Monday, June 24, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-24-13

Wow, what an explosive week of events last week that mirrored the astrology of these times. Astrologers must do their best to maintain objectivity, whether with individual clients or when reading the tides of history, both difficult tasks to achieve as our own inclinations/viewpoints/experiences/beliefs/values/etc color our way of seeing/interpreting the world, which as the new physics has shown us can influence the way events unfold! Yet somehow on some deeper, perhaps spiritual level, it all make sense/seeks balance. Yes, clients may come to you that are experiencing similar issues to ones you’ve had – but is that not perhaps the way the Universe works: bringing together “likes”, so they can learn from one and other? Politically, astrologers can’t help but have their own leanings also, so a week like this past one can really test objectivity. I personally believe that the events that occur are reflecting the general collective consciousness, and thus have messages for us to help us evolutionize. Since current political systems seem incapable of doing that, I definitely lean to the left politically, and I can’t help but see most of these current issues telling us we need to change how we live in order to stop from devolving into total chaos and perhaps even self-annihilation as a species. This week had the latest examples.

Last week, we had a Sun/Jupiter conjunction, normally a harbinger of optimism/good news/financial gains, yet world markets including the Dow crashed heavily. Why? Because Jupiter is in weak position in Gemini: things may look good on the surface but there is little substance beneath; conveniently overlooking the details because they are annoying; neglecting those feelings inside that what you’re being told can’t be substantiated; insensitive emotionally towards others who are not benefitting from current ideas; and being too detached/objective/superficial/gossipy. The gains of the past months in the markets fit the descriptions above: that’s why they crashed finally!

Meanwhile, Mars sextile to Uranus and quincunx to Pluto triggered the Uranus/Pluto square with the help of a Full Moon (conjunct Pluto) in Capricorn – the US and other countries were revealed to have massive internal spying databases built on all the e mails and telephone calls made by all its citizens and that it was actively spying on other countries as well, which did not help in getting international help in trying to arrest the leaker. Meanwhile, Brazil was the latest country to explode in open rebellion against their current system and how it cheats the masses and benefits the few – the timing of this event during an international soccer tournament kept it in the international media spotlight and with both the World Cup and Summer Olympics due up in Brazil over the next few years, it will likely continue to do so.

Also, the Mercury/Venus conjunction in Cancer brought together a divorced family to negotiations for the first time in a long time as the two Koreas agreed to enter talks, and Mars/Chiron/Neptune set off hurricane season in the gulf.

During the Full Moon, the oil capital of Canada, Calgary, gets major flooding – flooding that keeps getting worse worldwide because of the use of oil and its effect on the climate and thus weather: here the flooding is in the very province that the infamous Keystone Pipeline will be shipping oil from as they degrade thousands of square miles of natural wetlands that absorb flood waters naturally for its oil – oil that is enough in volume to put the world’s atmosphere beyond the point of major increases in temperature that climatologists warn will lead to catastrophic weather related results just like this flood – think nature is exposing the issue under the Full Moon and asking old power structures to change or be changed?

A quick look at the Summer Solstice chart set for Washington, DC can show the themes of issues coming up for the USA in next 3 months. This chart has a 27* Pisces Ascendant making Jupiter, still in detriment in Gemini, the ruler of the chart – all those things I said about Jupiter in Gemini above will be key energy in the USA for next quarter. The Sun/Jupiter conjunction falls in the 4th house of real estate, the homeland and communities, the roots of a society, nationalism, and the masses. These are the areas where this Jupiter in Gemini will be felt the most: any gains/optimism here may be shallow/superficial/overlooking details/etc. The Moon in Scorpio (fall) in the 8th house also quincunxs Jupiter showing the masses must adjust values/philosophies in matters of international finance and corporate power or that it could lead to death like policies that choke our nation. The Uranus/Pluto square is angular in this chart and thus very active: Uranus rising in the 1st house shows sudden shocking events could happen to the nation as a whole both physically and psychologically, and Pluto in the 10th shows a power grab or struggle for the President and actual threats to his well-being. The Neptune/Chiron conjunction is also rising but in the 12th house, which shows some heavy losses or feelings of helplessness may occur. The Nodal Axis falls in the 2nd/8th houses suggesting continued karmic lessons about resources will continue. Saturn retrograde in the 7th house indicates restrictions and loss of power in the faces of allies.

