pluto – relationships will be tested.

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