Looking at the week ahead, we see a couple more major shifts.

Monday is relatively quiet as the Moon in Capricorn opposes Mercury/Venus likely making it a very interactive with others day: lots of communications, socializing, deals, etc.

Tuesday is the first major shift as Jupiter ingresses into Cancer, the sign it is exalted in. It will go from a place of weakness to a place of strength over the next year. This is a sign of great hope for it brings a genuine caring attitude towards others: the realization that you’re security is predicated on others around you feeling secure too, so a willingness to work at things that benefit/take care of all. This will fuel the “go local” movement for sure. It’s also interesting to note that it is kicking in while “Obamacare” goes full on in its effects and many people who were not being cared for will start to be. Investments in health care industries and the care of the elderly industries will likely be beneficial. This may also have people assess the roots of where they come from and try to re-align themselves more to them and their original intent. Perhaps even the judicial system will step in for the people and the Constitution’s original intent. This is definitely a sign of hope in these trying times and seems to say that caring for each other is where we will get the most benefit this next year.

Wednesday has the other big shift of the week as Mercury in Cancer goes retrograde until July 20th.Here we may have our emotions/feelings leaving us tongue-tied in an inability to truly express how we feel verbally to others…or if we do leaving them confused or even hurt…which could lead to silent battles and power struggles (like a couple who only communicates to one and other over practical necessities via post it notes!). This is a good time to go within and truly assess what we need to sustain ourselves emotionally. This can also cycle up old habitual ways of thinking that is learned ancestral behavior and has no real use anymore and is holding you back from being your genuine self. It can easy to get mentally obsessed because of inability to control your emotions – be careful if you find yourself on that road, as it can be quite self-destructive to your relationships with others ultimately.

There is also a Grand Trine in Water as the Sun in Cancer locks into and triggers the Saturn/Neptune trine that blogged about a few weeks back: “Saturn and Neptune have been in a trine since last September when Saturn first entered Scorpio. This trine will be getting an exact hit later this month on June 12th, so it is very tight at this time period. This aspect is working on the Collective level to help us learn from our mistakes and the resulting confusion and uncertainty that have been the result of our choices – much of this has to do with an oil based economy/energy/civilization (Neptune). The trine helps us to see how we got to where we are and to start realizing that spirituality and higher consciousness must be given greater value in order to resolve the problems of today. People are able to subordinate much of their own ego under this energy and work for more altruistic goals willingly. People gain energy and relief through service to others/each other/the Collective. Ideals and reality are able to merge easier now, yet there is a grounded approach that does not allow us to get too high and excited, but more reflective/contemplative. We may also become aware of resources that have been hidden from us prior to now.” This makes it a great day to work with this energy and to get the help of others while doing so.

There’s a bunch of positive lunar transits on Thursday and Venus ingresses into Leo making this a positive, possibly exuberant day. Venus in Leo (through July 23rd) can have us acting as quite the exhibitionist in our desire to get attention/love from another/others. Many times however our attraction to others is only based on physical attributes under this energy. In general, we are warm toward others and we will be quite loyal to our friends now too.

Energy may get a bit bumpy/awkward/challenging on Friday as the Moon squares Mars as Mars sesiquadrates Saturn: we may feel blocked/restricted in our actions by some authority/law/situation today that has us feeling quite irritated/angered/frustrated. Arguments/fights with others are possible. Best to work alone on some hard physical product, but even these efforts may be thwarted in some ways.

Saturday’s main event is a 3rd Quarter Square of the Moon in Aries to the Sun in Cancer: emotionally we are charged up and ready to take on the world/take some risk/have an adventure, but the self would rather rest at home in its shell feeling safe and secure with what it’s got – the challenge is how to meet the needs of both.

The weekly Moon/Uranus/Pluto hard aspects are missed overnight as they perfect early Sunday morning while most will be asleep. Do be careful of dangerous people and places if you are out to the wee hours Saturday night. Otherwise Venus conjuncts Ceres on Sunday making it a day of giving and receiving nurturing in some forms. This is a good day to create nurturing environments also. Creativity and sexuality will be fertile too.

Next week will be a challenge as the Sun gets in a T-Square with Pluto/Uranus. The world will no doubt have some more shocks to deal with.

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